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* Creates an es.TransactionProcessor object.
* @class
* @constructor
es.TransactionProcessor = function( model, transaction ) {
this.model = model;
this.transaction = transaction;
this.cursor = 0;
this.set = [];
this.clear = [];
/* Static Members */
es.TransactionProcessor.operationMap = {
// Retain
'retain': {
'commit': function( op ) {
this.retain( op );
'rollback': function( op ) {
this.retain( op );
// Insert
'insert': {
'commit': function( op ) {
this.insert( op );
'rollback': function( op ) {
this.remove( op );
// Remove
'remove': {
'commit': function( op ) {
this.remove( op );
'rollback': function( op ) {
this.insert( op );
// Change element attributes
'attribute': {
'commit': function( op ) {
this.attribute( op, false );
'rollback': function( op ) {
this.attribute( op, true );
// Change content annotations
'annotate': {
'commit': function( op ) {
this.mark( op, false );
'rollback': function( op ) {
this.mark( op, true );
/* Static Methods */
es.TransactionProcessor.commit = function( doc, transaction ) {
var tp = new es.TransactionProcessor( doc, transaction );
tp.process( 'commit' );
es.TransactionProcessor.rollback = function( doc, transaction ) {
var tp = new es.TransactionProcessor( doc, transaction );
tp.process( 'rollback' );
/* Methods */
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.process = function( method ) {
var operations = this.transaction.getOperations();
for ( var i = 0, length = operations.length; i < length; i++ ) {
var operation = operations[i];
if ( operation.type in es.TransactionProcessor.operationMap ) {
es.TransactionProcessor.operationMap[operation.type][method].call( this, operation );
} else {
throw 'Invalid operation error. Operation type is not supported: ' + operation.type;
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.rebuildNodes = function( newData, oldNodes ) {
var parent,
if ( oldNodes[0] === oldNodes[0].getRoot() ) {
parent = oldNodes[0];
parent.splice( 0, parent.getChildren().length );
index = 0;
} else {
parent = oldNodes[0].getParent();
index = parent.indexOf( oldNodes[0] );
// Remove the node we are about to insert into from the model tree
parent.splice( index, oldNodes.length );
// Regenerate nodes for the data we've affected
var newNodes = es.DocumentModel.createNodesFromData( newData );
// Insert new elements into the tree where the old ones used to be
parent.splice.apply( parent, [index, 0].concat( newNodes ) );
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.getScope = function( node, data ) {
var i,
level = 0,
maxDepth = 0;
for ( i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( typeof data[i].type === 'string' ) {
level += data[i].type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ? -1 : 1;
maxDepth = Math.max( maxDepth, -level );
if ( maxDepth > 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++ ) {
node = node.getParent();
return node;
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.applyAnnotations = function( to ) {
var i,
// Handle annotations
if ( this.set.length ) {
for ( i = 0, length = this.set.length; i < length; i++ ) {
annotation = this.set[i];
// Auto-build annotation hash
if ( annotation.hash === undefined ) {
annotation.hash = es.DocumentModel.getAnnotationHash( annotation );
for ( j = this.cursor; j < to; j++ ) {
// Auto-convert to array
if ( es.isArray( this.model.data[j] ) ) {
this.model.data[j].push( annotation );
} else {
this.model.data[j] = [this.model.data[j], annotation];
if ( this.clear.length ) {
for ( i = 0, length = this.clear.length; i < length; i++ ) {
annotation = this.clear[i];
// Auto-build annotation hash
if ( annotation.hash === undefined ) {
annotation.hash = es.DocumentModel.getAnnotationHash( annotation );
for ( j = this.cursor; j < to; j++ ) {
var index = es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation( this.model.data[j], annotation );
if ( index !== -1 ) {
this.model.data[j].splice( index, 1 );
// Auto-convert to string
if ( this.model.data[j].length === 1 ) {
this.model.data[j] = this.model.data[j][0];
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.retain = function( op ) {
this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + op.length );
this.cursor += op.length;
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.insert = function( op ) {
if ( es.DocumentModel.isStructuralOffset( this.model.data, this.cursor ) ) {
// TODO: Support tree updates when inserting between elements
} else {
// Get the node we are about to insert into at the lowest depth possible
var node = this.getScope( this.model.getNodeFromOffset( this.cursor ), op.data );
