
207 lines
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* Creates an es.SurfaceModel object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {es.EventEmitter}
* @param {es.DocumentModel} doc Document model to create surface for
es.SurfaceModel = function( doc ) {
// Inheritance this );
// Properties
this.doc = doc;
this.selection = null;
this.history = [];
this.historyIndex = 0;
this.currentLengthDifference = 0;
// TODO magic number move to configuration
// Configuration
this.lengthDifferenceLimit = 24;
// DEBUG don't commit
var _this = this;
this.addListener( 'transact', function() { console.log( _this.history ); } );
/* Methods */
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.purgeHistory = function() {
this.selection = null;
this.history = [];
this.historyIndex = 0;
this.currentLengthDifference = 0;
* Gets the document model of the surface.
* @method
* @returns {es.DocumentModel} Document model of the surface
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.getDocument = function() {
return this.doc;
* Gets the selection
* @method
* @returns {es.Range} Current selection
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.getSelection = function() {
return this.selection;
* Changes the selection.
* If changing the selection at a high frequency (such as while dragging) use the combine argument
* to avoid them being split up into multiple history items
* @method
* @param {es.Range} selection
* @param {Boolean} isManual Whether this selection was the result of a user action, and thus should be recorded in history...?
*/ = function( selection, isManual ) {
if (
( ! this.selection ) || ( ! this.selection.equals( selection ) )
) {
// check if the last thing is a selection, if so, swap it.
this.selection = selection;
if ( isManual ) {
this.historyPush( selection );
this.emit( 'select', this.selection.clone() );
* Adds a selection (which is really just a marker for when we stop undo/redo) to the history.
* For the history, selections are just markers, so we don't want to record many of them in a row.
* @method
* @param {es.Range|es.Transaction} historyItem
* TODO docs
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.historyPush = function ( historyItem ) {
// truncate anything past our current history position
this.history.splice( this.historyIndex );
// push the next item. Could be combined with above splice given sufficient cleverness
this.history.push( historyItem );
// get ready to insert at the end
this.historyIndex = this.history.length;
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.pushSelection = function( selection ) {
if ( this.history[ this.history.length - 1 ] instanceof es.Range ) {
this.history[ this.history.length - 1 ] = selection;
} else {
this.history.push( selection );
* Applies a series of transactions to the content data.
* If committing multiple transactions which are the result of a single user action and need to be
* part of a single history item, use the isPartial argument for all but the last one to avoid them being
* split up into multple history items.
* @method
* @param {es.TransactionModel} transactions Tranasction to apply to the document
* @param {boolean} isPartial whether this transaction is part of a larger logical grouping of transactions
* (such as when replacing - delete, then insert)
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.transact = function( transaction, isPartial ) {
// console.log( 'tx:' + $.map( transaction.getOperations(), function(tx) { return tx.type; } ).join(",")
// + ' isPartial:' + isPartial );
this.doc.commit( transaction );
// if we have changed the kind of operation (delete -> insert or insert -> delete or annotations )
// then push a new selection onto the history, to mark where the undo/redo should end.
var d = transaction.getLengthDifference();
if (
!isPartial &&
( d === 0 ) ||
( this.currentLengthDifference < 0 && d > 0 ) ||
( this.currentLengthDifference > 0 && d < 0 ) ||
( Math.abs( this.currentLengthDifference ) > this.lengthDifferenceLimit )
) {
this.currentLengthDifference = 0;
this.historyPush( this.selection );
this.currentLengthDifference += d;
this.historyPush( transaction );
this.emit( 'transact', transaction );
* Reverses one or more history items.
* @method
* @param {Integer} n Number of history items to roll back
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.undo = function( n ) {
console.log( this.history );
console.log( 'about to undo...' );
console.log( "historyIndex: " + this.historyIndex );
lengthDifference = 0;
var finalSelection = null;
while ( n ) {
if ( this.history.length ) {
for (var i = this.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
this.historyIndex = i;
if ( this.history[i] instanceof es.Range ) {
finalSelection = this.history[i];
} else {
this.doc.rollback( this.history[i] );
this.emit( 'undo', this.currentState );
console.log( 'after undo...' );
console.log( "historyIndex: " + this.historyIndex ); finalSelection );
* Repeats one or more selections and transactions.
* @method
* @param {Integer} steps Number of steps to repeat
es.SurfaceModel.prototype.redo = function( steps ) {
// TODO: Implement me!
this.emit( 'redo'/*, transaction/selection*/ );
/* Inheritance */
es.extendClass( es.SurfaceModel, es.EventEmitter );