Catrope 54a232a92b Allow nodes to handle their own children
For data->DOM, this is easy: .toDataElements() can optionally return an
array instead of an object, and that will be treated as the data to
insert. If this happens, the converter won't descend. The node handler
can recursively invoke the converter if it needs to (although I suspect
the current implementation is broken when converting block content in an
inline context).

For DOM->data, this is a bit more complex. The node sets
.static.handlesOwnChildren = true; , which triggers the converter to
pass a data slice rather than a single data element, and not to
descend. The node handler can invoke the converter to recursively
convert DOM subtrees to data. (data->DOM):
* Renamed createDataElement() to createDataElements()
** .toDataElement() may return element or array, handle this
* Renamed childDataElement to childDataElements, is now an array
* Actually alienate if .toDataElement() returns null
** Shockingly, this claimed to be supported before but wasn't
* Rather than pushing to data, concat to it
** Add closing if needed
* Don't descend if .toDataElement() returned an array of length >1, or
  if the node has .handlesOwnChildren = true (DOM->data):
* Split getDomSubtreeFromData() and getDomFromData()
* When converting a node that handles its own children, pass in a data
  slice and skip over that data

Change-Id: I196cb4c0895cbf0b428a189adb61b56565573ab3
2013-04-11 22:41:18 +00:00

463 lines
12 KiB

* VisualEditor DataModel Node class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Generic DataModel node.
* @abstract
* @extends
* @mixins ve.Node
* @constructor
* @param {number} [length] Length of content data in document
* @param {Object} [element] Reference to element in linear model
*/ = function VeDmNode( length, element ) {
// Parent constructor this, element );
// Mixin constructor this );
// Properties
this.length = length || 0;
this.element = element;
this.doc = undefined;
* @event lengthChange
* @param diff
* @event update
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass(, );
ve.mixinClass(, ve.Node );
/* Static Properties */
* Whether this node handles its own children. After converting a DOM node to a linear model
* node of this type, the converter checks this property. If it's false, the converter will descend
* into the DOM node's children, recursively convert them, and attach the resulting nodes as
* children of the linear model node. If it's true, the converter will not descend, and will
* expect the node's toDataElement() to have handled the entire DOM subtree.
* The same is true when converting from linear model data to DOM: if this property is true,
* toDomElements() will be passed the node's data element and all of its children and will be
* expected to convert the entire subtree. If it's false, the converter will descend into the
* child nodes and convert each one individually.
* If .static.childNodeTypes is set to [], this property is ignored and will be assumed to be true.
* @static
* @type {Boolean} static.handlesOwnChildren
* @inheritable
*/ = false;
* Whether this node type has a wrapping element in the linear model. Most node types are wrapped,
* only special node types are not wrapped.
* @static
* @property {boolean} static.isWrapped
* @inheritable
*/ = true;
* Whether this node type is a content node type. This means the node represents content, cannot
* have children, and can only appear as children of a content container node. Content nodes are
* also known as inline nodes.
* @static
* @property {boolean} static.isContent
* @inheritable
*/ = false;
* Whether this node type can contain content. The children of content container nodes must be
* content nodes.
* @static
* @property {boolean} static.canContainContent
* @inheritable
*/ = false;
* Whether this node type has significant whitespace. Only applies to content container nodes
* (i.e. can only be true if canContainContent is also true).
* If a content node has significant whitespace, the text inside it is not subject to whitespace
* stripping and preservation.
* @static
* @property {boolean} static.hasSignificantWhitespace
* @inheritable
*/ = false;
* Array of allowed child node types for this node type.
* An empty array means no children are allowed. null means any node type is allowed as a child.
* @static
* @property {string[]|null} static.childNodeTypes
* @inheritable
*/ = null;
* Array of allowed parent node types for this node type.
* An empty array means this node type cannot be the child of any node. null means this node type
* can be the child of any node type.
* @static
* @property {string[]|null} static.parentNodeTypes
* @inheritable
*/ = null;
* Array of suggested parent node types for this node type.
* These parent node types are allowed but the editor will avoid creating them.
* An empty array means this node type should not be the child of any node. null means this node type
* can be the child of any node type.
* @static
* @property {string[]|null} static.suggestedParentNodeTypes
* @inheritable
*/ = null;
* Default attributes to set for newly created linear model elements. These defaults will be used
* when creating a new element in when there is no DOM node or
* existing linear model element to base the attributes on.
* This property is an object with attribute names as keys and attribute values as values.
* Attributes may be omitted, in which case they'll simply be undefined.
* @static
* @property {Object} static.defaultAttributes
* @inheritable
*/ = {};
* Get hash object of a linear model data element
* @static
* @param {Object} dataElement Data element
* @returns {Object} Hash object
*/ = function ( dataElement ) {
return {
type: dataElement.type,
attributes: dataElement.attributes
/* Methods */
* Get a clone of the node's document data element.
