
2123 lines
63 KiB

* VisualEditor ContentEditable Surface class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/*global rangy */
* ContentEditable surface.
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Element
* @mixins OO.EventEmitter
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $container
* @param {} model Surface model to observe
* @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface user interface
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ce.Surface = function VeCeSurface( model, surface, options ) {
var $documentNode;
// Parent constructor this, options );
// Mixin constructors this );
// Properties
this.surface = surface;
this.inIme = false;
this.model = model;
this.documentView = new ve.ce.Document( model.getDocument(), this );
this.surfaceObserver = new ve.ce.SurfaceObserver( this.documentView );
this.selectionTimeout = null;
this.$document = this.$( this.getElementDocument() );
this.eventSequencer = new ve.EventSequencer( [
'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'mousedown', 'mouseup',
'mousemove', 'compositionstart', 'compositionend'
] );
this.clipboard = [];
this.clipboardId = String( Math.random() );
this.renderLocks = 0;
this.dragging = false;
this.relocating = false;
this.selecting = false;
this.resizing = false;
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = false;
this.$phantoms = this.$( '<div>' );
this.$highlights = this.$( '<div>' );
this.$pasteTarget = this.$( '<div>' );
this.pasting = false;
this.pasteSpecial = false;
this.clickHistory = [];
this.focusedNode = null;
// This is set on entering changeModel, then unset when leaving.
// It is used to test whether a reflected change event is emitted.
this.newModelSelection = null;
// Events
this, { 'contentChange': 'onContentChange', 'selectionChange': 'onSelectionChange' }
this.model.connect( this,
{ 'select': 'onModelSelect', 'documentUpdate': 'onModelDocumentUpdate' }
$documentNode = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element;
$documentNode.on( {
'cut': ve.bind( this.onCut, this ),
'copy': ve.bind( this.onCopy, this )
} );
this.$pasteTarget.on( {
'cut': ve.bind( this.onCut, this ),
'copy': ve.bind( this.onCopy, this )
} );
// blur and focus fire in the wrong order in jQuery 1.8 . Bind to the native events which do
// fire in the correct order.
$documentNode[0].addEventListener( 'focus', ve.bind( this.documentOnFocus, this ) );
$documentNode[0].addEventListener( 'blur', ve.bind( this.documentOnBlur, this ) );
// $pasteTarget is focused when selecting a FocusableNode
this.$pasteTarget[0].addEventListener( 'focus', ve.bind( this.documentOnFocus, this ) );
this.$pasteTarget[0].addEventListener( 'blur', ve.bind( this.documentOnBlur, this ) );
$documentNode.on( $.browser.msie ? 'beforepaste' : 'paste', ve.bind( this.onPaste, this ) );
$documentNode.on( 'focus', 'a', function () {
// Opera triggers 'blur' on document node before any link is
// focused and we don't want that
} );
this.$element.on( {
'dragover': ve.bind( this.onDocumentDragOver, this ),
'drop': ve.bind( this.onDocumentDrop, this )
} );
// Add listeners to the eventSequencer. They won't get called until
// eventSequencer.attach(node) has been called.
this.eventSequencer.on( {
'keydown': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyDown, this ),
'keyup': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyUp, this ),
'keypress': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyPress, this ),
'mousedown': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseDown, this ),
'mouseup': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseUp, this ),
'mousemove': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseMove, this ),
'compositionstart': ve.bind( this.onDocumentCompositionStart, this ),
'compositionend': ve.bind( this.onDocumentCompositionEnd, this )
} );
this.eventSequencer.after( {
'keypress': ve.bind( this.afterDocumentKeyPress, this )
} );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 've-ce-surface' );
this.$phantoms.addClass( 've-ce-surface-phantoms' );
this.$highlights.addClass( 've-ce-surface-highlights' );
this.$pasteTarget.addClass( 've-ce-surface-paste' ).prop( 'contentEditable', 'true' );
// Add elements to the DOM
this.$element.append( this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element, this.$pasteTarget );
this.surface.$localOverlayBlockers.append( this.$phantoms, this.$highlights );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ce.Surface, OO.ui.Element );
OO.mixinClass( ve.ce.Surface, OO.EventEmitter );
/* Events */
* @event selectionStart
* @event selectionEnd
* @event relocationStart
* @event relocationEnd
* @event focus
* Note that it's possible for a focus event to occur immediately after a blur event, if the focus
* moves to or from a FocusableNode. In this case the surface doesn't lose focus conceptually, but
* a pair of blur-focus events is emitted anyway.
* @event blur
* Note that it's possible for a focus event to occur immediately after a blur event, if the focus
* moves to or from a FocusableNode. In this case the surface doesn't lose focus conceptually, but
* a pair of blur-focus events is emitted anyway.
/* Static methods */
* When pasting, browsers normalize HTML to varying degrees.
* This hash creates a comparable string for validating clipboard contents.
* @param {jQuery} $elements Clipboard HTML elements
* @returns {string} Hash
ve.ce.Surface.static.getClipboardHash = function ( $elements ) {
var hash = '';
// Collect text contents, or just node name for content-less nodes.
$elements.each( function () {
hash += this.textContent || '<' + this.nodeName + '>';
} );
// Whitespace may be added/removed, so strip it all
return hash.replace( /\s/gm, '' );
/* Methods */
* Get the coordinates of the selection anchor.
