Christian Williams fcfca947a9 Better Shield Logic
jQuery.css('float') returns different null values for Chrome and Firefox. This fix takes this into account and applies shields only to aliens and floated descendants.

Change-Id: I4c1db148043ee95991a17720dee8febad62c415a
2012-11-14 18:38:42 -08:00

90 lines
2.2 KiB

* VisualEditor content editable AlienBlockNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* ContentEditable node for an alien block node.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.ce.LeafNode}
* @param {} model Model to observe.
ve.ce.AlienBlockNode = function VeCeAlienBlockNode( model ) {
// Parent constructor this, 'alienBlock', model );
// DOM Changes
this.$.addClass( 've-ce-alienBlockNode' );
this.$.attr( 'contenteditable', false );
// Events
this.model.addListenerMethod( this, 'update', 'onUpdate' );
this.$.on( 'mouseenter', ve.bind( this.onMouseEnter, this ) );
// Initialization
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass( ve.ce.AlienBlockNode, ve.ce.LeafNode );
/* Static Members */
* Node rules.
* @see ve.ce.NodeFactory
* @static
* @member
ve.ce.AlienBlockNode.rules = {
'canBeSplit': false
/* Methods */
ve.ce.AlienBlockNode.prototype.onUpdate = function () {
var $shieldTemplate = this.constructor.static.$shieldTemplate;
this.$.html( this.model.getAttribute( 'html' ) );
this.$.add( this.$.find( '*' ) ).each( function () {
var $this = $( this );
if ( this.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if (
( $this.css( 'float' ) === 'none' || $this.css( 'float' ) === '' ) &&
!$this.hasClass( 've-ce-alienBlockNode' )
) {
$this.append( $shieldTemplate.clone() );
} );
ve.ce.AlienBlockNode.prototype.onMouseEnter = function () {
var $phantoms = $( [] ),
$phantomTemplate = ve.ce.Surface.static.$phantomTemplate;
this.$.find( '.ve-ce-node-shield' ).each( function () {
var $shield = $( this ),
offset = $shield.offset();
$phantoms = $phantoms.add(
$phantomTemplate.clone().css( {
'left': offset.left,
'height': $shield.height(),
'width': $shield.width(),
'background-position': -offset.left + 'px ' + + 'px'
} )
} );
this.root.getSurface().$phantoms.empty().append( $phantoms );
/* Registration */
ve.ce.nodeFactory.register( 'alienBlock', ve.ce.AlienBlockNode );