Gabriel Wicke 3be4992782 'Obama finally expands' ;) Misc fixes and documentation updates
* [[:en:Barack Obama]] can now be expanded in 77 seconds using 330MB RAM,
  while it would prevously run out of RAM after ~30 minutes. Wohoooo!
  The token transform framework rework really paid off.
* 303 parser tests are passing in the new record time of 5.5 seconds. Two more
  tests are passing since these tests expect the day of the week to be
  Thursday.  Won't be the case tomorrow.

Change-Id: I56e850838476b546df10c6a239c8c9e29a1a3136
2012-04-26 18:18:08 +02:00

1167 lines
34 KiB

* Token transformation managers with a (mostly) abstract
* TokenTransformManager base class and AsyncTokenTransformManager and
* SyncTokenTransformManager implementation subclasses. Individual
* transformations register for the token types they are interested in and are
* called on each matching token.
* Async token transformations are supported by the TokenAccumulator class,
* that manages as-early-as-possible and in-order return of tokens including
* buffering.
* See
* for more documentation.
* @author Gabriel Wicke <>
var events = require('events');
* Base class for token transform managers
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Function} callback, a callback function accepting a token list as
* its only argument.
function TokenTransformManager( env, isInclude, pipeFactory, phaseEndRank, attributeType ) {
// Separate the constructor, so that we can call it from subclasses.
// Inherit from EventEmitter
TokenTransformManager.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();
TokenTransformManager.prototype.constructor = TokenTransformManager;
TokenTransformManager.prototype._construct = function () {
this.transformers = {
tag: {}, // for TagTk, EndTagTk, SelfclosingTagTk, keyed on name
text: [],
newline: [],
comment: [],
end: [], // eof
martian: [], // none of the above (unknown token type)
any: [] // all tokens, before more specific handlers are run
* Register to a token source, normally the tokenizer.
* The event emitter emits a 'chunk' event with a chunk of tokens,
* and signals the end of tokens by triggering the 'end' event.
* XXX: Perform registration directly in the constructor?
* @method
* @param {Object} EventEmitter token even emitter.
TokenTransformManager.prototype.addListenersOn = function ( tokenEmitter ) {
tokenEmitter.addListener('chunk', this.onChunk.bind( this ) );
tokenEmitter.addListener('end', this.onEndEvent.bind( this ) );
* Add a transform registration.
* @method
* @param {Function} transform.
* @param {Number} rank, [0,3) with [0,1) in-order on input token stream,
* [1,2) out-of-order and [2,3) in-order on output token stream
* @param {String} type, one of 'tag', 'text', 'newline', 'comment', 'end',
* 'martian' (unknown token), 'any' (any token, matched before other matches).
* @param {String} tag name for tags, omitted for non-tags
TokenTransformManager.prototype.addTransform = function ( transformation, rank, type, name ) {
var transArr,
transformer = {
transform: transformation,
rank: rank
if ( type === 'tag' ) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
transArr = this.transformers.tag[name];
if ( ! transArr ) {
transArr = this.transformers.tag[name] = [];
} else {
transArr = this.transformers[type];
// sort ascending by rank
transArr.sort( this._cmpTransformations );
//this.env.dp( 'transforms: ', this.transformers );
* Remove a transform registration
* @method
* @param {Function} transform.
* @param {Number} rank, [0,3) with [0,1) in-order on input token stream,
* [1,2) out-of-order and [2,3) in-order on output token stream
* @param {String} type, one of 'tag', 'text', 'newline', 'comment', 'end',
* 'martian' (unknown token), 'any' (any token, matched before other matches).
* @param {String} tag name for tags, omitted for non-tags
TokenTransformManager.prototype.removeTransform = function ( rank, type, name ) {
var i = -1,
function rankUnEqual ( i ) {
return i.rank !== rank;
if ( type === 'tag' ) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
var maybeTransArr =;
if ( maybeTransArr ) { = maybeTransArr.filter( rankUnEqual );
} else {
this.transformers[type] = this.transformers[type].filter( rankUnEqual ) ;
TokenTransformManager.prototype.setTokensRank = function ( tokens, rank ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
tokens[i] = this.env.setTokenRank( tokens[i], rank );
* Predicate for sorting transformations by ascending rank.
