Moriel Schottlender 80558f85dc Quick fix: image size property update
This is a bit of a workaround for scalable image nodes to update the
current size rather than only the original one. This is done so the
MediaSizeWidget in the media edit dialog is fed the current dimensions
of the image even without the image being saved.

Ideally, the node's 'currentDimensions' property should be constantly
updated to current dimensions. This workaround fixes the given bug, in
which all images show the original wikitext/default size even after
being resized.

Bug: 61052
Change-Id: I902d1f51b1389f2f9b2b5c871b578ee2244a946f
2014-02-12 16:53:13 -05:00

435 lines
12 KiB

* VisualEditor user interface MWMediaEditDialog class.
* @copyright 2011-2014 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Dialog for editing MediaWiki media objects.
* @class
* @extends ve.ui.MWDialog
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.WindowSet} windowSet Window set this dialog is part of
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog = function VeUiMWMediaEditDialog( windowSet, config ) {
// Parent constructor this, windowSet, config );
// Properties
this.mediaNode = null;
this.captionNode = null; = null;
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog, ve.ui.MWDialog );
/* Static Properties */ = 'mediaEdit';
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.static.titleMessage = 'visualeditor-dialog-media-title';
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.static.icon = 'picture';
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.static.toolbarGroups = [
// History
{ 'include': [ 'undo', 'redo' ] },
// No formatting
/* {
'type': 'menu',
'indicator': 'down',
'include': [ { 'group': 'format' } ],
'promote': [ 'paragraph' ],
'demote': [ 'preformatted', 'heading1' ]
// Style
'type': 'list',
'icon': 'text-style',
'indicator': 'down',
'include': [ { 'group': 'textStyle' }, 'clear' ],
'promote': [ 'bold', 'italic' ],
'demote': [ 'strikethrough', 'code', 'underline', 'clear' ]
// Link
{ 'include': [ 'link' ] },
// No structure
/* {
'type': 'bar',
'include': [ 'number', 'bullet', 'outdent', 'indent' ]
// Insert
'label': 'visualeditor-toolbar-insert',
'indicator': 'down',
'include': '*',
'exclude': [
{ 'group': 'format' }, { 'group': 'structure' },
'demote': [ 'specialcharacter' ]
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.static.surfaceCommands = [
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.static.pasteRules = ve.extendObject(
ve.copy( ),
'all': {
'blacklist': OO.simpleArrayUnion(
ve.getProp(, 'all', 'blacklist' ) || [],
// Tables (but not lists) are possible in wikitext with a leading
// line break but we prevent creating these with the UI
'list', 'listItem', 'definitionList', 'definitionListItem',
'table', 'tableCaption', 'tableSection', 'tableRow', 'tableCell'
// Headings are also possible, but discouraged
'conversions': {
'mwHeading': 'paragraph'
/* Methods */
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
var altTextFieldset, positionFieldset;
// Parent method this );
// Set up the booklet layout
this.bookletLayout = new OO.ui.BookletLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'outlined': true
} );
this.generalSettingsPage = new OO.ui.PageLayout( 'general', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-page-general' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.advancedSettingsPage = new OO.ui.PageLayout( 'advanced', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-page-advanced' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.bookletLayout.addPages( [
this.generalSettingsPage, this.advancedSettingsPage
] );
// Define fieldsets for image settings
// Caption
this.captionFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-content-section' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
// Alt text
altTextFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-alttext-section' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.altTextInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
'$': this.$
} );
// Build alt text fieldset
.append( this.altTextInput.$element );
// Position
positionFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-position-section' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.positionInput = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget( {
'$': this.$
} );
this.positionInput.addItems( [
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'left', { '$': this.$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-position-left' ) } ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'center', { '$': this.$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-position-center' ) } ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'right', { '$': this.$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-position-right' ) } ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'none', { '$': this.$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-position-none' ) } )
], 0 );
// Build position fieldset
positionFieldset.$element.append( this.positionInput.$element );
// Type
this.typeFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-type-section' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.typeInput = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget( {
'$': this.$
} );
this.typeInput.addItems( [
// TODO: Inline images require a bit of further work, will be coming soon
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'thumb', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-type-thumb' )
} ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'frameless', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-type-frameless' )
} ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'frame', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-type-frame' )
} ),
new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'border', {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-type-border' )
} )
] );
// Build type fieldset
.append( this.typeInput.$element );
// Size
this.sizeFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-size-section' ),
'icon': 'parameter'
} );
this.sizeErrorLabel = new OO.ui.InputLabelWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-size-originalsize-error' )
} );
this.sizeWidget = new ve.ui.MediaSizeWidget( {
'$': this.$
} );
this.sizeFieldset.$element.append( [
] );
this.applyButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-apply' ),
'flags': ['primary']
} );
// Events
this.applyButton.connect( this, { 'click': [ 'close', { 'action': 'apply' } ] } );
// Initialization
this.generalSettingsPage.$element.append( [
] );
this.advancedSettingsPage.$element.append( [
] );
this.$body.append( this.bookletLayout.$element );
this.$foot.append( this.applyButton.$element );
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.prototype.setup = function ( data ) {
var newDoc,
dialog = this,
doc = this.surface.getModel().getDocument(),
mediaNodeView = this.surface.getView().getFocusedNode();
// Parent method this, data );
// Properties
this.mediaNode = mediaNodeView.getModel();
this.captionNode = this.mediaNode.getCaptionNode(); = this.surface.getModel().getDocument().getStore();
if ( this.captionNode && this.captionNode.getLength() > 0 ) {
newDoc = doc.cloneFromRange( this.captionNode.getRange() );
} else {
newDoc = [
{ 'type': 'paragraph', 'internal': { 'generated': 'wrapper' } },
{ 'type': '/paragraph' },
{ 'type': 'internalList' },
{ 'type': '/internalList' }
this.captionSurface = new ve.ui.SurfaceWidget(
'$': this.$,
'tools': this.constructor.static.toolbarGroups,
'commands': this.constructor.static.surfaceCommands,
'pasteRules': this.constructor.static.pasteRules
this.sizeWidget.setPropertiesFromScalable( mediaNodeView );
// HACK: Override properties with image-specific current size
// Ideally, this should be dealt with in setPropertiesFromScalable
// but the currentDimensions object of the mediaNodeView seems
// to not be updated properly. Without this hack, the media
// dialog presents the dimensions that the image had in the
// beginning of the session (in the wikitext) rather than update
// these when the image is resized either from the dialog or
// by the resize handles.
this.sizeWidget.setCurrentDimensions( {
'width': this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'width' ),
'height': this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'height' )
} );
if ( !mediaNodeView.getOriginalDimensions() ) {
.done( function () {
dialog.sizeWidget.setOriginalDimensions( mediaNodeView.getOriginalDimensions() );
if ( mediaNodeView.getMaxDimensions() ) {
dialog.sizeWidget.setMaxDimensions( mediaNodeView.getMaxDimensions() );
} )
.fail( function () {
} );
// Set initial alt text
this.altTextInput.setValue( this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'alt' ) || '' );
// Set initial position
if ( this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'align' ) !== undefined ) {
this.positionInput.getItemFromData( this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'align' ) )
// Set image type
if ( this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'type' ) !== undefined ) {
this.typeInput.getItemFromData( this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'type' ) )
// Initialization
this.captionFieldset.$element.append( this.captionSurface.$element );
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog.prototype.teardown = function ( data ) {
var newDoc, doc, originalAlt, attr, attrs = {},
surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel();
// Data initialization
data = data || {};
if ( data.action === 'apply' ) {
newDoc = this.captionSurface.getSurface().getModel().getDocument();
doc = surfaceModel.getDocument();
if ( !this.captionNode ) {
// Insert a new caption at the beginning of the image node
.adjustRange( 1 )
.insertContent( [ { 'type': 'mwImageCaption' }, { 'type': '/mwImageCaption' } ] );
this.captionNode = this.mediaNode.getCaptionNode();
// Replace the contents of the caption
surfaceModel.change( doc, this.captionNode.getRange(), true )
surfaceModel.change( doc, this.captionNode.getRange().start, newDoc )
// Change attributes only if the values are valid
if ( this.sizeWidget.isCurrentDimensionsValid() ) {
attrs = this.sizeWidget.getCurrentDimensions();
attr = $.trim( this.altTextInput.getValue() );
originalAlt = this.mediaNode.getAttribute( 'alt' );
// Allow the user to submit an empty alternate text but
// not if there was no alternate text originally to avoid
// dirty diffing images with empty |alt=
if (
// If there was no original alternate text but there
// is a value now, update
( originalAlt === undefined && attr ) ||
// If original alternate text was defined, always
// update, even if the input is empty to allow the
// user to unset it
originalAlt !== undefined
) {
attrs.alt = attr;
attr = this.positionInput.getSelectedItem();
if ( attr ) {
attrs.align = attr.getData();
attr = this.typeInput.getSelectedItem();
if ( attr ) {
attrs.type = attr.getData();
surfaceModel.change( doc, this.mediaNode.getOffset(), attrs )
// Cleanup
this.captionSurface = null;
this.captionNode = null;
// Parent method this, data );
/* Registration */
ve.ui.dialogFactory.register( ve.ui.MWMediaEditDialog );