* @method
* @returns {Object|null} { 'start': { 'x': ..., 'y': ... }, 'end': { 'x': ..., 'y': ... } }
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSelectionRect = function () {
var sel, rect, $span, lineHeight, startRange, startOffset, endRange, endOffset, focusedOffset;
if ( this.focusedNode ) {
focusedOffset = this.focusedNode.$element.offset();
return {
'start': {
'x': focusedOffset.left,
'end': {
'x': focusedOffset.left + this.focusedNode.$element.width(),
'y': + this.focusedNode.$element.height()
if ( !rangy.initialized ) {
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
// We can't do anything if there's no selection
if ( sel.rangeCount === 0 ) {
return null;
rect = sel.getBoundingDocumentRect();
// Sometimes the selection will have invalid bounding rect information, which presents as all
// rectangle dimensions being 0 which causes #getStartDocumentPos and #getEndDocumentPos to
// throw exceptions
if ( === 0 || rect.bottom === 0 || rect.left === 0 || rect.right === 0 ) {
// Calculate starting range position
startRange = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
$span = this.$( '<span>|</span>', startRange.startContainer.ownerDocument );
startRange.insertNode( $span[0] );
startOffset = $span.offset();
// Calculate ending range position
endRange = startRange.cloneRange();
endRange.collapse( false );
endRange.insertNode( $span[0] );
endOffset = $span.offset();
lineHeight = $span.height();
// Restore the selection
// Return the selection bounding rectangle
return {
'start': {
'x': startOffset.left,
'end': {
'x': endOffset.left,
// Adjust the vertical position by the line-height to get the bottom dimension
'y': + lineHeight
} else {
return {
'start': sel.getStartDocumentPos(),
'end': sel.getEndDocumentPos()
/*! Initialization */
* Initialize surface.
* This should be called after the surface has been attached to the DOM.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.initialize = function () {
if ( !rangy.initialized ) {
this.documentView.getDocumentNode().setLive( true );
// Turn off native object editing. This must be tried after the surface has been added to DOM.
try {
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, false );
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false );
} catch ( e ) { /* Silently ignore */ }
* Enable editing.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.enable = function () {
* Disable editing.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.disable = function () {
* Destroy the surface, removing all DOM elements.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.documentView.getDocumentNode().setLive( false );
* Give focus to the surface, reapplying the model selection.
* This is used when switching between surfaces, e.g. when closing a dialog window.
* If the surface is already focused, this does nothing. In particular, the selection won't be
* reapplied.
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.focus = function () {
// Focus the documentNode for text selections, or the pasteTarget for focusedNode selections
if ( this.focusedNode ) {
} else {
// documentOnFocus takes care of the rest
/*! Native Browser Events */
* Handle document focus events.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Focus event (native event, NOT a jQuery event!)
* @fires focus
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnFocus = function ( e ) {
if ( === this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element[0] && !this.focusedNode ) {
// The document node was focused (as opposed to the paste target)
// Restore the selection
this.onModelSelect( this.surface.getModel().getSelection() );
this.eventSequencer.attach( this.$element );
this.emit( 'focus' );
* Handle document blur events.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Blur event (native event, NOT a jQuery event!)
* @fires blur
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnBlur = function () {
this.dragging = false;
this.emit( 'blur' );
* Handle document mouse down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse down event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseDown = function ( e ) {
var selection, node;
// Remember the mouse is down
this.dragging = true;
// Old code to figure out if user clicked inside the document or not - leave it here for now
// this.$( ).closest( '.ve-ce-documentNode' ).length === 0
if ( e.which === 1 ) {
// TODO: guard with incRenderLock?
// Handle triple click
if ( this.getClickCount( e.originalEvent ) >= 3 ) {
// Browser default behaviour for triple click won't behave as we want
selection = this.model.getSelection();
node = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
// Find the nearest non-content node
while ( node.parent !== null && node.model.isContent() ) {
node = node.parent;
this.model.setSelection( node.model.getRange() );
* Handle document mouse up events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse up event
* @fires selectionEnd
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseUp = function ( e ) {
// TODO: guard with incRenderLock?
if ( !e.shiftKey && this.selecting ) {
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
this.selecting = false;
this.dragging = false;
* Handle document mouse move events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse move event
* @fires selectionStart
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseMove = function () {
// Detect beginning of selection by moving mouse while dragging
if ( this.dragging && !this.selecting ) {
this.selecting = true;
this.emit( 'selectionStart' );
* Handle document dragover events.
* Limits native drag and drop behavior.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Drag over event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentDragOver = function () {
if ( !this.relocating ) {
return false;
} else if ( this.selecting ) {
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
this.selecting = false;
this.dragging = false;
* Handle document drop events.
* Limits native drag and drop behavior.
* TODO: Look into using drag and drop data transfer to embed the dragged element's original range
* (for dragging within one document) and serialized linear model data (for dragging between
* multiple documents) and use a special mimetype, like application-x/VisualEditor, to allow
* dragover and drop events on the surface, removing the need to give the surface explicit
* instructions to allow and prevent dragging and dropping a certain node.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Drag drop event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentDrop = function ( e ) {
var node = this.relocating;
if ( node ) {
// Process drop operation after native drop has been prevented below
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
var dropPoint, nodeData, originFragment, targetFragment,
nodeRange = node.getModel().getOuterRange();
// Get a fragment from the drop point
dropPoint = rangy.positionFromPoint(
e.originalEvent.pageX - this.$document.scrollLeft(),
e.originalEvent.pageY - this.$document.scrollTop()
if ( !dropPoint ) {
// Getting position from point supported
return false;
targetFragment = this.model.getFragment(
new ve.Range( ve.ce.getOffset( dropPoint.node, dropPoint.offset ) ), false
// Get a fragment and data of the node being dragged
originFragment = this.model.getFragment( nodeRange, false );
nodeData = originFragment.getData();
// Remove node from old location (auto-updates targetFragment's range)
// Re-insert node at new location and re-select it
targetFragment.insertContent( nodeData ).select();
}, this ) );
return false;
* Handle document key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
* @fires selectionStart
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyDown = function ( e ) {
var trigger,
updateFromModel = false;
// Ignore keydowns while in IME mode but do not preventDefault them (so text actually appear on
// the screen).
if ( this.inIme === true ) {
// When entering IME mode IE first keydown (e.which = 229) before it fires compositionstart, so
// IME detection have to happen here instead of onDocumentCompositionStart.
