Roan Kattouw 267212c531 Put category popups in the inner overlay for now
We really shouldn't need the inner overlay for this,
we should be able to deal with popups being in
oo-ui-window-overlay. But for now, we're not, and
this fixes the current problems.

Depends on If16d16d2b in oojs-ui.

Bug: 72052
Change-Id: Ie06056b96db19ac4caf1f9c0e3a1c49cfddc6682
2014-10-14 17:02:51 -07:00

349 lines
9.2 KiB

* VisualEditor UserInterface MWCategoryWidget class.
* @copyright 2011-2014 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget object.
* @class
* @abstract
* @extends OO.ui.Widget
* @mixins OO.ui.GroupElement
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @cfg {jQuery} [$overlay] Overlay to render dropdowns in
* @cfg {jQuery} [$popupOverlay] Overlay to render popups in
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget = function VeUiMWCategoryWidget( config ) {
// Config intialization
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor this, config );
// Mixin constructors this, config );
// Properties
this.categories = {};
this.categoryRedirects = {}; // Source -> target
this.popupState = false;
this.savedPopupState = false;
this.popup = new ve.ui.MWCategoryPopupWidget( {
$: this.$, $overlay: config.$popupOverlay
} );
this.input = new ve.ui.MWCategoryInputWidget( this, {
$: this.$, $overlay: config.$overlay
} );
// Events
this.input.on( 'enter', this.onLookupEnter.bind( this ) );
this.input.lookupMenu.connect( this, { choose: 'onLookupMenuItemChoose' } );
this.popup.connect( this, {
removeCategory: 'onRemoveCategory',
updateSortkey: 'onUpdateSortkey',
hide: 'onPopupHide'
} );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-mwCategoryWidget' )
this.$group.addClass( 've-ui-mwCategoryWidget-items' ),
this.$( '<div>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' )
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
OO.mixinClass( ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget, OO.ui.GroupElement );
/* Events */
* @event newCategory
* @param {Object} item Category item
* @param {string} Fully prefixed category name
* @param {string} item.value Category value (name without prefix)
* @param {Object} item.metaItem Category meta item
* @event updateSortkey
* @param {Object} item Category item
* @param {string} Fully prefixed category name
* @param {string} item.value Category value (name without prefix)
* @param {Object} item.metaItem Category meta item
/* Methods */
* Handle enter event in input field.
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onLookupEnter = function () {
if ( this.input.getValue() !== '' ) {
var item = this.input.getCategoryItemFromValue( this.input.getValue() ),
categoryWidget = this;
this.queryCategoryHiddenStatus( [] ).done( function () {
categoryWidget.emit( 'newCategory', item );
} );
this.input.setValue( '' );
* Handle menu item select event.
* @method
* @param {OO.ui.MenuItemWidget} item Selected item
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onLookupMenuItemChoose = function ( item ) {
var categoryItem,
value = item && item.getData(),
categoryWidget = this;
if ( value && value !== '' ) {
// Remove existing items by value
if ( value in this.categories ) {
// Add new item
categoryItem = this.input.getCategoryItemFromValue( value );
this.queryCategoryHiddenStatus( [] ).done( function () {
categoryWidget.emit( 'newCategory', categoryItem );
} );
// Reset input
this.input.setValue( '' );
* Removes category from model.
* @method
* @param {string} name category name
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onRemoveCategory = function ( name ) {
* Update sortkey value, emit updateSortkey event
* @method
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} value
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onUpdateSortkey = function ( name, value ) {
this.categories[name].sortKey = value;
this.emit( 'updateSortkey', this.categories[name] );
* Sets popup state when popup is hidden
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onPopupHide = function () {
this.popupState = false;
* Saves current popup state
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onSavePopupState = function () {
this.savedPopupState = this.popupState;
* Toggles popup menu per category item
* @param {Object} item
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.onTogglePopupMenu = function ( item ) {
// Close open popup.
if ( this.savedPopupState === false || item.value !== this.popup.category ) {