TokenTransformManager.prototype._cmpTransformations = function ( a, b ) {
return a.rank - b.rank;
* Get all transforms for a given token
TokenTransformManager.prototype._getTransforms = function ( token ) {
var ts;
switch ( token.constructor ) {
case String:
ts = this.transformers.text;
case NlTk:
ts = this.transformers.newline;
case CommentTk:
ts = this.transformers.comment;
case EOFTk:
ts = this.transformers.end;
case TagTk:
case EndTagTk:
case SelfclosingTagTk:
ts = this.transformers.tag[];
if ( ! ts ) {
ts = [];
ts = this.transformers.martian;
// XXX: cache this to avoid constant re-sorting?
if ( this.transformers.any.length ) {
ts = ts.concat( this.transformers.any );
ts.sort( this._cmpTransformations );
return ts;
/******************** Async token transforms: Phase 2 **********************/
* Asynchronous and potentially out-of-order token transformations, used in phase 2.
* return protocol for individual transforms:
* { tokens: [tokens], async: true }: async expansion -> outstanding++ in parent
* { tokens: [tokens] }: fully expanded, tokens will be reprocessed
* { token: token }: single-token return
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Function} childFactory: A function that can be used to create a
* new, nested transform manager:
* nestedAsyncTokenTransformManager = manager.newChildPipeline( inputType, args );
* @param {Object} args, the argument map for templates
* @param {Object} env, the environment.
function AsyncTokenTransformManager ( env, isInclude, pipeFactory, phaseEndRank, attributeType ) {
this.env = env;
this.isInclude = isInclude;
this.pipeFactory = pipeFactory;
this.phaseEndRank = phaseEndRank;
this.attributeType = attributeType;
this.setFrame( null, null, {} );
// Inherit from TokenTransformManager, and thus also from EventEmitter.
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype = new TokenTransformManager();
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.constructor = AsyncTokenTransformManager;
* Reset the internal token and outstanding-callback state of the
* TokenTransformManager, but keep registrations untouched.
* @method
* @param {Object} args, template arguments
* @param {Object} The environment.
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.setFrame = function ( parentFrame, title, args ) {
// First piggy-back some reset action
this.tailAccumulator = undefined;
// initial top-level callback, emits chunks
this.tokenCB = this._returnTokens.bind( this );
// now actually set up the frame
if (parentFrame) {
if ( title === null ) {
// attribute, simply reuse the parent frame
this.frame = parentFrame;
} else {
this.frame = parentFrame.newChild( title, this, args );
} else {
this.frame = new Frame(title, this, args );
* Simplified wrapper that processes all tokens passed in
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.process = function ( tokens ) {
if ( ! $.isArray ( tokens ) ) {
tokens = [tokens];
this.onChunk( tokens );
* Transform and expand tokens. Transformed token chunks will be emitted in
* the 'chunk' event.
* @method
* @param {Array} chunk of tokens
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.onChunk = function ( tokens ) {
// Set top-level callback to next transform phase
var res = this.transformTokens ( tokens, this.tokenCB );
this.env.dp( 'AsyncTokenTransformManager onChunk res=', res );
if ( ! this.tailAccumulator ) {
this.emit( 'chunk', res.tokens );
} else {
this.tailAccumulator.append( res.tokens );
if ( res.async ) {
this.tailAccumulator = res.async;
this.tokenCB = res.async.getParentCB ( 'sibling' );
* Run transformations from phases 0 and 1. This includes starting and
* managing asynchronous transformations.