// TODO: This code and code in onDocumentCompositionStart are very similar, consider moving them
// to one method.
if ( $.browser.msie === true && e.which === 229 ) {
this.inIme = true;
try {
// TODO: is this correct?
} finally {
switch ( e.keyCode ) {
case OO.ui.Keys.LEFT:
case OO.ui.Keys.RIGHT:
case OO.ui.Keys.UP:
case OO.ui.Keys.DOWN:
if ( !this.dragging && !this.selecting && e.shiftKey ) {
this.selecting = true;
this.emit( 'selectionStart' );
if ( ve.ce.isLeftOrRightArrowKey( e.keyCode ) ) {
this.handleLeftOrRightArrowKey( e );
} else {
this.handleUpOrDownArrowKey( e );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.ENTER:
this.handleEnter( e );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.BACKSPACE:
this.handleDelete( e, true );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.DELETE:
this.handleDelete( e, false );
updateFromModel = true;
trigger = new ve.ui.Trigger( e );
if ( trigger.isComplete() && this.surface.execute( trigger ) ) {
updateFromModel = true;
if ( !updateFromModel ) {
try {
} finally {
if ( !updateFromModel ) {
* Handle document key press events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key press event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyPress = function ( e ) {
var selection, prevNode, documentModel = this.model.getDocument();
// Prevent IE from editing Aliens/Entities
// This is for cases like <p><div>alien</div></p>, to put the cursor outside
// the alien tag.
if ( $.browser.msie === true ) {
selection = this.model.getSelection();
if ( selection.start !== 0 && selection.isCollapsed() ) {
prevNode = documentModel.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start - 1 );
if (
!this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( selection.start ) &&
prevNode.isContent() && selection.start - 1 )
) {
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
// Filter out non-character keys. If those keys wouldn't be filtered out unexpected content
// deletion would occur in case when selection is not collapsed and user press home key for
// instance (Firefox fires keypress for home key).
// TODO: Should be covered with Selenium tests.
if ( e.which === 0 || e.charCode === 0 || ve.ce.isShortcutKey( e ) ) {
* Poll again after the native key press
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.afterDocumentKeyPress = function () {
* Handle document key up events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key up event
* @fires selectionEnd
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyUp = function ( e ) {
// Detect end of selecting by letting go of shift
if ( !this.dragging && this.selecting && e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.SHIFT ) {
this.selecting = false;
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
* Handle cut events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Cut event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCut = function ( e ) {
// TODO: no pollOnce here: but should we add one?
this.onCopy( e );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
var selection, tx;
// We don't like how browsers cut, so let's undo it and do it ourselves.
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'undo', false, false );
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// Transact
tx = this.documentView.model, selection );
// Document may not have had real focus (e.g. with a FocusableNode)
this.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
}, this ) );
* Handle copy events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Copy event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCopy = function ( e ) {
var rangyRange, sel, originalRange,
clipboardIndex, clipboardItem, pasteData,
view = this,
slice = this.model.documentModel.cloneSliceFromRange( this.model.getSelection() ),
clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData,
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) );
pasteData =;
// Clone the elements in the slice; = slice.getStore(); = slice.getInternalList(); slice.getData(), this.$pasteTarget[0] );
// Some browsers strip out spans when they match the styling of the
// paste target (e.g. plain spans) so we must protect against this
// by adding a dummy class, which we can remove after paste.
this.$pasteTarget.find( 'span' ).addClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
clipboardItem = { 'slice': slice, 'hash': null };
clipboardIndex = this.clipboard.push( clipboardItem ) - 1;
// Check we have setData and that it actually works (returns true)
if (
clipboardData && clipboardData.setData &&
clipboardData.setData( 'text/xcustom', '' ) &&
clipboardData.setData( 'text/html', '' )
) {
// Webkit allows us to directly edit the clipboard
// Disable the default event so we can override the data
clipboardData.setData( 'text/xcustom', this.clipboardId + '-' + clipboardIndex );
// As we've disabled the default event we need to set the normal clipboard data
clipboardData.setData( 'text/html', this.$pasteTarget.html() );
clipboardData.setData( 'text/plain', this.$pasteTarget.text() );
} else {
clipboardItem.hash = this.constructor.static.getClipboardHash( this.$pasteTarget.contents() );
this.$( '<span>' ).attr( 'data-ve-clipboard-key', this.clipboardId + '-' + clipboardIndex )
// If direct clipboard editing is not allowed, we must use the pasteTarget to
// select the data we want to go in the clipboard
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange.setStart( this.$pasteTarget[0], 0 );
rangyRange.setEnd( this.$pasteTarget[0], this.$pasteTarget[0].childNodes.length );
// Save scroll position before changing focus to "offscreen" paste target
scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
originalRange = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange();
sel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
setTimeout( function () {
sel = rangy.getSelection( view.getElementDocument() );
sel.addRange( originalRange );
$window.scrollTop( scrollTop );
} );
* Handle native paste event
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onPaste = function ( e ) {
// Prevent pasting until after we are done
if ( this.pasting ) {
return false;
this.pasting = true;
this.beforePaste( e );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
this.afterPaste( e );
// Allow pasting again
this.pasting = false;
this.pasteSpecial = false;
this.beforePasteData = null;
}, this ) );
* Handle pre-paste events.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.beforePaste = function ( e ) {
var tx, node, range, rangyRange, sel,
context, leftText, rightText, textNode, textStart, textEnd,
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) ),
selection = this.model.getSelection(),
clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData,
doc = this.model.documentModel;
this.beforePasteData = {};
if ( clipboardData ) {
this.beforePasteData.custom = clipboardData.getData( 'text/xcustom' );
this.beforePasteData.html = clipboardData.getData( 'text/html' );
// TODO: no pollOnce here: but should we add one?
// Pasting into a range? Remove first.
if ( !rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ).isCollapsed ) {
tx = doc, selection );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
this.model.change( tx, selection );
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// Save scroll position before changing focus to "offscreen" paste target
this.beforePasteData.scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
// Get node from cursor position
node = doc.getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
if ( node.canContainContent() ) {
// If this is a content branch node, then add its DM HTML
// to the paste target to give CE some context.
textStart = textEnd = 0;
range = node.getRange();
context = [ node.getClonedElement() ];
// If there is content to the left of the cursor, put a placeholder
// character to the left of the cursor
if ( selection.start > range.start ) {
leftText = '☀';
context.push( leftText );
textStart = textEnd = 1;
// If there is content to the right of the cursor, put a placeholder
// character to the right of the cursor
if ( selection.end < range.end ) {
rightText = '☂';
context.push( rightText );
// If there is no text context, select some text to be replaced
if ( !leftText && !rightText ) {
context.push( '☁' );
textEnd = 1;
context.push( { 'type': '/' + context[0].type } ); = doc.getStore(); = doc.getInternalList(); context, this.$pasteTarget[0] );
// Giving the paste target focus too late can cause problems in FF (!?)
// so do it up here.
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
// Assume that the DM node only generated one child
textNode = this.$pasteTarget.children().contents()[0];
// Place the cursor between the placeholder characters
rangyRange.setStart( textNode, textStart );
rangyRange.setEnd( textNode, textEnd );
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
sel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
this.beforePasteData.context = context;
this.beforePasteData.leftText = leftText;
this.beforePasteData.rightText = rightText;
} else {
// If we're not in a content branch node, don't bother trying to do
// anything clever with paste context
* Handle post-paste events.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.afterPaste = function () {
var clipboardKey, clipboardId, clipboardIndex,
$elements, parts, pasteData, slice, tx, internalListRange,
data, doc, htmlDoc,
context, left, right, contextRange,
beforePasteData = this.beforePasteData || {},
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) ),
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// If the selection doesn't collapse after paste then nothing was inserted
if ( !rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() ).isCollapsed ) {
// Remove the pasteProtect class. See #onCopy.
this.$pasteTarget.find( 'span' ).removeClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
// Find the clipboard key
if ( beforePasteData.custom ) {
clipboardKey = beforePasteData.custom;
} else {
$elements = beforePasteData.html ? this.$( $.parseHTML( beforePasteData.html ) ) : this.$pasteTarget.contents();
// Try to find the clipboard key hidden in the HTML
$elements = $elements.filter( function () {
var val = this.getAttribute && this.getAttribute( 'data-ve-clipboard-key' );
if ( val ) {
clipboardKey = val;
// Remove the clipboard key span once read
return false;
return true;
} );
// If we have a clipboard key, validate it and fetch data
if ( clipboardKey ) {
parts = clipboardKey.split( '-' );
clipboardId = parts[0];
clipboardIndex = parts[1];
if ( clipboardId === this.clipboardId && this.clipboard[clipboardIndex] ) {
// Hash validation: either text/xcustom was used or the hash must be
// equal to the hash of the pasted HTML to assert that the HTML
// hasn't been modified in another editor before being pasted back.
if ( beforePasteData.custom ||
this.clipboard[clipboardIndex].hash ===
this.constructor.static.getClipboardHash( $elements )
) {
slice = this.clipboard[clipboardIndex].slice;
if ( slice ) {
// Internal paste
try {
// Try to paste in the orignal data
// Take a copy to prevent the data being annotated a second time in the catch block
// and to prevent actions in the data model affecting view.clipboard
pasteData = new
ve.copy( slice.getOriginalData() )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
pasteData.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), true );
// Annotate pasteData.getData(), this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
// Transaction
tx =
} catch ( err ) {
// If that fails, use the balanced data
// Take a copy to prevent actions in the data model affecting view.clipboard
pasteData = new
ve.copy( slice.getBalancedData() )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
pasteData.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), true );
// Annotate pasteData.getData(), this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
// Transaction
tx =
} else {
if ( clipboardKey && beforePasteData.html ) {
// If the clipboardKey is set (paste from other VE instance), and clipboard
// data is available, then make sure important spans haven't been dropped
if ( !$elements ) {
$elements = this.$( $.parseHTML( beforePasteData.html ) );
if (
$elements.filter( 'span[id],span[typeof],span[rel]' ).length > 0 &&
this.$pasteTarget.filter('span[id],span[typeof],span[rel]').length === 0
) {
// CE destroyed an important span, so revert to using clipboard data
htmlDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( beforePasteData.html );
// Remove the pasteProtect class. See #onCopy.
$( htmlDoc ).find( 'span' ).removeClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
beforePasteData.context = null;
if ( !htmlDoc ) {
// If there were no problems, let CE do its sanitizing as it may
// contain all sorts of horrible metadata (head tags etc.)
// TODO: IE will always take this path, and so may have bugs with span unwapping
// in edge cases (e.g. pasting a single MWReference)
htmlDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( this.$pasteTarget.html() );
// External paste
doc = htmlDoc );
data =;
// Clear metadata
doc.metadata = new doc.getStore(), new Array( 1 + data.getLength() ) );
// If the clipboardKey is set (paste from other VE instance), and it's a non-special paste, skip sanitization
if ( !clipboardKey || this.pasteSpecial ) {
data.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), this.pasteSpecial );
} else {
// ...except not quite - contentEditable can't be trusted not
// to add styles, so for now remove them
// TODO: store original styles in data
data.sanitize( { 'removeStyles': true } );
data.remapInternalListKeys( this.model.getDocument().getInternalList() );
// Initialize node tree
// If the paste was given context, calculate the range of the inserted data
if ( beforePasteData.context ) {
internalListRange = doc.getInternalList().getListNode().getOuterRange();
context = new
ve.copy( beforePasteData.context )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
// The context may have been sanitized, so sanitize here as well for comparison
context.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), this.pasteSpecial, true );
// Remove matching context from the left
left = 0;
while (
context.getLength() &&
data.getData( left ),
data.isElementData( left ) ? context.getData( 0 ) : beforePasteData.leftText
) {
context.splice( 0, 1 );
// Remove matching context from the right
right = internalListRange.start;
while (
context.getLength() &&
data.getData( right - 1 ),
data.isElementData( right - 1 ) ? context.getData( context.getLength() - 1 ) : beforePasteData.rightText
) {
context.splice( context.getLength() - 1, 1 );
contextRange = new ve.Range( left, right );
tx =
// Restore focus and scroll position
$window.scrollTop( beforePasteData.scrollTop );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
this.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
// Move cursor to end of selection
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.end ) );
* Handle document composition start events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Composition start event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentCompositionStart = function () {
if ( $.browser.msie === true ) {
this.inIme = true;
* Handle document composition end events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Composition end event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentCompositionEnd = function () {
this.inIme = false;
try {
} finally {
/*! Custom Events */
* Handle model select events.
* @see
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} selection
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onModelSelect = function ( selection ) {
var start, end, rangySel, rangyRange,
next = null,
previous = this.focusedNode;
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = false;
// Detect when only a single inline element is selected
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() ) {
start = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start + 1 );
if ( start.isFocusable() ) {
end = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.end - 1 );
if ( start === end ) {
next = start;
} else {
// Check we haven't been programmatically placed inside a focusable node with a collapsed selection
start = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
if ( start.isFocusable() ) {
next = start;
// Update nodes
// Even update this if previous === next, because this function is called by the focus handler
// to restore a lost selection state
if ( previous ) {
previous.setFocused( false );
this.focusedNode = null;
if ( !next ) {
// If the selection is moving from a focusable node (in the paste target) back
// to a normal selection (in the document node), give the focus back to the
// document node.
if ( next ) {
next.setFocused( true );
this.focusedNode = start;
// As FF won't fire a copy event with nothing selected, make
// a dummy selection of one space in the pasteTarget.
// onCopy will ignore this native selection and use the DM selection
this.$pasteTarget.text( ' ' );
rangySel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange.setStart( this.$pasteTarget[0], 0 );
rangyRange.setEnd( this.$pasteTarget[0], 1 );
rangySel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
// Since the selection is no longer in the documentNode, clear the SurfaceObserver's
// selection state. Otherwise, if the user places the selection back into the documentNode
// in exactly the same place where it was before, the observer won't consider that a change.
// If there is no focused node, use native selection, but ignore the selection if
// changeModelSelection is currently being called with the same (object-identical)
// selection object (i.e. if the model is calling us back)
if ( !this.focusedNode && !this.isRenderingLocked() && selection !== this.newModelSelection ) {
this.showSelection( selection );
// Update the selection state in the SurfaceObserver
* Handle documentUpdate events on the surface model.
* @param {} transaction Transaction that was processed
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onModelDocumentUpdate = function () {
if ( this.contentBranchNodeChanged ) {
// Update the selection state from model
this.onModelSelect( this.surface.getModel().selection );
// Update the state of the SurfaceObserver
* Handle selection change events.
* @see ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#pollOnce
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} oldRange
* @param {ve.Range} newRange
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onSelectionChange = function ( oldRange, newRange ) {
if ( oldRange && newRange.flip().equals( oldRange ) ) {
// Ignore when the newRange is just a flipped oldRange
try {
this.changeModel( null, newRange );
} finally {
* Handle content change events.
* @see ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#pollOnce
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node CE node the change occured in
* @param {Object} previous Old data
* @param {Object} previous.text Old plain text content
* @param {Object} previous.hash Old DOM hash
* @param {ve.Range} previous.range Old selection
* @param {Object} next New data
* @param {Object} next.text New plain text content
* @param {Object} next.hash New DOM hash
* @param {ve.Range} next.range New selection
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onContentChange = function ( node, previous, next ) {
var data, range, len, annotations, offsetDiff, lengthDiff, sameLeadingAndTrailing,
previousStart, nextStart, newRange,
previousData, nextData,
i, length, annotation, annotationIndex, dataString,
annotationsLeft, annotationsRight,
fromLeft = 0,
fromRight = 0,
nodeOffset = node.getModel().getOffset();
if ( previous.range && next.range ) {
offsetDiff = ( previous.range.isCollapsed() && next.range.isCollapsed() ) ?
next.range.start - previous.range.start : null;
lengthDiff = next.text.length - previous.text.length;
previousStart = previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1;
nextStart = next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1;
sameLeadingAndTrailing = offsetDiff !== null && (
// TODO: rewrite to static method with tests
lengthDiff > 0 &&
previous.text.substring( 0, previousStart ) ===
next.text.substring( 0, previousStart ) &&
previous.text.substring( previousStart ) ===
next.text.substring( nextStart )
) ||
lengthDiff < 0 &&
previous.text.substring( 0, nextStart ) ===
next.text.substring( 0, nextStart ) &&
previous.text.substring( previousStart - lengthDiff + offsetDiff ) ===
next.text.substring( nextStart )
// Simple insertion
if ( lengthDiff > 0 && offsetDiff === lengthDiff /* && sameLeadingAndTrailing */) {
data = ve.splitClusters( next.text ).slice(
previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1,
next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1
// Apply insertion annotations
annotations = this.model.getInsertionAnnotations();
if ( annotations instanceof ) { data, this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
try {
this.documentView.model, previous.range.start, data
} finally {
// Simple deletion
if ( ( offsetDiff === 0 || offsetDiff === lengthDiff ) && sameLeadingAndTrailing ) {
if ( offsetDiff === 0 ) {
range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, next.range.start - lengthDiff );
} else {
range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, previous.range.start );
try {
this.changeModel( this.documentView.model,
range ),
} finally {
// Complex change
previousData = ve.splitClusters( previous.text );
nextData = ve.splitClusters( next.text );
len = Math.min( previousData.length, nextData.length );
// Count same characters from left
while ( fromLeft < len && previousData[fromLeft] === nextData[fromLeft] ) {
// Count same characters from right
while (
fromRight < len - fromLeft &&
previousData[previousData.length - 1 - fromRight] ===
nextData[nextData.length - 1 - fromRight]
) {
data = nextData.slice( fromLeft, nextData.length - fromRight );
// Get annotations to the left of new content and apply
annotations = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft );
if ( annotations.getLength() ) {
annotationsLeft = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + fromLeft );
annotationsRight = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + 1 + previousData.length - fromRight );
for ( i = 0, length = annotations.getLength(); i < length; i++ ) {
annotation = annotations.get( i );
annotationIndex = annotations.getIndex( i );
if ( annotation.constructor.static.splitOnWordbreak ) {
dataString = new nextData );
if (
// if no annotation to the right, check for wordbreak
!annotationsRight.containsIndex( annotationIndex ) &&
unicodeJS.wordbreak.isBreak( dataString, fromLeft )
) ||
// if no annotation to the left, check for wordbreak
!annotationsLeft.containsIndex( annotationIndex ) &&
unicodeJS.wordbreak.isBreak( dataString, nextData.length - fromRight )
) {
annotations.removeAt( i );
} data, annotations );
newRange = next.range;
if ( newRange.isCollapsed() ) {
newRange = new ve.Range( this.getNearestCorrectOffset( newRange.start, 1 ) );
if ( data.length > 0 ) {
this.documentView.model, nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft,
if ( fromLeft + fromRight < previousData.length ) {
new ve.Range(
data.length + nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft,
data.length + nodeOffset + 1 +
previousData.length - fromRight
/*! Relocation */
* Start a relocation action.
* @see ve.ce.RelocatableNode
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node Node being relocated
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.startRelocation = function ( node ) {
this.relocating = node;
this.emit( 'relocationStart', node );
* Complete a relocation action.
* @see ve.ce.RelocatableNode
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node Node being relocated
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.endRelocation = function () {
this.emit( 'relocationEnd', this.relocating );
this.relocating = null;
/*! Utilities */
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleLeftOrRightArrowKey = function ( e ) {
var selection, range, direction;
// On Mac OS pressing Command (metaKey) + Left/Right is same as pressing Home/End.
// As we are not able to handle it programmatically (because we don't know at which offsets
// lines starts and ends) let it happen natively.
if ( e.metaKey ) {
// Selection is going to be displayed programmatically so prevent default browser behaviour
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
try {
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
} finally {
selection = this.model.getSelection();
if ( this.$( ).css( 'direction' ) === 'rtl' ) {
// If the language direction is RTL, switch left/right directions:
direction = e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
} else {
direction = e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.LEFT ? -1 : 1;
range = this.getDocument().getRelativeRange(
( e.altKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true ) ? 'word' : 'character',
this.model.setSelection( range );
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown does this anyway
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleUpOrDownArrowKey = function ( e ) {
var selection, rangySelection, rangyRange, range, $element, nativeSel;
if ( !$.browser.msie ) {
// Firefox doesn't update its internal reference of the appropriate cursor position
// on the next or previous lines when the cursor is moved programmatically.
// By wiggling the selection, Firefox scraps its internal reference.
nativeSel = window.getSelection();
nativeSel.modify( 'extend', 'right', 'character' );
nativeSel.modify( 'extend', 'left', 'character' );
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
selection = this.model.getSelection();
rangySelection = rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] );
// Perform programatic handling only for selection that is expanded and backwards according to
// model data but not according to browser data.
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() && selection.isBackwards() && !rangySelection.isBackwards() ) {
$element = this.$( this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( ) );
if ( !$element ) {
$element = this.$( '<span>' )
.html( ' ' )
.css( { 'width': '0px', 'display': 'none' } );
rangySelection.anchorNode.splitText( rangySelection.anchorOffset );
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.$document[0] );
rangyRange.selectNode( $element[0] );
rangySelection.setSingleRange( rangyRange );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
if ( !$element.hasClass( 've-ce-branchNode-slug' ) ) {
if ( e.shiftKey === true ) { // expanded range
range = new ve.Range( selection.from, this.model.getSelection().to );
} else { // collapsed range (just a cursor)
range = new ve.Range( this.model.getSelection().to );
this.model.setSelection( range );
}, this ), 0 );
} else {
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown does this anyway
* Handle insertion of content.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleInsertion = function () {
var slug, data, range, annotations, insertionAnnotations, placeholder,
selection = this.model.getSelection(), documentModel = this.model.getDocument();
// Handles removing expanded selection before inserting new text
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() ) {
// Pull annotations from the first character in the selection
annotations =
new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 )
this.model.change( this.documentView.model, selection ),
new ve.Range( selection.start )
selection = this.model.getSelection();
this.model.setInsertionAnnotations( annotations );
insertionAnnotations = this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() ||
new documentModel.getStore() );
if ( selection.isCollapsed() ) {
slug = this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( selection.start );
// Always pawn in a slug
if ( slug || this.needsPawn( selection, insertionAnnotations ) ) {
placeholder = '♙';
if ( !insertionAnnotations.isEmpty() ) {
placeholder = [placeholder, insertionAnnotations.getIndexes()];
// is this a slug and if so, is this a block slug?
