Trevor Parscal a52d7ff65a Finally getting rid of all the es-* stuff and other cruft
* Switched a lot of classes from es-* to ve-ui-*
* Removed all the DOM structure left over from the old sandbox demo
* Got rid of transparent backgrounds
* Added menu font-size rule to stand-alone target
* Moved some rules around that were in the wrong places
* Got rid of some unused/unneeded methods in the mw target (attach and detach surface methods)
* Added active class to context icon with shallower shadow effect so it doesn't break your spacial perception when you click on it
* Renamed the iframe and iframe wrapper elements so it's easier to see where they came from
* Removed unused CSS rules
* Fixed some uses of prop( 'class', … ) to addClass

Change-Id: I54a660ca0baf0baa4463faca7a1edcf648130b6b
2012-08-28 13:59:35 -07:00

226 lines
6.4 KiB

* VisualEditor user interface ListButtonTool class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.ListButtonTool object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.ui.ButtonTool}
* @param {ve.ui.Toolbar} toolbar
* @param {String} name
ve.ui.ListButtonTool = function ( toolbar, name, title, data ) {
// Inheritance this, toolbar, name, title );
// Properties = data;
this.nodes = [];
/* Methods */
ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.list = function ( nodes, style ) {
var surfaceModel = this.toolbar.getSurfaceView().getModel(),
documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection(),
groups = documentModel.getCoveredSiblingGroups( selection ),
tx, i;
for ( i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ ) {
group = groups[i];
if ( group.grandparent && group.grandparent.getType() === 'list' ) {
if ( group.grandparent !== previousList ) {
// Change the list style
documentModel, group.grandparent.getOffset(), 'style', style
// Skip this one next time
previousList = group.grandparent;
} else {
// Get a range that covers the whole group
groupRange = new ve.Range(
group.nodes[group.nodes.length - 1].getOuterRange().end
// Convert everything to paragraphs first
documentModel, groupRange, 'paragraph'
// Wrap everything in a list and each content branch in a listItem
tx =
[{ 'type': 'list', 'attributes': { 'style': style } }],
[{ 'type': 'listItem' }]
surfaceModel.change( tx, tx.translateRange( selection ) );
ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.unlist = function ( node ) {
* Recursively prepare to unwrap all lists in a given range.
* This function will find all lists covered wholly or partially by the given range, as well
* as all lists inside these lists, and return their inner ranges. This means that all sublists
* will be found even if range doesn't cover them.
* To actually unwrap the list, feed the returned ranges to,
* in order.
* @param {} documentModel
* @param {ve.Range} range
* @returns {ve.Range[]} Array of inner ranges of lists
function getUnlistRanges( documentModel, range ) {
var groups = documentModel.getCoveredSiblingGroups( range ),
// Collect ranges in an object for deduplication
unlistRanges = {},
i, j, k, group, previousList, list, listItem,
subList, endOffset = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ ) {
group = groups[i];
list = group.grandparent;
if ( list && list.getType() === 'list' && list !== previousList ) {
// Unwrap the parent list
range = list.getRange();
if ( range.end > endOffset ) {
unlistRanges[range.start + '-' + range.end] = range;
endOffset = range.end;
// Skip this list next time
previousList = list;
// Recursively unwrap any sublists of the list
for ( j = 0; j < list.children.length; j++ ) {
listItem = list.children[j];
if ( listItem.getType() === 'listItem' ) {
for ( k = 0; k < listItem.children.length; k++ ) {
subList = listItem.children[k];
if ( subList.getType() === 'list' ) {
// Recurse
unlistRanges = ve.extendObject( unlistRanges, getUnlistRanges(
documentModel, subList.getRange()
) );
return unlistRanges;
var surfaceModel = this.toolbar.getSurfaceView().getModel(),
documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection(),
unlistRangesObj = getUnlistRanges( documentModel, selection ),
unlistRangesArr = [],
i, j, tx;
for ( i in unlistRangesObj ) {
unlistRangesArr.push( unlistRangesObj[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < unlistRangesArr.length; i++ ) {
// Unwrap the range given by unlistRanges[i]
tx =
[ { 'type': 'list' } ],
[ { 'type': 'listItem' } ],
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
surfaceModel.change( tx );
// Translate all the remaining ranges for this transaction
// TODO ideally we'd have a way to merge all these transactions into one and execute that instead
for ( j = i + 1; j < unlistRangesArr.length; j++ ) {
unlistRangesArr[j] = tx.translateRange( unlistRangesArr[j] );
// Update the selection
surfaceModel.change( null, selection );
ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.onClick = function () {
if ( !this.$.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbarButtonTool-down' ) ) {
this.list( this.nodes, );
} else {
this.unlist( this.nodes );
ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.updateState = function ( annotations, nodes ) {
var surfaceView = this.toolbar.getSurfaceView(),
surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(),
doc = surfaceView.getDocument(),
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection(),
leaves = doc.selectNodes( selection, 'leaves' );
function areListItemsOfStyle( leaves, style ) {
var i, listNode;
for ( i = 0; i < leaves.length; i++ ) {
listNode = leaves[i].node;
// Get the list node
while ( listNode && listNode.getType() !== 'list' ) {
listNode = listNode.getParent();
if ( listNode === null ) {
return false;
if ( listNode.getModel().getAttribute('style') !== style ) {
return false;
return true;
if ( areListItemsOfStyle( leaves, ) ) {
this.$.addClass( 've-ui-toolbarButtonTool-down' );
} else {
this.$.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbarButtonTool-down' );
/* Registration */ = {
'constructor': ve.ui.ListButtonTool,
'name': 'number',
'title': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-listbutton-number-tooltip' )
}; = {
'constructor': ve.ui.ListButtonTool,
'name': 'bullet',
'title': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-listbutton-bullet-tooltip' )
/* Inheritance */
ve.extendClass( ve.ui.ListButtonTool, ve.ui.ButtonTool );