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.transformTokens = function ( tokens, parentCB ) {
//console.warn('AsyncTokenTransformManager.transformTokens: ' + JSON.stringify(tokens) );
var res,
localAccum = [],
transforming = true,
activeAccum = null,
accum = new TokenAccumulator( this, parentCB ),
token, ts, transformer, aborted,
maybeSyncReturn = function ( asyncCB, ret ) {
if ( transforming ) {
this.env.dp( 'maybeSyncReturn transforming', ret );
// transformTokens is ongoing
if ( false && ret.tokens && ! ret.async && ret.allTokensProcessed && ! activeAccum ) {
localAccum.push.apply(localAccum, res.tokens );
} else if ( ret.tokens ) {
if ( res.tokens ) {
res.tokens = res.tokens.concat( ret.tokens );
res.async = ret.async;
} else {
res = ret;
} else {
if ( ! res.tokens ) {
res = ret;
} else {
res.async = ret.async;
} else {
this.env.dp( 'maybeSyncReturn async', ret );
asyncCB( ret );
cb = maybeSyncReturn.bind( this, accum.getParentCB( 'child' ) );
for ( var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
token = tokens[i];
aborted = false;
ts = this._getTransforms( token );
if ( ts.length ) {
res = { };
// 'async trans' );
this.env.dp( token, ts );
for (var j = 0, lts = ts.length; j < lts; j++ ) {
transformer = ts[j];
if ( token.rank && transformer.rank <= token.rank ) {
// skip transformation, was already applied.
//console.warn( 'skipping transform');
res.token = token;
// Transform the token.
transformer.transform( token, this.frame, cb );
if ( res.tokens && res.tokens.length === 1 &&
token.constructor === res.tokens[0].constructor && === res.tokens[0].name )
res.token = res.tokens[0];
if ( res.token === undefined ) {
aborted = true;
// XXX: factor the conversion to String out into a generic _setRank
// method? Would need to add to the string prototype for that..
token = this.env.setTokenRank( res.token, transformer.rank );
} else {
res = { token: token };
this.env.dp( 'res: ', res);
if ( ! aborted && res.token ) {
res.token = this.env.setTokenRank( res.token, this.phaseEndRank );
// token is done.
if ( activeAccum ) {
// push to accumulator
activeAccum.push( res.token );
} else {
// If there is no accumulator yet, then directly return the
// token to the parent. Collect them in localAccum for this
// purpose.
localAccum.push( res.token );
} else if( res.tokens ) {
if ( res.tokens.length > 1 ) {
// Splice in the returned tokens (while replacing the original
// token), and process them next.
//if ( ! res.allTokensProcessed ) {
[].splice.apply( tokens, [i, 1].concat(res.tokens) );
l = tokens.length;
i--; // continue at first inserted token
//} else {
// skip fully processed tokens
} else if ( res.tokens.length === 1 ) {
if ( res.tokens[0].rank === this.phaseEndRank ) {
// token is done.
if ( activeAccum ) {
// push to accumulator
activeAccum.push( res.tokens[0] );
} else {
// If there is no accumulator yet, then directly return the
// token to the parent. Collect them in localAccum for this
// purpose.
localAccum.push( res.tokens[0] );
} else {
// re-process token.
tokens[i] = res.tokens[0];
if ( res.async ) {
this.env.dp( 'res.async' );
// The child now switched to activeAccum, we have to create a new
// accumulator for the next potential child.
activeAccum = accum;
accum = new TokenAccumulator( this, activeAccum.getParentCB( 'sibling' ) );
cb = maybeSyncReturn.bind( this, accum.getParentCB( 'child' ) );
transforming = false;
// Return finished tokens directly to caller, and indicate if further
// async actions are outstanding. The caller needs to point a sibling to
// the returned accumulator, or call .siblingDone() to mark the end of a
// chain.
return { tokens: localAccum, async: activeAccum };
* Top-level callback for tokens which are now free to be emitted iff they are
* indeed fully processed for sync01 and async12. If there were asynchronous
* expansions, then only the first TokenAccumulator has its callback set to
* this method. An exhausted TokenAccumulator passes its callback on to its
* siblings until the last accumulator is reached, so that the head
* accumulator will always call this method directly.
