cmcmahon 8097121957 [browser test] Chrome is working correctly now, add tests back
Change-Id: I3f788bd5b38aff1108e9b8d70308c07c0731f703
2014-05-09 11:04:49 -07:00

22 lines
905 B

@chrome @clean @firefox
Feature: VisualEditor on a fresh Mediawiki install
Since this test currently uses a hard-coded
username and password, the test should only
be run against a fresh Mediawiki install
(including the VisualEditor extension).
Scenario: Create a new user account
Given I create a new user Selenium_user with password test1234
Scenario Outline: Article creation and editing
Given I create a new wiki article <page_title> with content <article_text>
When I login with username Selenium_user and password test1234
And I visit <page_title> via the UI
And I click Edit for VisualEditor
Then I should see the Visual Editor editing surface
| page_title | article_text |
| User:Selenium_user | This is my user page |
| User:Selenium_user/firefox | This is some wiki article text |