Translation updater bot 711d578486 Localisation updates from
This is a full export of the recently converteted i18n of
VisualEditor. The conversion script should generate output in
this format, so that future diffs for localisation updates
remain as small as possible.

Change-Id: I03c3223f51027b97d7962553e80afd741991c9af
2013-12-09 22:30:48 +00:00

173 lines
23 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Erik Moeller",
"Sayak Sarkar",
"Trevor Parscal"
"accesskey-ca-editsource": "{{optional}}",
"accesskey-ca-ve-edit": "{{Ignore}}",
"tooltip-ca-createsource": "Tooltip of the wikitext \"Create source\" tab, if the page doesn't exist.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-editsource}} - used if the page exists",
"tooltip-ca-editsource": "Tooltip of the wikitext \"Edit source\" tab, if the page exists.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-createsource}} - used if the page doesn't exist",
"tooltip-ca-ve-edit": "Tooltip of the dedicated VisualEditor \"Edit\" tab.",
"visualeditor-beta-appendix": "Used in {{msg-mw|Guidedtour-tour-firsteditve-edit-page-description}}.\n{{Identical|Beta}}",
"visualeditor-beta-label": "Text of tool in the toolbar that highlights that VisualEditor is still in beta.\n{{Identical|Beta}}",
"visualeditor-beta-warning": "Note shown when user clicks on 'beta' label in VisualEditor, warning users that the software may have issues.\n\nRefers to {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-ca-editsource}}.",
"visualeditor-browserwarning": "Edit notice shown when VisualEditor loads, warning users that their browser is not officially supported",
"visualeditor-ca-createsource": "Text for the create source link in the tab dropdown, if the page doesn't exist. It's shown next to the message {{msg-mw|vector-view-create}}, so they should be similar (for example, use a similar translation for \"Create\").\n\nIf the page exists, the following link text is used: {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-ca-editsource}}",
"visualeditor-ca-editsource": "Text for the \"Edit source\" tab, if the page exists.\n\nIf the page doesn't exist, the following link text is used: {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-ca-createsource}}\n\nUsed in:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-beta-warning}}\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-wikitext-warning}}\n{{Identical|Edit source}}",
"visualeditor-ca-editsource-section": "Used as link text for \"edit source\" mode of section edit links.\n\nCorresponds to the {{msg-mw|editsection}} message for default mode.\n{{Identical|Edit source}}",
"visualeditor-ca-ve-create": "Link text of the dedicated VisualEditor \"Create\" tab.\n{{Identical|VisualEditor}}",
"visualeditor-ca-ve-edit": "Link text of the dedicated VisualEditor {{msg-mw|Edit}} tab.\n{{Identical|VisualEditor}}",
"visualeditor-ca-ve-edit-section": "{{Identical|VisualEditor}}",
"visualeditor-categories-tool": "Tool for opening the categories section of the meta dialog.\n{{Identical|Category}}",
"visualeditor-desc": "{{desc|name=VisualEditor|url=}}",
"visualeditor-descriptionpagelink": "{{doc-important|Do not translate \"Project\"; it is automatically converted to the wiki's project namespace.}}\nName of a page describing the use of VisualEditor in this project.\n\nUsed in:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-visualeditor}}\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-visualeditor-description}}\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-visualeditor-needcheck}}\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-visualeditor-needcheck-description}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-beta-welcome-action-continue": "Used as label for the Continue button which is used to close the dialog and continue using VisualEditor.\n{{Identical|Continue}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-beta-welcome-content": "Text explaining VisualEditor is in beta.\n\nRefers to {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-help-tool}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - {{msg-mw|Edit}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-beta-welcome-title": "Title of the beta welcome dialog. Parameters:\n* $1 - username or empty string, for GENDER support",
"visualeditor-dialog-media-content-section": "Label for the image content sub-section.\n{{Identical|Caption}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-media-insert-button": "Used as label for the button.\n{{Identical|Insert media}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-media-insert-title": "Media insert dialog title text.\n{{Identical|Insert media}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-media-title": "Title for the editing dialog to set how a media item is displayed on the page",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-category": "Title of popup for editing category options.\n{{Identical|Category}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-data-label": "Label for the categories sub-section.\n{{Identical|Category}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-defaultsort-label": "Label for field setting the category default sort",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-input-matchingcategorieslabel": "Label for matching suggested category or categories",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-input-movecategorylabel": "Label for moving a given category or categories to end of list",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-input-newcategorylabel": "Label for a suggested uncreated category",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-input-placeholder": "Placeholder text for category input\n{{Identical|Add category}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-options": "Label for the category options sub-section.