* @method
* @param {Object} tokens, async, allTokensProcessed
* @returns {Mixed} new parent callback for caller or falsy value.
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype._returnTokens = function ( ret ) {
//tokens = this._transformPhase2( this.frame, tokens, this.parentCB );
this.env.dp( 'AsyncTokenTransformManager._returnTokens, emitting chunk: ',
ret );
if( !ret.allTokensProcessed ) {
var res = this.transformTokens( ret.tokens, this._returnTokens.bind(this) );
this.emit( 'chunk', res.tokens );
if ( res.async ) {
// XXX: this looks fishy
if ( ! this.tailAccumulator ) {
this.tailAccumulator = res.async;
this.tokenCB = res.async.getParentCB ( 'sibling' );
if ( ret.async ) {
// return sibling callback
return this.tokenCB;
} else {
// signal done-ness to last accum
} else if ( !ret.async ) {
this.emit( 'end' );
// and reset internal state.
} else {
this.emit( 'chunk', ret.tokens );
if ( ! ret.async ) {
// signal our done-ness to consumers.
this.emit( 'end' );
// and reset internal state.
* Callback for the end event emitted from the tokenizer.
* Either signals the end of input to the tail of an ongoing asynchronous
* processing pipeline, or directly emits 'end' if the processing was fully
* synchronous.
AsyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.onEndEvent = function () {
if ( this.tailAccumulator ) {
this.env.dp( 'AsyncTokenTransformManager.onEndEvent: calling siblingDone',
this.frame );
} else {
// nothing was asynchronous, so we'll have to emit end here.
this.env.dp( 'AsyncTokenTransformManager.onEndEvent: synchronous done',
this.frame );
/*************** In-order, synchronous transformer (phase 1 and 3) ***************/
* Subclass for phase 3, in-order and synchronous processing.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} environment.
function SyncTokenTransformManager ( env, isInclude, pipeFactory, phaseEndRank, attributeType ) {
this.env = env;
this.isInclude = isInclude;
this.pipeFactory = pipeFactory;
this.phaseEndRank = phaseEndRank;
this.attributeType = attributeType;
// Inherit from TokenTransformManager, and thus also from EventEmitter.
SyncTokenTransformManager.prototype = new TokenTransformManager();
SyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.constructor = SyncTokenTransformManager;
SyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.process = function ( tokens ) {
if ( ! $.isArray ( tokens ) ) {
tokens = [tokens];
this.onChunk( tokens );
//console.warn( JSON.stringify( this.transformers ) )
* Global in-order and synchronous traversal on token stream. Emits
* transformed chunks of tokens in the 'chunk' event.
* @method
* @param {Array} Token chunk.
SyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.onChunk = function ( tokens ) {
this.env.dp( 'SyncTokenTransformManager.onChunk, input: ', tokens );
var res,
localAccum = [],
localAccumLength = 0,
// Top-level frame only in phase 3, as everything is already expanded.
ts, transformer,
for ( var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
aborted = false;
token = tokens[i];
res = { token: token };
ts = this._getTransforms( token );
var minRank = token.rank || 0;
for (var j = 0, lts = ts.length; j < lts; j++ ) {
transformer = ts[j];
if ( transformer.rank < minRank ) {
// skip transformation, was already applied.
//console.warn( 'skipping transform');
// Transform the token.
res = transformer.transform( res.token, this, this.prevToken );
if ( !res.token ||
res.token.constructor !== token.constructor ||
( && && !== ) ) {
aborted = true;
minRank = transformer.rank;
if ( ! aborted ) {
res.token = this.env.setTokenRank( res.token, this.phaseEndRank );
if( res.tokens ) {
// Splice in the returned tokens (while replacing the original
// token), and process them next.
