Subramanya Sastry 8174c9dafc First attempt implementing rewriting rules on the DOM
- This is implemented as a post-processing pass.
- Might require additional checks to verify rewriteability.
- Implemented as a pair-wise tag DOM minimization strategy,
  i.e. it takes tag pairs (B, I) for ex, and attempts to
  normalize the tree just for those tag pairs.  Normalizing
  across multiple tags is implemented as pairwise rewriting
  across all pairs:  Ex:(b,i), (b,u),(i,u) for (b,i,u)
- Copied over attributes as part of rewriting, but some of the
  attributes lose their meaning on rewriting since tags are
  reordered (ex: sourcePosn, sourceTagPosn). How do we handle this?

Output examples and possible issues to fix:
gets rewritten to:

But, the equivalent wikitext form:
does not get rewritten because of parsing differences.
This wikitext gets parsed into:
The extra ''' token in the middle thwarts DOM rewriting.

However, a slightly different version:
gets properly normalized to:

An alternative, but fun strategy to play with is to use the following
two normalization primitives: S(wap) and M(erge).
- S rewrites T1(T2(x)) into T2(T1(x))
  (ex: <b><i>foo</i></b> ==> <i><b>foo</b></i>)
- M rewrites (T(x),T(y)) into (T(x,y)).
  (ex: <b>foo</b><b>bar</b> ==> <b>foobar</b>)

The current rewriting strategy could possibly be re-implemented as S-M
rewriting.  The problem to solve there would be to find an efficient
rewriting strategy that is guaranteed to lead to a normal form.  I may
not play with it now, but just documenting it for later (to play with
in my spare time).

This commit is just as a record of fun/experimental code where I get to
learn details of JS, wikitext, parsing, and DOM manipulation.  Next
version of this code will attempt to introduce minimal DOM restructuring
across multiple tags at once which can be more efficient.

gwicke: Removed now passing test from whitelist, and updated another whitelist
entry which is now improved.