\n{{Identical|Options}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-section": "Label for the categories dialog section.\n{{Identical|Category}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-sortkey-label": "Label for setting the page's sort key for a given category",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-code-label": "Column header for the language links table, giving the language code of the remote wiki\n\t{{Identical|Language code}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-label": "{{Identical|Language}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-link-label": "Column header for the language links table, giving the name of the remote page.\n{{Identical|Linked page}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-readonlynote": "Text of a note informing users that the language links cannot yet be edited.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-referencelist-missingref}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-section": "Label for the language links dialog section.\n{{Identical|Language}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-meta-title": "MetaData dialog title text.\n{{Identical|Page settings}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-insert-button": "Used as label for the button.\n{{Identical|Insert reference}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-insert-title": "Reference insert dialog title text.\n{{Identical|Insert reference}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-options-group-label": "Label for the reference group input",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-options-name-label": "Label for the reference name input",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-options-section": "Label for the reference options sub-section.\n{{Identical|Options}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-title": "{{Identical|Reference}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-reference-useexisting-label": "Label for button in reference dialog to insert a re-use of an existing reference",
"visualeditor-dialog-referencelist-title": "{{Identical|References list}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-syntaxhighlight-title": "A button that defines a text as source code in a programming language with syntax highlighting.",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-content": "Label for button that adds parameter content to a transclusion.",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param": "Label for button that adds parameter a parameter to a template.\n{{Identical|Add parameter}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-template": "Label for button that adds parameter a template to a transclusion.\n{{Identical|Add template}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-content": "Label for editor of content between transclusion parts.\n{{Identical|Content}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-options": "Label for section with options for templates, content or parameters.\n{{Identical|Options}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-placeholder": "Label for section with options for adding a new template to a multi part transclusion",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-remove-content": "Label for button that removes content between transclusion parts",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-remove-param": "Label for button that removes a parameter from a template",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-remove-template": "Label for button that removes a template from a transclusion.\n{{Identical|Remove template}}",
"visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-title": "{{Identical|Transclusion}}",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-media-tooltip": "{{Identical|Media}}",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-meta-tooltip": "{{Identical|Page Settings}}",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-reference-tooltip": "{{Identical|Reference}}",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-referencelist-tooltip": "Tooltip for button for dialog that inserts the references list object (\u003Ccode\u003E\u003Cnowiki\u003EReference list\u003C/nowiki\u003E\u003C/code\u003E).\n{{Identical|References list}}",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-syntaxhighlight-tooltip": "Tooltip for the tool to insert or modify a SyntaxHighlight block.",
"visualeditor-dialogbutton-transclusion-tooltip": "{{Identical|Transclusion}}",
"visualeditor-diff-nochanges": "Message displayed in the diff view when no changes were detected",
"visualeditor-differror": "Text shown when the editor fails to load the diff.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 is an error message, in English.",
"visualeditor-editconflict": "Alert message when saving a page causes an edit conflict",
"visualeditor-editnotices-tool": "Text of tool in the toolbar that shows edit notices (such as [[MediaWiki:Editnotice-0]] and [[MediaWiki:Editnotice-8/en]]) as a pop-up.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the number of notices",
"visualeditor-editsummary": "Label for the edit summary box",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading1": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 1 heading (page title).\n{{Identical|Page title}}",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading2": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 2 heading (section).\n{{Identical|Heading}}",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading3": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 3 heading (sub-section)",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading4": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 4 heading (sub-section)",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading5": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 5 heading (sub-section)",