[].splice.apply( tokens, [i, 1].concat(res.tokens) );
l = tokens.length;
i--; // continue at first inserted token
} else if ( res.token ) {
if ( res.token.rank === this.phaseEndRank ) {
// token is done.
this.prevToken = res.token;
} else {
// re-process token.
tokens[i] = res.token;
this.env.dp( 'SyncTokenTransformManager.onChunk: emitting ', localAccum );
this.emit( 'chunk', localAccum );
* Callback for the end event emitted from the tokenizer.
* Either signals the end of input to the tail of an ongoing asynchronous
* processing pipeline, or directly emits 'end' if the processing was fully
* synchronous.
SyncTokenTransformManager.prototype.onEndEvent = function () {
// This phase is fully synchronous, so just pass the end along and prepare
// for the next round.
/********************** AttributeTransformManager *************************/
* Utility transformation manager for attributes, using an attribute
* transformation pipeline (normally phase1 SyncTokenTransformManager and
* phase2 AsyncTokenTransformManager). This pipeline needs to be independent
* of the containing TokenTransformManager to isolate transforms from each
* other. The AttributeTransformManager returns its result by calling the
* supplied callback.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} Containing AsyncTokenTransformManager
* @param {Function} Callback function, called with expanded attribute array.
function AttributeTransformManager ( manager, callback ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.frame = this.manager.frame;
this.callback = callback;
this.outstanding = 1;
this.kvs = [];
//this.pipe = manager.getAttributePipeline( manager.args );
* Expand both key and values of all key/value pairs. Used for generic
* (non-template) tokens in the AttributeExpander handler, which runs after
* templates are already expanded.
AttributeTransformManager.prototype.process = function ( attributes ) {
// Potentially need to use multiple pipelines to support concurrent async expansion
var pipe,
//console.warn( 'AttributeTransformManager.process: ' + JSON.stringify( attributes ) );
// transform each argument (key and value), and handle asynchronous returns
for ( var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var cur = attributes[i];
// fast path for string-only attributes
if ( cur.k.constructor === String && cur.v.constructor === String ) {
this.kvs.push( cur );
var kv = new KV( [], [] );
this.kvs.push( kv );
if ( cur.k.constructor === Array && cur.k.length ) {
// Assume that the return is async, will be decremented in callback
// transform the key
pipe = this.manager.pipeFactory.getPipeline( this.manager.attributeType,
this.manager.isInclude );
pipe.setFrame( this.manager.frame, null );
pipe.on( 'chunk',
this._returnAttributeKey.bind( this, i, true )
pipe.on( 'end',
this._returnAttributeKey.bind( this, i, false, [] )
pipe.process( this.manager.env.cloneTokens( cur.k ).concat([ new EOFTk() ]) );
} else {
kv.k = cur.k;
if ( cur.v.constructor === Array && cur.v.length ) {
// Assume that the return is async, will be decremented in callback
// transform the value
pipe = this.manager.pipeFactory.getPipeline( this.manager.attributeType,
this.manager.isInclude );
pipe.setFrame( this.manager.frame, null );
//pipe = this.manager.getAttributePipeline( this.manager.inputType,
// this.manager.args );
pipe.on( 'chunk',
this._returnAttributeValue.bind( this, i, true )
pipe.on( 'end',
this._returnAttributeValue.bind( this, i, false, [] )
//console.warn('starting attribute transform of ' + JSON.stringify( attributes[i].v ) );
pipe.process( this.manager.env.cloneTokens( cur.v ).concat([ new EOFTk() ]) );
} else {
kv.v = cur.v;
if ( ! ) {
if ( cur.v.constructor === String ) {
if ( ! cur.v.rank ) {
cur.v = new String( cur.v );
Object.defineProperty( cur.v, 'to',
value: function() { return cur.v },
enumerable: false
} else {
Object.defineProperty( cur.v, 'to',
value: this.manager.frame.convert,
enumerable: false
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
// synchronous, done
this.callback( this.kvs );
* Expand only keys of key/value pairs. This is generally used for template
* parameters to avoid expanding unused values, which is very important for
* constructs like switches.
