mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 09:57:01 +00:00
It used to be that when you closed a dialog, the thing that the dialog inspected or inserted would be selected. For insertions, the selection will now be collapsed immediately after the inserted node. For modifications, the original behavior was kept, as it makes sense to keep selecting the node that the user had to select in order to access the dialog. For removals (only possible in the transclusion dialog), the selection ends up as a collapsed selection at the location where the removed node used to be; this was already behaving correctly, as we get this behavior for free with offset translation. Bug: 54957 Change-Id: Ibd14e8084d67a9ee85e3bac075c3fb50f27b05b2
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343 lines
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* VisualEditor UserInterface MediaWiki MWReferenceDialog class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Dialog for editing MediaWiki references.
* @class
* @extends ve.ui.MWDialog
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.WindowSet} windowSet Window set this dialog is part of
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog = function VeUiMWReferenceDialog( windowSet, config ) {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.MWDialog.call( this, windowSet, config );
// Properties
this.ref = null;
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog, ve.ui.MWDialog );
/* Static Properties */
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.name = 'reference';
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.titleMessage = 'visualeditor-dialog-reference-title';
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.icon = 'reference';
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.toolbarGroups = [
{ 'include': [ 'undo', 'redo' ] },
{ 'include': [ 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'clear' ] },
{ 'include': [ 'number', 'bullet', 'outdent', 'indent' ] },
{ 'include': '*', 'exclude': [ { 'group': 'format' }, 'reference', 'referenceList' ] }
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.surfaceCommands = [
'undo', 'redo', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'clear',
'underline', 'subscript', 'superscript'
/* Methods */
* Handle reference surface change events
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onDocumentTransact = function () {
var data = this.referenceSurface.getContent(),
// TODO: Check for other types of empty, e.g. only whitespace?
disabled = data.length <= 4;
this.insertButton.setDisabled( disabled );
this.applyButton.setDisabled( disabled );
* Handle search select events.
* @param {Object|null} item Reference attributes or null if no item is selected
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onSearchSelect = function ( item ) {
if ( item ) {
this.useReference( item );
this.close( { 'action': 'insert' } );
* Work on a specific reference.
* @param {Object} [ref] Reference attributes, omit to work on a new reference
* @chainable
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.useReference = function ( ref ) {
var newDoc, refGroup,
doc = this.surface.getModel().getDocument();
if ( ref ) {
// Use an existing reference
this.ref = {
'listKey': ref.listKey,
'listGroup': ref.listGroup,
'refGroup': ref.refGroup,
'listIndex': ref.listIndex
newDoc = doc.cloneFromRange( doc.getInternalList().getItemNode( ref.listIndex ).getRange() );
refGroup = ref.refGroup;
} else {
// Create a new reference
this.ref = null;
newDoc = new ve.dm.Document( [
{ 'type': 'paragraph', 'internal': { 'generated': 'wrapper' } },
{ 'type': '/paragraph' },
{ 'type': 'internalList' },
{ 'type': '/internalList' }
] );
refGroup = '';
// Cleanup
if ( this.referenceSurface ) {
// Properties
this.referenceSurface = new ve.ui.SurfaceWidget(
'$': this.$,
'tools': this.constructor.static.toolbarGroups,
'commands': this.constructor.static.surfaceCommands
// Event handlers
.connect( this, { 'transact': 'onDocumentTransact' } );
// Initialization
this.referenceGroupInput.setValue( refGroup );
this.contentFieldset.$element.append( this.referenceSurface.$element );
return this;
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
// Parent method
ve.ui.MWDialog.prototype.initialize.call( this );
// Properties
this.panels = new OO.ui.StackLayout( { '$': this.$ } );
this.editPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
'$': this.$, 'scrollable': true, 'padded': true
} );
this.searchPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { '$': this.$ } );
this.applyButton = new OO.ui.PushButtonWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-apply' ),
'flags': ['primary']
} );
this.insertButton = new OO.ui.PushButtonWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-reference-insert-button' ),
'flags': ['constructive']
} );
this.selectButton = new OO.ui.PushButtonWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg ( 'visualeditor-dialog-reference-useexisting-label' )
} );
this.backButton = new OO.ui.PushButtonWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-goback' )
} );
this.contentFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( { '$': this.$ } );
this.optionsFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
'$': this.$,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-reference-options-section' ),
