Trevor Parscal d3a2fab2c4 Transclusion editing

* Rename just about every use of "template" to "transclusion"
* Make a proper data structure for transclusions
* Abstract away template data
* Use more template data in the user interface
* Allow adding parameters
* Allow removing templates, parameters and content


* Add rule to place add param controls on a single line

* Move template spec loading into transclusion class
* Add remove button for parts and parameters
* Add parameter adding form
* Use template data for labels and descriptions*
* Add new transclusion data structures

* Add links to new files

* Rename all things "template" to "transclusion"

Bug: 39598
Bug: 49403
Change-Id: I3bcf924a3e179cb65f19e833277a39dfd3dad8bd
2013-06-12 16:39:13 -07:00

207 lines
4.3 KiB

* VisualEditor ContentEditable Node styles.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
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