AttributeTransformManager.prototype.processKeys = function ( attributes ) {
// Potentially need to use multiple pipelines to support concurrent async expansion
var pipe,
//console.warn( 'AttributeTransformManager.process: ' + JSON.stringify( attributes ) );
// transform each argument (key and value), and handle asynchronous returns
for ( var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var cur = attributes[i];
var kv = new KV([], cur.v);
if ( ! ) {
if ( cur.v.constructor === String ) {
cur.v = new String( cur.v );
Object.defineProperty( cur.v, 'to',
value: function() { return cur.v },
enumerable: false
} else {
Object.defineProperty( cur.v, 'to',
value: this.manager.frame.convert,
enumerable: false
this.kvs.push( kv );
if ( cur.k.constructor === Array && cur.k.length && ! ) {
// Assume that the return is async, will be decremented in callback
// transform the key
pipe = this.manager.pipeFactory.getPipeline( this.manager.attributeType,
this.manager.isInclude );
pipe.setFrame( this.manager.frame, null );
//pipe = this.manager.getAttributePipeline( this.manager.inputType,
// this.manager.args );
pipe.on( 'chunk',
this._returnAttributeKey.bind( this, i, true )
pipe.on( 'end',
this._returnAttributeKey.bind( this, i, false, [] )
pipe.process( this.manager.env.cloneTokens( cur.k ).concat([ new EOFTk() ]) );
} else {
kv.k = cur.k;
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
// synchronously done
this.callback( this.kvs );
* Only expand values of attribute key/value pairs.
AttributeTransformManager.prototype.processValues = function ( attributes ) {
// Potentially need to use multiple pipelines to support concurrent async expansion
var pipe,
//console.warn( 'AttributeTransformManager.process: ' + JSON.stringify( attributes ) );
// transform each argument (key and value), and handle asynchronous returns
for ( var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var cur = attributes[i];
var kv = new KV( cur.k, [] );
this.kvs.push( kv );
if ( ! cur ) {
console.warn( JSON.stringify( attributes ) );
if ( cur.v.constructor === Array && cur.v.length ) {
// Assume that the return is async, will be decremented in callback
// transform the value
pipe = this.manager.pipeFactory.getPipeline( this.manager.attributeType,
this.manager.isInclude );
pipe.setFrame( this.manager.frame, null );
//pipe = this.manager.getAttributePipeline( this.manager.inputType,
// this.manager.args );
pipe.on( 'chunk',
this._returnAttributeValue.bind( this, i, true )
pipe.on( 'end',
this._returnAttributeValue.bind( this, i, false, [] )
//console.warn('starting attribute transform of ' + JSON.stringify( attributes[i].v ) );
pipe.process( this.manager.env.cloneTokens( cur.v ).concat([ new EOFTk() ]) );
} else {
kv.value = cur.v;
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
// synchronously done
this.callback( this.kvs );
* Callback for async argument value expansions
AttributeTransformManager.prototype._returnAttributeValue = function ( ref, notYetDone, tokens ) {
this.manager.env.dp( 'check _returnAttributeValue: ', ref, tokens,
' notYetDone:', notYetDone );
this.kvs[ref].v = this.kvs[ref].v.concat( tokens );
if ( ! notYetDone ) {
var res = this.kvs[ref].v;
this.manager.env.stripEOFTkfromTokens( res );
// Add the 'to' conversion method to the chunk for easy conversion in
// later processing (parser functions and template argument
// processing).
if ( ! ) {
Object.defineProperty( res, 'to',
value: function() { return res },
enumerable: false
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
this.callback( this.kvs );
* Callback for async argument key expansions
AttributeTransformManager.prototype._returnAttributeKey = function ( ref, notYetDone, tokens ) {
//console.warn( 'check _returnAttributeKey: ' + JSON.stringify( tokens ) +
// ' notYetDone:' + notYetDone );
this.kvs[ref].k = this.kvs[ref].k.concat( tokens );
if ( ! notYetDone ) {
this.manager.env.stripEOFTkfromTokens( this.kvs[ref].k );
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
this.callback( this.kvs );
/******************************* TokenAccumulator *************************/
* Token accumulators buffer tokens between asynchronous processing points,
* and return fully processed token chunks in-order and as soon as possible.