if ( !node ) {
throw 'Missing node error. Scope could not be resolved';
// Figure out how deep the data goes
var offset = this.model.getOffsetFromNode( node );
if ( es.DocumentModel.containsElementData( op.data ) ) {
// Perform insert on linear data model
es.insertIntoArray( this.model.data, this.cursor, op.data );
this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + op.data.length );
// Synchronize model tree
if ( offset === -1 ) {
throw 'Invalid offset error. Node is not in model tree';
this.model.data.slice( offset, offset + node.getElementLength() + op.data.length ),
} else {
// Perform insert on linear data model
// TODO this is duplicated from above
es.insertIntoArray( this.model.data, this.cursor, op.data );
this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + op.data.length );
// Update model tree
node.adjustContentLength( op.data.length, true );
node.emit( 'update', this.cursor - offset );
this.cursor += op.data.length;
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.remove = function( op ) {
if ( es.DocumentModel.containsElementData( op.data ) ) {
// Figure out which nodes are covered by the removal
var ranges = this.model.selectNodes( new es.Range( this.cursor, this.cursor + op.data.length ) );
var oldNodes = [], newData = [], firstKeptNode = true, lastElement;
for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
oldNodes.push( ranges[i].node );
if ( ranges[i].globalRange !== undefined ) {
// We have to keep part of this node
if ( firstKeptNode ) {
// This is the first node we're keeping
// Keep its opening as well
newData.push( ranges[i].node.getElement() );
firstKeptNode = false;
// Compute the start and end offset of this node
// We could do that with getOffsetFromNode() but
// we already have all the numbers we need so why would we
var startOffset = ranges[i].globalRange.start - ranges[i].range.start,
endOffset = startOffset + ranges[i].node.getContentLength(),
// Get this node's data
nodeData = this.model.data.slice( startOffset, endOffset );
// Remove data covered by the range from nodeData
nodeData.splice( ranges[i].range.start, ranges[i].range.end - ranges[i].range.start );
// What remains in nodeData is the data we need to keep
// Append it to newData
newData = newData.concat( nodeData );
lastElement = ranges[i].node.getElementType();
if ( lastElement !== undefined ) {
// Keep the closing of the last element that was partially kept
newData.push( { 'type': '/' + lastElement } );
// Update the linear model
this.model.data.splice( this.cursor, op.data.length );
// Perform the rebuild. This updates the model tree
this.rebuildNodes( newData, oldNodes );
} else {
// We're removing content only. Take a shortcut
// Get the node we are removing content from
var node = this.model.getNodeFromOffset( this.cursor );
// Update model tree
node.adjustContentLength( -op.data.length, true );
// Update the linear model
this.model.data.splice( this.cursor, op.data.length );
// Emit an update so things sync up
node.emit( 'update', this.cursor );
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.attribute = function( op, invert ) {
var element = this.model.data[this.cursor];
if ( element.type === undefined ) {
throw 'Invalid element error. Can not set attributes on non-element data.';
if ( ( op.method === 'set' && !invert ) || ( op.method === 'clear' && invert ) ) {
// Automatically initialize attributes object
if ( !element.attributes ) {
element.attributes = {};
element.attributes[op.key] = op.value;
} else if ( ( op.method === 'clear' && !invert ) || ( op.method === 'set' && invert ) ) {
if ( element.attributes ) {
delete element.attributes[op.key];
// Automatically clean up attributes object
var empty = true;
for ( var key in element.attributes ) {
empty = false;
if ( empty ) {
delete element.attributes;
} else {
throw 'Invalid method error. Can not operate attributes this way: ' + method;
es.TransactionProcessor.prototype.mark = function( op, invert ) {
var target;
if ( ( op.method === 'set' && !invert ) || ( op.method === 'clear' && invert ) ) {
target = this.set;
} else if ( ( op.method === 'clear' && !invert ) || ( op.method === 'set' && invert ) ) {
target = this.clear;
} else {
throw 'Invalid method error. Can not operate attributes this way: ' + method;
if ( op.bias === 'start' ) {
target.push( op.annotation );
} else if ( op.bias === 'stop' ) {
var index = es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation( target, op.annotation );
if ( index === -1 ) {
throw 'Annotation stack error. Annotation is missing.';
target.splice( index, 1 );