"visualeditor-formatdropdown-format-mw-heading6": "Item in the MediaWiki formatting dropdown for a level 6 heading (sub-section)",
"visualeditor-languageinspector-widget-changelang": "Used as label for the button which is used to change the language of the given block in the language inspector.\n{{Identical|Change language}}",
"visualeditor-languageinspector-widget-label-language": "Label for the language inspector widget, to denote the current block language.\n{{Identical|Language}}",
"visualeditor-linkinspector-illegal-title": "Warning that the entered text is not a valid page title.",
"visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-external-link": "Label for an external (Web) link in the link inspector.\n{{Identical|External link}}",
"visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-matching-page": "Label for suggested matching local wiki page or pages in the link inspector",
"visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-new-page": "Label for a new page in the link inspector.\n{{Identical|New page}}",
"visualeditor-loadwarning": "Text (JavaScript confirm()) shown when the editor fails to load properly.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the error message from the server, in English. e.g. \"parsoidserver-http-bad-status: 404\"",
"visualeditor-loadwarning-token": "Text (JavaScript confirm()) shown when the editor fails to load properly.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the error message from the server.",
"visualeditor-mainnamespacepagelink": "Name of a page describing the main namespace (NS0) in this project.\n{{doc-important|Do not translate \"Project\"; it is automatically converted to the wiki's project namespace.}}",
"visualeditor-media-input-placeholder": "Place holder text for media search input",
"visualeditor-meta-tool": "Text of tool in the toolbar the lets users set categories, language links and other page settings.\n{{Identical|Page settings}}",
"visualeditor-mwalienextensioninspector-title": "Used as title for unknown MediaWiki extensions.\n{{Identical|MediaWiki extension}}",
"visualeditor-mweditmodesource-title": "Label for changing edit mode to source editing.",
"visualeditor-mweditmodesource-warning": "Warning message show before changing edit mode to source editing.",
"visualeditor-mwhieroinspector-title": "Used as title for hieroglyphics inspector.",
"visualeditor-mwmathinspector-title": "Used as title for MathInspector.\n\nSee [[w:LaTeX]].",
"visualeditor-notification-created": "Shown after a user creates a new page. Parameters:\n* $1 - a page name",
"visualeditor-notification-restored": "Shown after a user restores a page to a previous revision. Parameters:\n* $1 is a page name.",
"visualeditor-notification-saved": "Shown after a user saves a page. Parameters:\n* $1 - a page name",
"visualeditor-parameter-input-placeholder": "Placeholder text label for an input for adding a parameter to a template.\n{{Identical|Parameter name}}",
"visualeditor-parameter-search-no-unused": "Message displayed in the transclusion dialog when no known parameters are unused by this template.",
"visualeditor-parameter-search-unknown": "{{Identical|Unknown parameter}}",
"visualeditor-preference-betatempdisable": "Label for the temporary user preference to disable VisualEditor while it is in beta.",
"visualeditor-preference-core-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable VisualEditor.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-core-label}}.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-enable}}",
"visualeditor-preference-core-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-core-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-core-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable VisualEditor.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-core-description}}\n{{Identical|VisualEditor}}",
"visualeditor-preference-enable": "Label for the user preference to enable VisualEditor while it is in alpha (opt-in) mode.\nLinks are in {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-mainnamespacepagelink}} and {{msg-mw|visualeditor-usernamespacepagelink}}.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-core-description}}",
"visualeditor-preference-language-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable language tools in VisualEditor.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-language-label}}.",
"visualeditor-preference-language-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-language-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-language-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable language tools in VisualEditor.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-language-description}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable editing of extension tags in VisualEditor.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-label}}.",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable editing of [[mw:Manual:Tag_extensions|extension tags]] in VisualEditor.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-description}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable editing of hieroglyphics in VisualEditor.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-label}}.",
"visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable editing of hieroglyphics in VisualEditor.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwhiero-description}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwmath-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable editing of mathematical formulae in VisualEditor.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwmath-label}}.",
"visualeditor-preference-mwmath-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwmath-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on}}",
"visualeditor-preference-mwmath-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable editing of mathematical formulae in VisualEditor.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-preference-mwmath-description}}",
"visualeditor-reference-input-placeholder": "Placeholder text for reference search field: searches existing on-page references.",
"visualeditor-referencelist-isempty": "Message that appears in the references list when there are no references on the page of that group.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - reference-group name",
"visualeditor-referencelist-isempty-default": "Message that appears in the references list when there are no references on the page in the default group.",
"visualeditor-referencelist-missingref": "Message that appears in the references list, and as a tooltip on the reference itself, for references that are generated by a template or are otherwise uneditable.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|visualeditor-dialog-meta-languages-readonlynote}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-error-badtoken": "Error displayed in the save dialog if saving the edit failed due to an invalid edit token (likely due to the user having logged out in a separate window, or logged in again)",
"visualeditor-savedialog-identify-anon": "Displayed in the save dialog if saving failed because the session expired and the session is now an anonymous user. Warning about IP address being recorded is based on {{msg-mw|anoneditwarning}}.\n\n{{format|jquerymsg}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-identify-user": "Displayed in the save dialog if saving failed because the session expired and the session is now for a different user account.\n{{format|jquerymsg}}\nParameters:\n* $1 - username",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-create": "Label text for save button when the user is creating a new page",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-error": "Label in front of a save dialog error sentence, separated by {{msg-mw|colon-separator}}.\n{{Identical|Error}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-report": "Label for button to trigger report",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-resolve-conflict": "Label for button to start resoliving an edit conflict",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-restore": "Label text for save button when the user is editing a previous revision.\n{{Identical|Restore page}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-review": "Label for button to go to the review dialog to review the diff",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-review-good": "Label for button to go back to the save form",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-save": "Label text for save button when the user is editing a current revision of an extant page.\n{{Identical|Save page}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-label-warning": "Label in front of a save dialog warning sentence, separated by {{msg-mw|colon-separator}}.\n{{Identical|Warning}}",
"visualeditor-savedialog-title-conflict": "Title for save dialog slide if there is an edit conflict",
"visualeditor-savedialog-title-nochanges": "Title for save dialog slide for the wikitext diff if there are no changes",
"visualeditor-savedialog-title-review": "Title for save dialog slide for the wikitext diff",
"visualeditor-savedialog-title-save": "Title for save dialog slide for the final save step",
"visualeditor-savedialog-warning-dirty": "Note displayed to users in the save dialog if VisualEditor believes that it may have corrupted the page.",
"visualeditor-saveerror": "Text shown when the editor fails to save properly.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 is an error message, in English.",
"visualeditor-serializeerror": "Text shown when the editor fails to load the wikitext for saving.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 is an error message, in English.",
"visualeditor-toolbar-cancel": "Label text for button to exit from VisualEditor.\n{{Identical|Cancel}}",
"visualeditor-toolbar-savedialog": "Label text for button to open save dialog.\n\nUsed in:\n* {{msg-mw|Guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbarve-click-save-description}}.\n{{Identical|Save page}}",
"visualeditor-usernamespacepagelink": "Name of a page describing the user namespace (NS2) in this project.\n{{doc-important|Do not translate \"Project\"; it is automatically converted to the wiki's project namespace.}}",
"visualeditor-viewpage-savewarning": "Text shown when the user tries to leave the editor without saving their changes",
"visualeditor-wikitext-warning": "Contents of notification displayed when Wikitext has been detected.\n\nRefers to:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-wikitext-warning-link}}\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-ca-editsource}}",
"visualeditor-wikitext-warning-link": "Link to page describing what Wikitext is.\n\nUsed in:\n* {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-wikitext-warning}}.",
"visualeditor-wikitext-warning-title": "Title of notification displayed when Wikitext has been detected"