'icon': 'settings'
} );
// TODO: Use a drop-down or something, and populate with existing groups instead of free-text
this.referenceGroupInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { '$': this.$ } );
this.referenceGroupLabel = new OO.ui.InputLabelWidget( {
'$': this.$,
'input': this.referenceGroupInput,
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-reference-options-group-label' )
} );
this.search = new ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget(
this.surface, { '$': this.$ }
// Events
this.applyButton.connect( this, { 'click': [ 'close', { 'action': 'apply' } ] } );
this.insertButton.connect( this, { 'click': [ 'close', { 'action': 'insert' } ] } );
this.selectButton.connect( this, { 'click': function () {
this.panels.setItem( this.searchPanel );
} } );
this.backButton.connect( this, { 'click': function () {
this.panels.setItem( this.editPanel );
this.editPanel.$element.find( '.ve-ce-documentNode' ).focus();
} } );
this.search.connect( this, { 'select': 'onSearchSelect' } );
// Initialization
this.panels.addItems( [ this.editPanel, this.searchPanel ] );
this.editPanel.$element.append( this.contentFieldset.$element, this.optionsFieldset.$element );
this.optionsFieldset.$element.append( this.referenceGroupLabel.$element, this.referenceGroupInput.$element );
this.searchPanel.$element.append( this.search.$element );
this.$body.append( this.panels.$element );
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.setup = function ( data ) {
// Parent method
ve.ui.MWDialog.prototype.setup.call( this, data );
var ref,
focusedNode = this.surface.getView().getFocusedNode();
if ( focusedNode instanceof ve.ce.MWReferenceNode ) {
ref = focusedNode.getModel().getAttributes();
} else {
this.panels.setItem( this.editPanel );
this.useReference( ref );
this.selectButton.setDisabled( !this.search.getResults().getItems().length );
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.teardown = function ( data ) {
var i, len, txs, item, newDoc, group, refGroup, listGroup, keyIndex, refNodes, itemNodeRange,
surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel(),
// Store the original selection browsers may reset it after
// the first model change.
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection().clone(),
doc = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
internalList = doc.getInternalList();
// Data initialization
data = data || {};
if ( data.action === 'insert' || data.action === 'apply' ) {
newDoc = this.referenceSurface.getSurface().getModel().getDocument();
refGroup = this.referenceGroupInput.getValue();
listGroup = 'mwReference/' + refGroup;
// Internal item changes
if ( this.ref ) {
// Group/key has changed
if ( this.ref.listGroup !== listGroup ) {
// Get all reference nodes with the same group and key
group = internalList.getNodeGroup( this.ref.listGroup );
refNodes = group.keyedNodes[this.ref.listKey] ?
group.keyedNodes[this.ref.listKey].slice() :
[ group.firstNodes[this.ref.listIndex] ];
// Check for name collision when moving items between groups
keyIndex = internalList.getKeyIndex( this.ref.listGroup, this.ref.listKey );
if ( keyIndex !== undefined ) {
// Resolve name collision by generating a new list key
this.ref.listKey = 'auto/' + internalList.getNextUniqueNumber();
// Update the group name of all references nodes with the same group and key
txs = [];
for ( i = 0, len = refNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
// HACK: Removing and re-inserting nodes to/from the internal list is done
// because internal list doesn't yet support attribute changes
txs.push( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromAttributeChanges(
{ 'refGroup': refGroup, 'listGroup': listGroup }
) );
surfaceModel.change( txs );
// HACK: Same as above, internal list issues
for ( i = 0, len = refNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
this.ref.listGroup = listGroup;
this.ref.refGroup = refGroup;
// Update internal node content
itemNodeRange = internalList.getItemNode( this.ref.listIndex ).getRange();
surfaceModel.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( doc, itemNodeRange, true ) );
ve.dm.Transaction.newFromDocumentInsertion( doc, itemNodeRange.start, newDoc )
// Content changes
if ( data.action === 'insert' ) {
if ( !this.ref ) {
listGroup = 'mwReference/' + refGroup;
// Create new internal item
this.ref = {
'listKey': 'auto/' + internalList.getNextUniqueNumber(),
'listGroup': listGroup,
'refGroup': refGroup
// Insert an internal item, then inject the subdocument into it
item = internalList.getItemInsertion( this.ref.listGroup, this.ref.listKey, [] );
surfaceModel.change( item.transaction );
this.ref.listIndex = item.index;
itemNodeRange = internalList.getItemNode( this.ref.listIndex ).getRange();
ve.dm.Transaction.newFromDocumentInsertion( doc, itemNodeRange.start, newDoc )
// Add reference at cursor
surfaceModel.getFragment( selection ).collapseRangeToEnd().insertContent( [
{ 'type': 'mwReference', 'attributes': this.ref }, { 'type': '/mwReference' }
] ).collapseRangeToEnd().select();
this.referenceSurface = null;
this.ref = null;
// Parent method
ve.ui.MWDialog.prototype.teardown.call( this, data );
/* Registration */
ve.ui.dialogFactory.register( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog );