mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 09:41:09 +00:00

Avoids having to update the date in every file every year, which we stopped doing. Change-Id: I7bf7aa0937eef911e00772470091753a7b06fd3d
336 lines
11 KiB
336 lines
11 KiB
* VisualEditor MediaWiki CollabTarget init.
* @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/* eslint-disable no-jquery/no-global-selector */
( function () {
var target,
$specialTab = $( '#ca-nstab-special' ),
$padTab = $( '#ca-pad' ),
conf = mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ),
pageName = mw.config.get( 'collabPadPageName' ) || '',
pageTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( pageName ),
modules = [ OO.ui.isMobile() ? 'ext.visualEditor.collabTarget.mobile' : 'ext.visualEditor.collabTarget.desktop' ]
// Add modules from $wgVisualEditorPluginModules
.concat( conf.pluginModules.filter( mw.loader.getState ) ),
modulePromise = mw.loader.using( modules ),
progressBar = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-loading' ) ),
documentNameInput = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-nameInput' ) ),
documentNameButton = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-nameButton' ) ),
importInput = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-importInput' ), {
showImages: mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ).usePageImages,
showDescriptions: mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ).usePageDescriptions
} ),
importButton = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-importButton' ) ),
// Infuse the form last to avoid recursive infusion with no config
form = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ve-init-mw-collabTarget-form' ) ),
$targetContainer = $(
document.querySelector( '[data-mw-ve-target-container]' ) ||
document.getElementById( 'content' )
if ( !VisualEditorSupportCheck() ) {
// VE not supported - say something?
function setTitle( title ) {
$( '#firstHeading' ).text( title );
document.title = title;
function showPage( title, importTitle ) {
var specialTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( 'Special:CollabPad/' + title.toString() );
setTitle( mw.msg( 'collabpad-doctitle', title.getPrefixedText() ) );
mw.config.set( 'wgRelevantPageName', specialTitle.getPrefixedText() );
mw.config.set( 'wgPageName', specialTitle.getPrefixedText() );
if ( !$padTab.length ) {
$padTab = $( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'ca-pad' ).addClass( 'selected' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).append(
$( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', '' ).text( title.getPrefixedText() )
$padTab.insertAfter( $specialTab.removeClass( 'selected' ) );
progressBar.toggle( true );
form.toggle( false );
modulePromise.done( function () {
target = ve.init.mw.targetFactory.create( 'collab', title, conf.rebaserUrl, { importTitle: importTitle } );
// If the target emits a 'close' event (via the toolbar back button on mobile) then go to the landing page.
target.once( 'close', function () {
showForm( true );
} );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 've-activated ve-active' );
$targetContainer.prepend( target.$element );
$( '#firstHeading' ).addClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-uneditableContent' );
// Add a dummy surface while the doc is loading
var dummySurface = target.addSurface( ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom( ve.createDocumentFromHtml( '' ) ) );
dummySurface.setReadOnly( true );
// TODO: Create the correct model surface type (ve.ui.Surface#createModel)
var surfaceModel = new ve.dm.Surface( ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom( ve.createDocumentFromHtml( '' ) ) );
var username = mw.user.getName();
mw.config.get( 'wgWikiID' ) + '/' + title.toString(),
server: conf.rebaserUrl,
// TODO: server could communicate with MW (via oauth?) to know the
// current-user's name. Disable changing name if logged in?
// Communicate an I-am-a-valid-user flag to other clients?
defaultName: username
var progressDeferred = ve.createDeferred();
dummySurface.createProgress( progressDeferred.promise(), ve.msg( 'visualeditor-rebase-client-connecting' ), true );
surfaceModel.synchronizer.once( 'initDoc', function ( error ) {
var initPromise;
// Resolving the progress bar doesn't close the window in this cycle,
// so wait until we call clearSurfaces which destroys the window manager.
setTimeout( function () {
// Don't add the surface until the history has been applied
target.addSurface( surfaceModel );
if ( error ) {
var $errorMsg = ve.htmlMsg( 'visualeditor-rebase-corrupted-document-error', $( '<pre>' ).text( error.stack ) );
$( '<p>' ).append( $errorMsg ),
{ title: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-rebase-corrupted-document-title' ), size: 'large' }
).then( function () {
showForm( true );
} );
target.once( 'surfaceReady', function () {
initPromise.then( function () {
var isNewAuthor = !ve.init.platform.sessionStorage.get( 've-collab-author' );
// For new anon users, open the author list so they can set their name
if ( isNewAuthor && !username ) {
// Something (an animation?) steals focus during load, so wait a bit
// before opening and focusing the authorList.