if ( slug && selection.start ) ) {
range = new ve.Range( selection.start + 1, selection.start + 2 );
data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, placeholder, { 'type': '/paragraph' }];
} else {
range = new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 );
data = [placeholder];
this.documentView.model, selection.start, data
* Handle enter key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Enter key down event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleEnter = function ( e ) {
var tx, outerParent, outerChildrenCount, list,
selection = this.model.getSelection(),
documentModel = this.model.getDocument(),
emptyParagraph = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, { 'type': '/paragraph' }],
advanceCursor = true,
node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( selection.from ),
nodeModel = node.getModel(),
cursor = selection.from,
contentBranchModel = nodeModel.isContent() ? nodeModel.getParent() : nodeModel,
contentBranchModelRange = contentBranchModel.getRange(),
stack = [],
outermostNode = null;
// Handle removal first
if ( selection.from !== ) {
tx = documentModel, selection );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// We do want this to propagate to the surface
this.model.change( tx, selection );
// Handle insertion
if (
contentBranchModel.getType() !== 'paragraph' &&
cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from ||
cursor ===
) {
// If we're at the start/end of something that's not a paragraph, insert a paragraph
// before/after
if ( cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from ) {
tx =
documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().from, emptyParagraph
advanceCursor = false;
} else if ( cursor === ) {
tx =
documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph
} else if ( e.shiftKey && contentBranchModel.hasSignificantWhitespace() ) {
// Insert newline
tx = documentModel, selection.from, '\n' );
} else {
// Split
node.traverseUpstream( function ( node ) {
if ( !node.canBeSplit() ) {
return false;
stack.length / 2,
{ 'type': '/' + node.type },
outermostNode = node;
if ( e.shiftKey ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} );
outerParent = outermostNode.getModel().getParent();
outerChildrenCount = outerParent.getChildren().length;
if (
// This is a list item
outermostNode.type === 'listItem' &&
// This is the last list item
outerParent.getChildren()[outerChildrenCount - 1] === outermostNode.getModel() &&
// There is one child
outermostNode.children.length === 1 &&
// The child is empty
node.model.length === 0
) {
// Enter was pressed in an empty list item.
list = outermostNode.getModel().getParent();
if ( list.getChildren().length === 1 ) {
// The list item we're about to remove is the only child of the list
// Remove the list
tx =
documentModel, list.getOuterRange()
} else {
// Remove the list item
tx =
documentModel, outermostNode.getModel().getOuterRange()
this.model.change( tx );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// Insert a paragraph
tx =
documentModel, list.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph
advanceCursor = false;
} else {
// We must process the transaction first because getRelativeContentOffset can't help us
// yet
tx = documentModel, selection.from, stack );
// Commit the transaction
this.model.change( tx );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// Now we can move the cursor forward
if ( advanceCursor ) {
cursor = selection.from, 1 );
} else {
cursor = selection.from );
if ( cursor === -1 ) {
// Cursor couldn't be placed in a nearby content node, so create an empty paragraph
documentModel, selection.from, emptyParagraph
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.from + 1 ) );
} else {
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( cursor ) );
// Reset and resume polling
* Handle delete and backspace key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Delete key down event
* @param {boolean} backspace Key was a backspace
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleDelete = function ( e, backspace ) {
var rangeToRemove = this.model.getSelection(),
offset = 0,
docLength, tx, startNode, endNode, endNodeData, nodeToDelete;
if ( rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// In case when the range is collapsed use the same logic that is used for cursor left and
// right movement in order to figure out range to remove.
rangeToRemove = this.getDocument().getRelativeRange(
backspace ? -1 : 1,
( e.altKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true ) ? 'word' : 'character',
offset = rangeToRemove.start;
docLength = this.model.getDocument().data.getLength();
if ( offset < docLength ) {
while ( offset < docLength && this.model.getDocument().data.isCloseElementData( offset ) ) {
// If the user tries to delete a focusable node from a collapsed selection,
// just select the node and cancel the deletion.
startNode = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( offset + 1 );
if ( startNode.isFocusable() ) {
this.model.setSelection( startNode.getModel().getOuterRange() );
if ( rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// For instance beginning or end of the document.
tx = this.documentView.model, rangeToRemove );
this.model.change( tx );
rangeToRemove = tx.translateRange( rangeToRemove );
if ( !rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// If after processing removal transaction range is not collapsed it means that not
// everything got merged nicely (at this moment transaction processor is capable of merging
// nodes of the same type and at the same depth level only), so we process with another
// merging that takes remaing data from endNode and inserts it at the end of startNode,
// endNode or recrusivly its parent (if have only one child) gets removed.
// If startNode has no content then we just delete that node instead of merging.
// This prevents content being inserted into empty structure which, e.g. and empty heading
// will be deleted, rather than "converting" the paragraph beneath to a heading.
endNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( rangeToRemove.end, false );
// If endNode is within our rangeToRemove, then we shouldn't delete it
if ( endNode.getModel().getRange().start >= rangeToRemove.end ) {
startNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( rangeToRemove.start, false );
if ( startNode.getModel().getRange().isCollapsed() ) {
// Remove startNode
this.model.change( [
this.documentView.model, startNode.getModel().getOuterRange()
] );
} else {
endNodeData = this.documentView.model.getData( endNode.getModel().getRange() );
nodeToDelete = endNode;
nodeToDelete.traverseUpstream( function ( node ) {
var parent = node.getParent();
if ( parent.children.length === 1 ) {
nodeToDelete = parent;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} );
// Move contents of endNode into startNode, and delete nodeToDelete
this.model.change( [
this.documentView.model, nodeToDelete.getModel().getOuterRange()
this.documentView.model, rangeToRemove.start, endNodeData
] );
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( rangeToRemove.start ) );
* Show selection on a range.
