cmcmahon 8134988b48 [browser test] Fix edit mode test.
This test never worked.  Last week this feature broke but the
test continued to pass.  Let's not do that again.

Change-Id: I9819a3304191959b9b194b3e675dfdd273618881
2014-04-07 11:50:54 -07:00

21 lines
826 B

@ie6-bug @ie7-bug @ie8-bug @ie9-bug @ie10-bug @login
Feature: Switching between wikitext and Visual Editor modes
Test for both pathways that allow switching between Visual Editor and wikitext editing modes.
Given I am logged in
And I am at my user page
When I click Edit for VisualEditor
Scenario: Switch editing modes via toolbar
When I enter the wikitext editor
And I click Edit for VisualEditor
Then I should be in Visual Editor editing mode
Scenario: Switch editing modes via Page Settings drop-down menu
When I click the Switch to source editing menu option
And I see the wikitext editor
And I click Edit for VisualEditor from this page
Then I should be in Visual Editor editing alternate mode