mediawiki-extensions-Visual.../modules/ve-mw/tests/browser/features/media_interface.feature 0245af2047 [BrowserTest] Fix only Media Test
The media test was passing against garbage wikitext markup match.
Fixed the steps so that it fails when it should.

Change-Id: I3d8dbc959c6244968dd9ac58af663b81cb115dc6
2015-02-09 15:41:42 -08:00

20 lines
698 B
Gherkin @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login @safari
Feature: VisualEditor Media Interface
Given I go to the "Media Interface VisualEditor Test" page with content "Media Interface VisualEditor Test"
And I click in the editable part
Scenario Outline: VisualEditor insert new media
Given I click Media
And I enter <search_term> into media Search box
And I select an Image
And I click Use this image
And I click Insert
And I click Save page
And I click Review your changes
Then diff view should show correct markup
| search_term |
| bug |