this.popup.openPopup( item );
} else {
// Handle toggle
/** */
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.setDefaultSortKey = function ( value ) {
this.popup.setDefaultSortKey( value );
* Get list of category names.
* @method
* @param {string[]} List of category names
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.getCategories = function () {
return ve.getObjectKeys( this.categories );
* Starts a request to update the link cache's hidden status for the given titles.
* The returned promise will be resolved with an API result if an API call was made,
* or no arguments if it was unnecessary.
* @param {string[]} categoryNames
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.queryCategoryHiddenStatus = function ( categoryNames ) {
var categoryWidget = this, categoryNamesToQuery = [];
// Get rid of any we already know the hidden status of.
categoryNamesToQuery = $.grep( categoryNames, function ( categoryTitle ) {
var cacheEntry = ve.init.platform.linkCache.getCached( categoryTitle );
return !( cacheEntry && cacheEntry.hidden );
} );
if ( !categoryNamesToQuery.length ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
return new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'pageprops',
titles: categoryNamesToQuery.join( '|' ),
ppprop: 'hiddencat',
redirects: ''
} ).then( function ( result ) {
var linkCacheUpdate = {};
if ( result && result.query && result.query.pages ) {
$.each( result.query.pages, function ( index, pageInfo ) {
linkCacheUpdate[pageInfo.title] = {
missing: false,
hidden: pageInfo.pageprops && pageInfo.pageprops, 'hiddencat' )
} );
if ( result && result.query && result.query.redirects ) {
$.each( result.query.redirects, function ( index, redirectInfo ) {
categoryWidget.categoryRedirects[redirectInfo.from] =;
} );
ve.init.platform.linkCache.set( linkCacheUpdate );
} );
* Adds category items.
* @method
* @param {Object[]} items Items to add
* @param {number} [index] Index to insert items after
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.addItems = function ( items, index ) {
var i, len, item, categoryItem,
categoryItems = [],
existingCategoryItem = null,
categoryNames = $.map( items, function ( item ) {
} ),
categoryWidget = this;
return this.queryCategoryHiddenStatus( categoryNames ).then( function () {
var itemTitle, config;
for ( i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
item = items[i];
itemTitle = new mw.Title(, mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).category ).getPrefixedText();
// Create a widget using the item data
config = {
$: categoryWidget.$,
item: item
if ( categoryWidget.categoryRedirects, itemTitle ) ) {
config.redirectTo = new mw.Title(
mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).category
config.hidden = ve.init.platform.linkCache.getCached( categoryWidget.categoryRedirects[itemTitle] ).hidden;
} else {
config.hidden = ve.init.platform.linkCache.getCached( ).hidden;
categoryItem = new ve.ui.MWCategoryItemWidget( config );
categoryItem.connect( categoryWidget, {
savePopupState: 'onSavePopupState',
togglePopupMenu: 'onTogglePopupMenu'
} );
// Index item by value
categoryWidget.categories[item.value] = categoryItem;
// Copy sortKey from old item when "moving"
if ( existingCategoryItem ) {
categoryItem.sortKey = existingCategoryItem.sortKey;
categoryItems.push( categoryItem );
} categoryWidget, categoryItems, index );
} );
* Remove category items.
* @method
* @param {string[]} names Names of categories to remove
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.removeItems = function ( names ) {
var i, len, categoryItem,
items = [];
for ( i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++ ) {
categoryItem = this.categories[names[i]];
if ( categoryItem ) {
categoryItem.disconnect( this );
items.push( categoryItem );
delete this.categories[names[i]];
} this, items );
* Auto-fit the input.
* @method
ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.prototype.fitInput = function () {
var gap, min, $lastItem,
$input = this.input.$element;
if ( !$ ':visible') ) {
$input.css( { width: 'inherit' } );
min = $input.outerWidth();
$input.css( { width: '100%' } );
$lastItem = this.$element.find( '.ve-ui-mwCategoryItemWidget:last' );
if ( $lastItem.length ) {
// Try to fit to the right of the last item
gap = ( $input.offset().left + $input.outerWidth() ) -
( $lastItem.offset().left + $lastItem.outerWidth() );
if ( gap >= min ) {
$input.css( { width: gap } );