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} range Range to show selection on
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showSelection = function ( range ) {
var start, end,
rangySel = rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ),
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.$document[0] );
range = new ve.Range(
this.getNearestCorrectOffset( range.from, -1 ),
this.getNearestCorrectOffset(, 1 )
if ( !range.isCollapsed() ) {
start = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
end = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.end );
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangyRange.setEnd( end.node, end.offset );
rangySel.addRange( rangyRange, range.start !== range.from );
} else {
start = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangySel.setSingleRange( rangyRange );
* Append passed phantoms to phantoms container after emptying it first.
* @method
* @param {jQuery} $phantoms Phantoms to append
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.replacePhantoms = function ( $phantoms ) {
this.$phantoms.empty().append( $phantoms );
* Append passed highlights to highlight container after emptying it first.
* @method
* @param {jQuery} $highlights Highlights to append
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.replaceHighlight = function ( $highlights ) {
this.$highlights.empty().append( $highlights );
/*! Helpers */
* Get the nearest offset that a cursor can be placed at.
* TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method
* @method
* @param {number} offset Offset to start looking at
* @param {number} [direction=-1] Direction to look in, +1 or -1
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNearestCorrectOffset = function ( offset, direction ) {
var contentOffset, structuralOffset;
direction = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if ( offset ) ||
this.hasSlugAtOffset( offset )
) {
return offset;
contentOffset = offset, direction );
structuralOffset = offset, direction, true );
if ( !this.hasSlugAtOffset( structuralOffset ) ) {
return contentOffset;
if ( direction === 1 ) {
if ( contentOffset < offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.min( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
} else {
if ( contentOffset > offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.max( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
* Check if an offset is inside a slug.
* TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method - probably in a document view?
* @method
* @param {number} offset Offset to check for a slug at
* @returns {boolean} A slug exists at the given offset
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.hasSlugAtOffset = function ( offset ) {
return !!this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( offset );
* Get the number of consecutive clicks the user has performed.
* This is required for supporting double, tripple, etc. clicking across all browsers.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Native event object
* @returns {number} Number of clicks detected
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getClickCount = function ( e ) {
if ( !$.browser.msie ) {
return e.detail;
var i, response = 1;
// Add select MouseEvent properties to the beginning of the clickHistory
this.clickHistory.unshift( {
x: e.x,
y: e.y,
timeStamp: e.timeStamp
} );
// Compare history
if ( this.clickHistory.length > 1 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < this.clickHistory.length - 1; i++ ) {
if (
this.clickHistory[i].x === this.clickHistory[i + 1].x &&
this.clickHistory[i].y === this.clickHistory[i + 1].y &&
this.clickHistory[i].timeStamp - this.clickHistory[i + 1].timeStamp < 500
) {
} else {
// Trim old history if necessary
if ( this.clickHistory.length > 3 ) {
return response;
* Checks if we need to pawn for insertionAnnotations based on the related annotationSet.
* "Related" is typically to the left, unless at the beginning of a node.
* We choose to pawn if the related annotationSet doesn't match insertionAnnotations, or if
* we are at the edge of an annotation that requires pawning (i.e. an annotation requiring pawning
* is present on the left but not on the right, or vice versa).
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} selection
* @param {} insertionAnnotations
* @returns {boolean} Whether we need to pawn
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.needsPawn = function ( selection, insertionAnnotations ) {
var leftAnnotations, rightAnnotations, documentModel = this.model.documentModel;
function isForced( annotation ) {
return ve.ce.annotationFactory.isAnnotationContinuationForced( );
if ( selection.start > 0 ) {
leftAnnotations = selection.start - 1 );
if ( selection.start < ) {
rightAnnotations = selection.start + 1 );
// Take annotations from the left
// TODO reorganize the logic in this function
if ( leftAnnotations && !leftAnnotations.compareTo( insertionAnnotations ) ) {
return true;
// At the beginning of a node, take from the right
if (
rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ).anchorOffset === 0 &&
rightAnnotations &&
!rightAnnotations.compareTo( insertionAnnotations )
) {
return true;
if (
leftAnnotations && rightAnnotations &&
!leftAnnotations.filter( isForced ).compareTo( rightAnnotations.filter( isForced ) )
) {
return true;
return false;
/*! Getters */
* Get the top-level surface.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ui.Surface} Surface
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSurface = function () {
return this.surface;
* Get the surface model.
* @method
* @returns {} Surface model
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
* Get the document view.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ce.Document} Document view
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getDocument = function () {
return this.documentView;
* Get the currently focused node.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ce.Node|undefined} Focused node
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getFocusedNode = function () {
return this.focusedNode;
* Check whether there are any render locks
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Render is locked
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.isRenderingLocked = function () {
return this.renderLocks > 0;
* Add a single render lock (to disable rendering)
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.incRenderLock = function () {
* Remove a single render lock
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.decRenderLock = function () {
* Surface 'dir' property (Content-Level Direction)
* @returns {string} 'ltr' or 'rtl'
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getDir = function () {
return this.$element.css( 'direction' );
* Change the model only, not the CE surface
* This avoids event storms when the CE surface is already correct
* @method
* @param {|[]|null} transactions One or more transactions to
* process, or null to process none
* @param {ve.Range} new selection
* @throws {Error} If calls to this method are nested
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.changeModel = function ( transaction, range ) {
if ( this.newModelSelection !== null ) {
throw new Error( 'Nested change of newModelSelection' );
this.newModelSelection = range;
try {
this.model.change( transaction, range );
} finally {
this.newModelSelection = null;
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.setContentBranchNodeChanged = function ( isChanged ) {
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = isChanged;