* The attributes object will be deep-copied, and the .internal.generated property will be removed,
* if present.
* @returns {Object} Cloned element object
*/ = function () {
var clone = ve.copyObject( this.element );
if ( clone.internal ) {
delete clone.internal.generated;
return clone;
* Get allowed child node types.
* @method
* @returns {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as children or null if any type is allowed
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.childNodeTypes;
* Get allowed parent node types.
* @method
* @returns {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as parents or null if any type is allowed
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.parentNodeTypes;
* Get suggested parent node types.
* @method
* @returns {string[]|null} List of node types suggested as parents or null if any type is suggested
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.suggestedParentNodeTypes;
* Check if the node can have children.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node can have children
*/ = function () {
return this.type );
* Check if the node can have children but not content nor be content.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node can have children but not content nor be content
*/ = function () {
return this.type );
* Check if the node has a wrapped element in the document data.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node represents a wrapped element
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.isWrapped;
* Check if the node can contain content.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node can contain content
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.canContainContent;
* Check if the node is content.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node is content
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.isContent;
* Check if the node has significant whitespace.
* Can only be true if canContainContent is also true.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node has significant whitespace
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.hasSignificantWhitespace;
* Check if the node has an ancestor with matching type and attribute values.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Node is content
*/ = function ( type, attributes ) {
var key,
node = this;
// Traverse up to matching node
while ( node && node.getType() !== type ) {
node = node.getParent();
// Stop at root
if ( node === null ) {
return false;
// Check attributes
if ( attributes ) {
for ( key in attributes ) {
if ( node.getAttribute( key ) !== attributes[key] ) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the length of the node.
* @method
* @returns {number} Length of the node's contents
*/ = function () {
return this.length;
* Get the outer length of the node, which includes wrappers if present.
* @method
* @returns {number} Length of the entire node
*/ = function () {
return this.length + ( this.isWrapped() ? 2 : 0 );
* Get the range inside the node.
* @method
* @returns {ve.Range} Inner node range
*/ = function () {
var offset = this.getOffset();
if ( this.isWrapped() ) {
return new ve.Range( offset, offset + this.length );
* Get the range outside the node.
* @method
* @returns {ve.Range} Outer node range
*/ = function () {
var offset = this.getOffset();
return new ve.Range( offset, offset + this.getOuterLength() );
* Set the inner length of the node.
* This should only be called after a relevant change to the document data. Calling this method will
* not change the document data.
* @method
* @param {number} length Length of content
* @emits lengthChange
* @emits update
* @throws {Error} Invalid content length error if length is less than 0
*/ = function ( length ) {
if ( length < 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Length cannot be negative' );
// Compute length adjustment from old length
var diff = length - this.length;
// Set new length
this.length = length;
// Adjust the parent's length
if ( this.parent ) {
this.parent.adjustLength( diff );
// Emit events
this.emit( 'lengthChange', diff );
this.emit( 'update' );
* Adjust the length.
* This should only be called after a relevant change to the document data. Calling this method will
* not change the document data.
* @method
* @param {number} adjustment Amount to adjust length by
* @emits lengthChange
* @emits update
* @throws {Error} Invalid adjustment error if resulting length is less than 0
*/ = function ( adjustment ) {
this.setLength( this.length + adjustment );
* Get the offset of the node within the document.
* If the node has no parent than the result will always be 0.
* @method
* @returns {number} Offset of node
*/ = function () {
return this.root === this ? 0 : this.root.getOffsetFromNode( this );
* Check if the node can be merged with another.
* For two nodes to be mergeable, the two nodes must either be the same node or:
* - Have the same type
* - Have the same depth
* - Have similar ancestory (each node upstream must have the same type)
* @method
* @param {} node Node to consider merging with
* @returns {boolean} Nodes can be merged
*/ = function ( node ) {
var n1 = this,
n2 = node;
// Move up from n1 and n2 simultaneously until we find a common ancestor
while ( n1 !== n2 ) {
if (
// Check if we have reached a root (means there's no common ancestor or unequal depth)
( n1 === null || n2 === null ) ||
// Ensure that types match
n1.getType() !== n2.getType()
) {
return false;
// Move up
n1 = n1.getParent();
n2 = n2.getParent();
return true;
* Get the hash object of the node.
* The actual logic is in a static function as this needs
* to be accessible from
* This is a custom hash function for ve#getHash.
* @method
* @returns {Object} Hash object
*/ = function () {
return this.constructor.static.getHashObject( this.element );