setTimeout( function () {
}, 500 );
} );
} );
if ( target.importTitle && !surfaceModel.getDocument().getCompleteHistoryLength() ) {
initPromise = mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.requestParsoidData( target.importTitle.toString(), { targetName: 'collabpad' } ).then( function ( response ) {
var data = response.visualeditor;
if ( data && data.content ) {
var doc = target.constructor.static.parseDocument( data.content );
var dmDoc = target.constructor.static.createModelFromDom( doc );
var fragment = surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( new ve.Range( 0, 2 ) );
fragment.insertDocument( dmDoc );
target.etag = data.etag;
target.baseTimeStamp = data.basetimestamp;
target.startTimeStamp = data.starttimestamp;
target.revid = data.oldid;
// Store the document metadata as a hidden meta item
fragment.collapseToEnd().insertContent( [
type: 'alienMeta',
attributes: {
importedDocument: {
title: target.importTitle.toString(),
etag: target.etag,
baseTimeStamp: target.baseTimeStamp,
startTimeStamp: target.startTimeStamp,
revid: target.revid
{ type: '/alienMeta' }
] );
} else {
// Import failed
return ve.createDeferred().reject( 'No content for ' + target.importTitle ).promise();
} );
} else {
// No import, or history already exists
initPromise = ve.createDeferred().resolve().promise();
// Look for import metadata in document
surfaceModel = target.getSurface().getModel();
surfaceModel.getDocument().getMetaList().getItemsInGroup( 'misc' ).some( function ( item ) {
var importedDocument = item.getAttribute( 'importedDocument' );
if ( importedDocument ) {
target.importTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( importedDocument.title );
target.etag = importedDocument.etag;
target.baseTimeStamp = importedDocument.baseTimeStamp;
target.startTimeStamp = importedDocument.startTimeStamp;
target.revid = importedDocument.revid;
return true;
return false;
} );
initPromise.fail( function ( err ) {
setTimeout( function () {
throw new Error( err );
} );
} );
initPromise.always( function () {
} );
} );
} );
} ).always( function () {
form.toggle( false );
progressBar.toggle( false );
} ).fail( function ( err ) {
mw.log.error( err );
showForm( true );
} );
function showForm( pushState ) {
var specialTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( 'Special:CollabPad' );
if ( pushState ) {
history.pushState( { tag: 'collabTarget' }, '', specialTitle.getUrl() );
if ( target ) {
$( '#firstHeading' ).removeClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-uneditableContent' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 've-activated ve-active' );
setTitle( mw.msg( 'collabpad' ) );
mw.config.set( 'wgRelevantPageName', specialTitle.getPrefixedText() );
mw.config.set( 'wgPageName', specialTitle.getPrefixedText() );
if ( $padTab ) {
$specialTab.addClass( 'selected' );
progressBar.toggle( false );
form.toggle( true );
function loadTitle( title, importTitle ) {
var specialTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( 'Special:CollabPad/' + title.toString() );
// TODO: Handle popstate
history.pushState( { tag: 'collabTarget', title: title.toString() }, '', specialTitle.getUrl() );
showPage( title, importTitle );
function getRandomTitle() {
return Math.random().toString( 36 ).slice( 2 );
function onNameChange() {
documentNameInput.getValidity().then( function () {
documentNameButton.setDisabled( false );
}, function () {
documentNameButton.setDisabled( true );
} );
function loadFromName() {
documentNameInput.getValidity().then( function () {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText(
documentNameInput.getValue().trim() || getRandomTitle()
if ( title ) {
loadTitle( title );
} else {
} );
documentNameInput.setValidation( function ( value ) {
// Empty input will create a random document name, otherwise must be valid
return value === '' || !!mw.Title.newFromText( value );
} );
documentNameButton.setDisabled( false );
documentNameInput.on( 'change', onNameChange );
documentNameInput.on( 'enter', loadFromName );
documentNameButton.on( 'click', loadFromName );
function onImportChange() {
importInput.getValidity().then( function () {
importButton.setDisabled( false );
}, function () {
importButton.setDisabled( true );
} );
function onImportSubmit() {
importInput.getValidity().then( function () {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText( importInput.getValue().trim() );
if ( title ) {
loadTitle( mw.Title.newFromText( getRandomTitle() ), title );
} else {
} );
importInput.setValidation( function ( value ) {
// TODO: Check page exists?
return !!mw.Title.newFromText( value );
} );
importInput.on( 'change', onImportChange );
importInput.on( 'enter', onImportSubmit );
importButton.on( 'click', onImportSubmit );
if ( pageTitle ) {
var url = new URL( location.href ),
importTitleText = url.searchParams.get( 'import' ),
importTitleParam = ( importTitleText ? mw.Title.newFromText( importTitleText ) : null );
showPage( pageTitle, importTitleParam );
} else {
$specialTab.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
showForm( true );
} );
// Tag current state
history.replaceState( { tag: 'collabTarget', title: pageName }, '', location.href );
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function ( e ) {
if ( e.state && e.state.tag === 'collabTarget' ) {
if ( e.state.title ) {
showPage( mw.Title.newFromText( e.state.title ) );
} else {
} );
}() );