Change-Id: Ie97bcb164eb62c34ba61aa76ba2f4c232aa713d8
2012-05-29 08:17:57 +02:00

237 lines
6.8 KiB

/* Perform post-processing steps on an already-built HTML DOM. */
var events = require('events'),
util = require('./ext.Util.js'),
Util = new util.Util();
// Quick HACK: define Node constants
var Node = {
var isElementContentWhitespace = function ( e ) {
return (^[ \r\n\t]*$/) !== null);
// [..., T1[T2[*x]], T2[*y], ...] ==> [..., T2[T1[*x], *y], ...]
// [..., T2[*x], T1[T2[*y]], ...] ==> [..., T2[*x, T1[*y]], ...]
// where T1 and T2 are different and can be one of [i, b]
// Strictly speaking, we can rewrite even when T1 has more than one child as long as all of them are T2's
// but for now, we are going to restrict ourselves to a single child.
var tag_pair_map = null;
var rewrite_nested_tag_pairs = function(document, tag_pairs, node) {
function init_tag_pairs(tag_pairs) {
tag_pair_map = {};
for (var i = 0, n = tag_pairs.length; i < n; i++) {
// Ex: t1 = 'b', t2 = 'i'
var p = tag_pairs[i];
var t1 = p[0];
var t2 = p[1];
// Update map with {t1: t2}
var t1_tags = tag_pair_map[t1];
if (t1_tags === undefined) {
t1_tags = [];
tag_pair_map[t1] = t1_tags;
// Update map with {t2: t1}
var t2_tags = tag_pair_map[t2];
if (t2_tags === undefined) {
t2_tags = [];
tag_pair_map[t2] = t2_tags;
function migrate_all_children(src, tgt) {
var children = src.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; i++) {
// IMPORTANT: Always use index 0 to get the item at the top of the list.
// Do not use children[i] because as you append a child to 'tgt', they
// also get pulled out of the children list!
function copy_attributes(src, tgt) {
var attrs = src.attributes;
for (var i = 0, n = attrs.length; i < n; i++) {
var a = attrs.item(i);
tgt.setAttribute(a.nodeName, a.nodeValue);
function rewriteable_tag_pair(t1, t2) {
// SSS FIXME: I dont think this check is sufficient. We also need to
// verify that nodes having these tags t1 and t2 are deletable as well.
var t1_tags = tag_pair_map[t1];
if (t1_tags !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0, n = t1_tags.length; i < n; i++)
if (t1_tags[i] === t2) return true;
return false;
// Initialization
if (tag_pair_map === null) init_tag_pairs(tag_pairs);
var children = node.childNodes;
var num_children = children.length;
// no re-writing possible
if (num_children < 2) return;
// look for the pattern
for (var i = 0, n = num_children-1; i < n; i++) {
var child = children[i];
var sibling = children[i+1];
var t1 = child.nodeName.toLowerCase();
var t2 = sibling.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (rewriteable_tag_pair(t1, t2)) {
var newChild = null, newGrandChild = null;
if (child.childNodes.length == 1 && child.childNodes[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() == t2) {
// rewritable
newChild = document.createElement(t2);
newGrandChild = document.createElement(t1);
migrate_all_children(sibling, newChild);
migrate_all_children(child.childNodes[0], newGrandChild);
copy_attributes(child, newGrandChild);
copy_attributes(sibling, newChild);
} else if (sibling.childNodes.length == 1 && sibling.childNodes[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() == t1) {
// rewritable
newChild = document.createElement(t1);
newGrandChild = document.createElement(t2);
migrate_all_children(child, newChild);
migrate_all_children(sibling.childNodes[0], newGrandChild);
copy_attributes(child, newChild);
copy_attributes(sibling, newGrandChild);
// modify DOM here
if (newChild !== null) {
node.insertBefore(newChild, child);
// modify indexes
// Reprocess newChild
rewrite_nested_tag_pairs(document, tag_pairs, newChild);
// Revisit the new node and see if it will merge with its sibling.
// Hence the decrement.
// Rewrite rules currently implemented:
// 1. [..., T1[T2[*x]], T2[*y], ...] ==> [..., T2[T1[*x], *y], ...]
// Other possible rewrite rules:
// 2. [..., T1[T2[*x]], ...] ==> [..., T2[T1[*x], ...]
// 3. [..., T[*x], T[*y], ...] ==> [..., T[*x,*y], ...]
// Note: Rewriting 2. and 3. in that sequence will effectively yield 1.
// but implementing 1. directly is faster
// Not sure we want to implement all kinds of rewriting rules yet.
// We have to figure out what rules are worth implementing.
var normalize_subtree = function(node, rewrite_rules) {
if (rewrite_rules.length === 0) return;
var children = node.childNodes;
for(var i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) {
normalize_subtree(children[i], rewrite_rules);
for (var j = 0, num_rules = rewrite_rules.length; j < num_rules; j++) {
var normalize_document = function(document) {
normalize_subtree(document.body, [rewrite_nested_tag_pairs.bind(null, document, [['b','i'], ['b','u'], ['i','u']])]);
// Wrap all top-level inline elements in paragraphs. This should also be
// applied inside block-level elements, but in that case the first paragraph
// usually remains plain inline.
var process_inlines_in_p = function ( document ) {
var body = document.body,
newP = document.createElement('p'),
cnodes = body.childNodes,
inParagraph = false,
deleted = 0;
for(var i = 0, length = cnodes.length; i < length; i++) {
var child = cnodes[i - deleted],
ctype = child.nodeType;
//console.warn(child + ctype);
if ((ctype === 3 && (inParagraph || !isElementContentWhitespace( child ))) ||
(ctype === Node.COMMENT_NODE && inParagraph ) ||
(ctype !== Node.TEXT_NODE &&
ctype !== Node.COMMENT_NODE &&
// wrap in paragraph
inParagraph = true;
} else if (inParagraph) {
body.insertBefore(newP, child);
newP = document.createElement('p');
inParagraph = false;
if (inParagraph) {
function DOMPostProcessor () {
this.processors = [process_inlines_in_p, normalize_document];
// Inherit from EventEmitter
DOMPostProcessor.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();
DOMPostProcessor.prototype.constructor = DOMPostProcessor;
DOMPostProcessor.prototype.doPostProcess = function ( document ) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.processors.length; i++) {
this.emit( 'document', document );
* Register for the 'document' event, normally emitted from the HTML5 tree
* builder.
DOMPostProcessor.prototype.addListenersOn = function ( emitter ) {
emitter.addListener( 'document', this.doPostProcess.bind( this ) );
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.DOMPostProcessor = DOMPostProcessor;