* They support the AsyncTokenTransformManager.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} next TokenAccumulator to link to
* @param {Array} (optional) tokens, init accumulator with tokens or []
function TokenAccumulator ( manager, parentCB ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.parentCB = parentCB;
this.accum = [];
// Wait for child and sibling by default
// Note: Need to decrement outstanding on last accum
// in a chain.
this.outstanding = 2;
* Curry a parentCB with the object and reference.
* @method
* @param {Object} TokenAccumulator
* @param {misc} Reference / key for callback
* @returns {Function}
TokenAccumulator.prototype.getParentCB = function ( reference ) {
return this._returnTokens.bind( this, reference );
* Pass tokens to an accumulator
* @method
* @param {String}: reference, 'child' or 'sibling'.
* @param {Object}: { tokens, async, allTokensProcessed }
* @returns {Mixed}: new parent callback for caller or falsy value
TokenAccumulator.prototype._returnTokens =
function ( reference, ret ) {
var cb,
returnTokens = [];
if ( ! ret.async ) {
this.manager.env.dp( 'TokenAccumulator._returnTokens', ret );
if ( ret.tokens === undefined ) {
if ( this.manager.env.debug ) {
if ( ret.token ) {
ret.tokens = [ret.token];
} else {
ret.tokens = [];
if ( reference === 'child' ) {
var res = {};
if( !ret.allTokensProcessed ) {
// There might be transformations missing on the returned tokens,
// re-transform to make sure those are applied too.
res = this.manager.transformTokens( ret.tokens, this.parentCB );
ret.tokens = res.tokens;
if ( !ret.async ) {
// empty accum too
ret.tokens = ret.tokens.concat( this.accum );
this.accum = [];
//this.manager.env.dp( 'TokenAccumulator._returnTokens child: ',
// tokens, ' outstanding: ', this.outstanding );
ret.allTokensProcessed = true;
ret.async = this.outstanding;
this.parentCB( ret );
if ( res.async ) {
this.parentCB = res.async.getParentCB( 'sibling' );
return null;
} else {
// sibling
if ( this.outstanding === 0 ) {
ret.tokens = this.accum.concat( ret.tokens );
// A sibling will transform tokens, so we don't have to do this
// again.
//this.manager.env.dp( 'TokenAccumulator._returnTokens: ',
// 'sibling done and parentCB ',
// tokens );
ret.allTokensProcessed = true;
ret.async = false;
this.parentCB( ret );
return null;
} else if ( this.outstanding === 1 && ret.async ) {
//this.manager.env.dp( 'TokenAccumulator._returnTokens: ',
// 'sibling done and parentCB but async ',
// tokens );
// Sibling is not yet done, but child is. Return own parentCB to
// allow the sibling to go direct, and call back parent with
// tokens. The internal accumulator is empty at this stage, as its
// tokens are passed to the parent when the child is done.
ret.allTokensProcessed = true;
return this.parentCB( ret );
} else {
this.accum = this.accum.concat( ret.tokens );
//this.manager.env.dp( 'TokenAccumulator._returnTokens: sibling done, but not overall. async=',
// res.async, ', this.outstanding=', this.outstanding,
// ', this.accum=', this.accum, ' manager.title=', this.manager.title );
* Mark the sibling as done (normally at the tail of a chain).
