Trevor Parscal 51e096d6f2 Refactor Transclusion and Meta dialogs to use BookletLayout
Use OOJS-UI's newly-extended paged dialogs (in e08eb2a03b) to refactor
how the Transclusion and Meta dialogs work, splitting out the code for
each of the panels into its own file and simplifying extensibility.

The Meta dialog (ve.ui.MWMetaDialog) now has two self-managing panels:
* ve.ui.MWCategoriesPage for categories and the default sort key
* ve.ui.MWLanguagesPage for language links

The Transclusion dialog (ve.ui.MWTransclusionDialog) now has four:
* ve.ui.MWTemplatePage for a template's primary panel
* ve.ui.MWTemplateParameterPage for each parameter of a template
* ve.ui.MWTemplatePlaceholderPage for a placeholder to insert a template
* ve.ui.MWTransclusionContentPage for non-template transclusion

Additionally, the Transclusion dialog has been slightly cleaned up:
* Replace add/remove events with replace events in transclusion model
* Actually return and resolve a promise (as documented)
* Get rid of "origin" info in template models
* Add method for adding required parts


* Decide how and when we will choose between advanced transclusion and
  template dialogs
* Work out design issues with how template descriptions will be visible
  and how adding parameters will work if only showing parameters in
* Add preview to template dialog
* Consider ways to further improve pages for use in continuous mode


* Right now the template dialog gets overridden by the advanced
  transclusion dialog because they have the same symbolic name and the
  latter is registered later than the former. To test the template
  dialog, just change the symbolic name of the advanced transclusion

