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synced 2024-12-01 09:26:37 +00:00
Created jQuery plugin MultiSuggest which builds a categorized dropdown under specified input box. Revised inspector to no longer be an iframe but to contain an Iframe. This reduces xbrowser issues with positioning and toggling inspector container. Added Inspector overlay element for positioning arbitrary elements over the iFrame. This prevents growing the iframe to arbitrary lenghts. Change-Id: I8efbbd091b0b24a19a4b73aa122d21a329cf97e4
315 lines
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315 lines
7.7 KiB
* jQuery multiSuggeset Plugin v.01
* Copyright 2012, Rob Moen
* http://sane.ly
* This document is licensed as free software under the terms of the
* MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Example:
// Input element.
var $input = $( '#exampleInput' );
// Multi Suggest configuration.
var options = {
'parent': $input.parent(),
'prefix': 'example-multi',
// Build suggestion groups in order.
'suggestions': function( params ) {
// Generic params object.
var example = params.example,
example2 = params.example2,
query = params.query;
groups = {
// Set 1
query: {
label: 'Query',
items: [query],
itemClass: 'query-class'
// Set 2
exampleGroup: {
label: 'Example 1',
items: example,
itemClass: 'example-class'
// Set 3
exampleGroup2: {
label: 'Example 2',
items: example2,
itemClass: 'example-class'
// Return the groups object.
return groups;
// Called on succesfull input.
'input': function( callback ) {
var query = $input.val();
// Example params object.
var params = {
query: query,
example: ['example item 1', 'example item 2', 'example item 3', 'example item 4'],
example2: ['example item 5', 'example item 6']
// Build with params.
callback( params );
// Setup
$input.multiSuggest( options );
( function ( $ ) {
$.fn.multiSuggest = function ( options ) {
return this.each( function() {
// Private members.
var inputTimer = null,
visible = false,
focused = false,
$input = $( this ),
cachedInput = '',
// Merge options with default configuration.
$.extend( {
doc: document,
prefix: 'multi'
}, options );
// DOM Setup.
$multiSuggest =
$( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-select' )
.appendTo( options.parent );
/* Methods */
// Hides & Show MultiSuggest.
function toggle() {
if ( visible ) {
} else {
// Call configured input method and supply the private build method as callback.
function onInput() {
if ( typeof options.input === 'function' ) {
options.input.call( $input, function( params, callback ){
build( params );
} );
// Opens the MultiSuggest dropdown.
function open() {
if ( !visible ) {
// Call input method if cached value is stale
if (
$input.val() !== '' &&
$input.val() !== cachedInput
) {
cachedInput = $input.val();
} else {
// Show if there are suggestions.
if ( $multiSuggest.children().length > 0 ) {
visible = true;
// Binds a keydown event to override default behavior for enter key.
// Binds on open, unbinds on close.
function bindKeyDown() {
$input.on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
var $item;
// Enter key.
if ( e.which === 13 ) {
$item = $multiSuggest
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item.selected' );
if ( $item.length > 0 ) {
select.call( this, $item.text() );
} else {
} );
// Closes the dropdown.
function close() {
if ( visible ) {
setTimeout( function() {
visible = false;
$input.unbind( 'keydown' );
}, 100 );
// When an item is selected in the dropdown.
function select( text ) {
// Cache input.
cachedInput = text;
$input.val( text );
// When an item is "clicked".
// Use of mousedown to prevent blur.
function onItemMousedown ( e ) {
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item' )
.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( this ).addClass( 'selected' );
select.call( this, $( this ).text() );
// Adds a group to the dropdown.
function addGroup( name, group ) {
var $groupWrap,
// Add a container with a label for this group.
$group = $( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-container' )
$( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-label' )
.text( group.label )
$( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-wrap' )
// Add group
.append( $group )
// Add a clear break.
$( '<div>', options.doc ).css( 'clear', 'both' )
// Find the group wrapper element.
$groupWrap = $group.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-wrap' );
// If no items, add a dummy element to take up space.
if ( group.items.length === 0 ) {
$( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-dummy-item' )
.text( ' ' )
// Add each item.
for( i = 0; i < group.items.length; i++ ) {
$item = $( '<div>', options.doc )
.prop( 'class', options.prefix + '-suggest-item ' + group.itemClass )
.text( group.items[i] )
.on( 'mousedown', onItemMousedown )
.appendTo( $groupWrap );
// Select this item by default
if ( group.items[i] === $input.val() ) {
$item.addClass( 'selected' );
// Build the dropdown.
// Fired as callback in configured input event.
function build( params ) {
var suggestions = options.suggestions( params ),
// Setup groups
if ( suggestions !== undefined ) {
for ( group in suggestions ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( suggestions[group] ) ) {
addGroup( group, suggestions[group] );
// Open dropdown.
// Bind target input events
$input.on( {
// Handle any change to the input.
'keyup change cut paste': function( e ) {
var input = this;
// Throttle input.
clearTimeout( inputTimer );
inputTimer = setTimeout( function() {
if ( $input.val() !== '' ) {
// Check for difference.
if ( $input.val() !== cachedInput ) {
} else if ( $input.val() === '' ) {
// No Text, close.
if ( visible ) {
// Cache
cachedInput = $input.val();
}, 250 );
// Handle arrow up and down keys.
'keyup': function( e ) {
var $item,
$items = $multiSuggest
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item' ),
selected = 0;
// Find the selected index.
$.each( $items, function( i, e ){
if( $( this ).hasClass( 'selected' ) ) {
selected = i;
// Down arrow
if ( e.which === 40 ) {
// If not visible, open and do nothing.
if ( !visible ) {
selected = ( selected + 1 ) % $items.length;
$items.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( $items[selected] ).addClass( 'selected' );
// Up Arrow
} else if ( e.which === 38 ) {
// If not visible, open and do nothing.
if ( !visible ) {
selected = ( selected + $items.length - 1 ) % $items.length;
$items.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( $items[selected] ).addClass( 'selected' );
'focus': function(){
focused = true;
'blur': function(){
focused = false;
'mousedown': function(){
if ( focused ) {
} );
return this;
} );
}( jQuery ) );