TokenAccumulator.prototype.siblingDone = function () {
//console.warn( 'TokenAccumulator.siblingDone: ' );
this._returnTokens ( 'sibling', { tokens: [], async: false, allTokensProcessed: true} );
* Push a token into the accumulator
* @method
* @param {Object} token
TokenAccumulator.prototype.push = function ( token ) {
return this.accum.push(token);
* Append tokens to an accumulator
* @method
* @param {Object} token
TokenAccumulator.prototype.append = function ( token ) {
this.accum = this.accum.concat( token );
/******************************* Frame ******************************/
* The Frame object
* A frame represents a template expansion scope including parameters passed
* to the template (args). It provides a generic 'convert' method which
* expands / converts individual parameter values in its scope. It also
* provides methods to check if another expansion would lead to loops or
* exceed the maximum expansion depth.
function Frame ( title, manager, args, parentFrame ) {
this.title = title;
this.manager = manager;
this.args = new Params( this.manager.env, args );
if ( parentFrame ) {
this.parentFrame = parentFrame;
this.depth = parentFrame.depth + 1;
} else {
this.parentFrame = null;
this.depth = 0;
var self = this;
this.convert = function ( format, cb ) {
self._convertThunk( this, format, cb );
* Create a new child frame
Frame.prototype.newChild = function ( title, manager, args ) {
return new Frame( title, manager, args, this );
* Expand / convert a thunk (a chunk of tokens not yet fully expanded).
Frame.prototype._convertThunk = function ( chunk, format, cb ) {
this.manager.env.dp( 'convertChunk', chunk );
// Set up a conversion cache on the chunk, if it does not yet exist
if ( chunk.toCache === undefined ) {
Object.defineProperty( chunk, 'toCache', { value: {}, enumerable: false } );
} else {
if ( chunk.toCache[format] !== undefined ) {
cb( chunk.toCache[format] );
// XXX: Should perhaps create a generic conversion map in
// mediawiki.parser.js, at least for forward conversions.
if ( format === 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded' ) {
var pipeline = this.manager.pipeFactory.getPipeline(
this.manager.attributeType || 'tokens/x-mediawiki', true
pipeline.setFrame( this, null );
// In the interest of interface simplicity, we accumulate all emitted
// chunks in a single accumulator.
var accum = [];
// Callback used to cache the result of the conversion
var cacheIt = function ( res ) { chunk.toCache[format] = res; };
pipeline.addListener( 'chunk',
this.onThunkEvent.bind( this, cacheIt, accum, true, cb ) );
pipeline.addListener( 'end',
this.onThunkEvent.bind( this, cacheIt, accum, false, cb ) );
pipeline.process( chunk.concat( [new EOFTk()] ), this.title );
} else {
throw "Frame._convertThunk: Unsupported format " + format;
* Event handler for chunk conversion pipelines
Frame.prototype.onThunkEvent = function ( cacheIt, accum, notYetDone, cb, ret ) {
if ( notYetDone ) {
//this.manager.env.dp( 'Frame.onThunkEvent accum:', accum );
accum.push.apply( accum, ret );
} else {
this.manager.env.stripEOFTkfromTokens( accum );
this.manager.env.dp( 'Frame.onThunkEvent:', accum );
cacheIt( accum );
cb ( accum );
* Check if expanding <title> would lead to a loop, or would exceed the
* maximum expansion depth.
* @method
* @param {String} Title to check.
Frame.prototype.loopAndDepthCheck = function ( title, maxDepth ) {
// XXX: set limit really low for testing!
//console.warn( 'Loopcheck: ' + title + JSON.stringify( this, null, 2 ) );
if ( this.depth > maxDepth ) {
// too deep
//console.warn( 'Loopcheck: ' + JSON.stringify( this, null, 2 ) );
return 'Error: Expansion depth limit exceeded at ';
var elem = this;
do {
//console.warn( 'loop check: ' + title + ' vs ' + elem.title );
if ( elem.title === title ) {
// Loop detected
return 'Error: Expansion loop detected at ';
elem = elem.parentFrame;
} while ( elem );
// No loop detected.
return false;
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.AsyncTokenTransformManager = AsyncTokenTransformManager;
module.exports.SyncTokenTransformManager = SyncTokenTransformManager;
module.exports.AttributeTransformManager = AttributeTransformManager;