Change-Id: I51e74b322aec9a4c3918e6f792bdb3d318060979
2013-12-05 16:26:26 -08:00

919 lines
32 KiB

* VisualEditor extension
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/* Setup */
$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
'name' => 'VisualEditor',
'author' => array(
'Trevor Parscal',
'Inez Korczyński',
'Roan Kattouw',
'Neil Kandalgaonkar',
'Gabriel Wicke',
'Brion Vibber',
'Christian Williams',
'Rob Moen',
'Subramanya Sastry',
'Timo Tijhof',
'Ed Sanders',
'David Chan',
'Moriel Schottlender',
'version' => '0.1.0',
'url' => '',
'descriptionmsg' => 'visualeditor-desc',
$dir = __DIR__ . '/';
// Register files
$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiVisualEditor'] = $dir . 'ApiVisualEditor.php';
$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiVisualEditorEdit'] = $dir . 'ApiVisualEditorEdit.php';
$wgAutoloadClasses['VisualEditorHooks'] = $dir . 'VisualEditor.hooks.php';
$wgAutoloadClasses['VisualEditorDataModule'] = $dir . 'VisualEditorDataModule.php';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['VisualEditor'] = $dir . 'VisualEditor.i18n.php';
// Register API modules
$wgAPIModules['visualeditor'] = 'ApiVisualEditor';
$wgAPIModules['visualeditoredit'] = 'ApiVisualEditorEdit';
// Register Hooks
$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onBeforePageDisplay';
$wgHooks['DoEditSectionLink'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onDoEditSectionLink';
if ( array_key_exists( 'GetBetaFeaturePreferences', $wgHooks ) ) {
$wgHooks['GetBetaFeaturePreferences'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onGetBetaPreferences';
$wgHooks['GetPreferences'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onGetPreferences';
$wgHooks['ListDefinedTags'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onListDefinedTags';
$wgHooks['MakeGlobalVariablesScript'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onMakeGlobalVariablesScript';
$wgHooks['ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars';
$wgHooks['ResourceLoaderRegisterModules'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onResourceLoaderRegisterModules';
$wgHooks['ResourceLoaderTestModules'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onResourceLoaderTestModules';
$wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation';
$wgHooks['ParserTestGlobals'][] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onParserTestGlobals';
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'VisualEditorHooks::onSetup';
// Set default values for new preferences
$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable-experimental'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable-mwmath'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-betatempdisable'] = 0;
// Register resource modules
$wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate = array(
'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/modules',
'remoteExtPath' => 'VisualEditor/modules',
$wgResourceModules += array(
'rangy' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'jquery.visibleText' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'unicodejs.wordbreak' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
// Alias for backwards compat, safe to remove after
'ext.visualEditor.editPageInit' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'dependencies' => array(
'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.icons-raster' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'styles' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.icons-vector' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'styles' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.init' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => 've-mw/init/targets/',
'styles' => 've-mw/init/styles/',
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'position' => 'top',
'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.noscript' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'styles' => 've-mw/init/styles/',
'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'styles' => array(
'skinStyles' => array(
'vector' => array(
've-mw/init/styles/' => array(
'media' => 'screen and (min-width: 982px)'
'apex' => array(
'monobook' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
// MW core messages
// Messages needed by VE in init phase only (rest go below)
'ext.visualEditor.mobileViewTarget' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'targets' => array( 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.base' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
// ve
// init
'debugScripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.mediawiki' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
// init
'dependencies' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.standalone' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
// init
'dependencies' => array(
'' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'class' => 'VisualEditorDataModule',
'ext.visualEditor.core' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
// ve
// dm
// ce
// ui
'styles' => array(
// ce
// ui
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
// VE messages for the editor (NOT experimental mode messages)
// Only used if FancyCaptcha is installed and triggered on save
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.language' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.mwalienextension' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.mwmath' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.mwhiero' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.mwsyntaxHighlight' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'messages' => array(
'styles' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.experimental' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.icons-raster' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'styles' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
'ext.visualEditor.icons-vector' => $wgVisualEditorResourceTemplate + array(
'styles' => array(
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
/* Configuration */
// Array of ResourceLoader module names (strings) that should be loaded when VisualEditor is
// loaded. Other extensions that extend VisualEditor should add to this array.
$wgVisualEditorPluginModules = array();
// URL to the Parsoid instance
// MUST NOT end in a slash due to Parsoid bug
$wgVisualEditorParsoidURL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Interwiki prefix to pass to the Parsoid instance
// Parsoid will be called as $url/$prefix/$pagename
$wgVisualEditorParsoidPrefix = 'localhost';
// Forward users' Cookie: headers to Parsoid. Required for private wikis (login required to read).
// If the wiki is not private (i.e. $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] is true) this configuration
// variable will be ignored.
// This feature requires a non-locking session store. The default session store will not work and
// will cause deadlocks when trying to use this feature. If you experience deadlock issues, enable
// $wgSessionsInObjectCache.
// WARNING: ONLY enable this on private wikis and ONLY IF you understand the SECURITY IMPLICATIONS
// of sending Cookie headers to Parsoid over HTTP. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended
// that $wgVisualEditorParsoidURL be pointed to localhost if this setting is enabled.
$wgVisualEditorParsoidForwardCookies = false;
// Timeout for HTTP requests to Parsoid in seconds
$wgVisualEditorParsoidTimeout = 100;
// Serialization cache timeout, in seconds
$wgVisualEditorSerializationCacheTimeout = 3600;
// Namespaces to enable VisualEditor in
$wgVisualEditorNamespaces = $wgContentNamespaces;
// List of skins VisualEditor integration supports
$wgVisualEditorSupportedSkins = array( 'vector', 'apex', 'monobook' );
// List of browsers VisualEditor is incompatibe with
// See jQuery.client for specification
$wgVisualEditorBrowserBlacklist = array(
// IE <= 8 has various incompatibilities in layout and feature support
// IE9 and IE10 generally work but fail in ajax handling when making POST
// requests to the VisualEditor/Parsoid API which is causing silent failures
// when trying to save a page (bug 49187)
// Also, IE11 doesn't work either right now
'msie' => null,
// Android 2.x and below "support" CE but don't trigger keyboard input
'android' => array( array( '<', 3 ) ),
// Firefox issues in versions 12 and below (bug 50780)
// Wikilink [[./]] bug in Firefox 14 and below (bug 50720)
'firefox' => array( array( '<=', 14 ) ),
// Opera < 12 was not tested and it's userbase is almost nonexistent anyway
'opera' => array( array( '<', 12 ) ),
// Blacklist all versions:
'blackberry' => null,
// Whether to use change tagging for VisualEditor edits
$wgVisualEditorUseChangeTagging = true;
// Whether to disable for logged-in users
// This allows you to enable the 'visualeditor-enable' preference by default
// but still disable VE for logged-out users (by setting this to false).
$wgVisualEditorDisableForAnons = false;
// Whether to show the "welcome to the beta" dialog the first time a user uses VisualEditor
$wgVisualEditorShowBetaWelcome = false;
// Where to put the VisualEditor edit tab
// 'before': put it right before the old edit tab
// 'after': put it right after the old edit tab
$wgVisualEditorTabPosition = 'before';
$wgVisualEditorTabMessages = array(
// i18n message key to use for the VisualEditor edit tab
// If null, the default edit tab caption will be used
// The 'visualeditor-ca-ve-edit' message is available for this
'edit' => null,
// i18n message key to use for the old edit tab
// If null, the tab's caption will not be changed
'editsource' => 'visualeditor-ca-editsource',
// i18n message key to use for the VisualEditor create tab
// If null, the default create tab caption will be used
// The 'visualeditor-ca-ve-create' message is available for this
'create' => null,
// i18n message key to use for the old create tab
// If null, the tab's caption will not be changed
'createsource' => 'visualeditor-ca-createsource',
// i18n message key to use for the VisualEditor section edit link
// If null, the default edit section link caption will be used
'editsection' => null,
// i18n message key to use for the source section edit link
// If null, the link's caption will not be changed
'editsectionsource' => 'visualeditor-ca-editsource-section',
// i18n message key for an optional appendix to add to each of these from JS
// Use this if you have HTML messages to add
// The 'visualeditor-beta-appendix' message is available for this purpose
'editappendix' => null,
'editsourceappendix' => null,
'createappendix' => null,
'createsourceappendix' => null,
'editsectionappendix' => null,
'editsectionsourceappendix' => null,