Gabriel Wicke 3414418b1f Don't eat newline tokens in the ListHandler
This fix only affects following transforms, of which there are few right now.
Also removed a stray token mutation in QuoteTransformer.

Change-Id: Id6d4adce944b06fc1a3651cfbf63fc2670125225
2012-05-16 23:14:21 +02:00

151 lines
3.9 KiB

* Create list tag around list items and map wiki bullet levels to html
function ListHandler ( manager ) {
this.manager = manager
this.manager.addTransform( this.onListItem.bind(this),
this.listRank, 'tag', 'listItem' );
this.manager.addTransform( this.onEnd.bind(this),
this.listRank, 'end' );
ListHandler.prototype.listRank = 2.49; // before PostExpandParagraphHandler
ListHandler.prototype.bulletCharsMap = {
'*': { list: 'ul', item: 'li' },
'#': { list: 'ol', item: 'li' },
';': { list: 'dl', item: 'dt' },
':': { list: 'dl', item: 'dd' },
ListHandler.prototype.reset = function() {
this.newline = false; // flag to identify a list-less line that terminates
// a list block
this.bstack = []; // Bullet stack, previous element's listStyle
this.endtags = []; // Stack of end tags
ListHandler.prototype.onNewline = function ( token, frame, prevToken ) {
var tokens = [token];
if (this.newline) {
// second newline without a list item in between, close the list
tokens = this.end().concat( tokens );
this.newline = true;
return { tokens: tokens };
ListHandler.prototype.onEnd = function( token, frame, prevToken ) {
return { tokens: this.end().concat([token]) };
ListHandler.prototype.end = function( ) {
// pop all open list item tokens
var tokens = this.popTags(this.bstack.length);
this.manager.removeTransform( this.listRank, 'newline' );
return tokens;
ListHandler.prototype.onListItem = function ( token, frame, prevToken ) {
if (token.constructor === TagTk){
// convert listItem to list and list item tokens
return { tokens: this.doListItem( this.bstack, token.bullets ) };
return { token: token };
ListHandler.prototype.commonPrefixLength = function (x, y) {
var minLength = Math.min(x.length, y.length);
for(var i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
if (x[i] != y[i])
return i;
ListHandler.prototype.pushList = function ( container ) {
this.endtags.push( new EndTagTk( container.list ));
this.endtags.push( new EndTagTk( container.item ));
return [
new TagTk( container.list ),
new TagTk( container.item )
ListHandler.prototype.popTags = function ( n ) {
var tokens = [];
for(;n > 0; n--) {
// push list item..
// and the list end tag
return tokens;
ListHandler.prototype.isDlDd = function (a, b) {
var ab = [a,b].sort();
return (ab[0] === ':' && ab[1] === ';');
ListHandler.prototype.doListItem = function ( bs, bn ) {
var prefixLen = this.commonPrefixLength (bs, bn),
changeLen = Math.max(bs.length, bn.length) - prefixLen,
prefix = bn.slice(0, prefixLen);
this.newline = false;
this.bstack = bn;
if (!bs.length)
this.manager.addTransform( this.onNewline.bind(this),
this.listRank, 'newline' );
// emit close tag tokens for closed lists
if (changeLen === 0)
var itemToken = this.endtags.pop();
this.endtags.push(new EndTagTk( ));
return [
new TagTk( )
else if ( bs.length == bn.length
&& changeLen == 1
&& this.isDlDd( bs[prefixLen], bn[prefixLen] ) )
// handle dd/dt transitions
var newName = this.bulletCharsMap[bn[prefixLen]].item;
this.endtags.push(new EndTagTk( newName ));
return [
new TagTk( newName )
var tokens = this.popTags(bs.length - prefixLen);
if (prefixLen > 0 && bn.length == prefixLen ) {
var itemToken = this.endtags.pop();
tokens.push(new TagTk( ));
this.endtags.push(new EndTagTk( ));
for(var i = prefixLen; i < bn.length; i++) {
if (!this.bulletCharsMap[bn[i]])
throw("Unknown node prefix " + prefix[i]);
tokens = tokens.concat(this.pushList(this.bulletCharsMap[bn[i]]));
return tokens;
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.ListHandler = ListHandler;