
416 lines
11 KiB

* VisualEditor UserInterface MWMediaSearchWidget class.
* @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget object.
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.SearchWidget
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {number} [size] Vertical size of thumbnails
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget = function VeUiMWMediaSearchWidget( config ) {
// Configuration initialization
config = ve.extendObject( {
placeholder: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-media-input-placeholder' )
}, config );
// Parent constructor this, config );
// Properties
this.sources = {};
this.size = config.size || 200;
this.fullSize = config.fullSize || 400;
this.$panels = config.$panels;
this.queryTimeout = null;
this.titles = {};
this.queryMediaSourcesCallback = this.queryMediaSources.bind( this );
this.promises = [];
this.numItems = 0;
this.lang = config.lang || 'en';
this.selected = null;
this.rows = [];
this.$noItemsMessage = this.$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 've-ui-mwMediaSearchWidget-noresults' )
.text( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-media-noresults' ) )
.appendTo( this.$query );
// Events
this.$results.on( 'scroll', this.onResultsScroll.bind( this ) );
this.results.connect( this, {
choose: 'onResultsChoose',
add: 'onResultsAdd',
remove: 'onResultsRemove'
} );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-mwMediaSearchWidget' );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget, OO.ui.SearchWidget );
/* Methods */
* Set the fileRepo sources for the media search
* @param {Object} sources The sources object
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.setSources = function ( sources ) {
this.sources = sources;
* Handle select widget select events.
* @param {string} value New value
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onQueryChange = function () {
var i, len;
// Parent method this );
// Reset
this.titles = {};
for ( i = 0, len = this.sources.length; i < len; i++ ) {
delete this.sources[i].gsroffset;
// Queue
clearTimeout( this.queryTimeout );
this.queryTimeout = setTimeout( this.queryMediaSourcesCallback, 100 );
* Respond to choosing result event.
* @param {OO.ui.OptionWidget} item Selected item
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onResultsChoose = function ( item ) {
this.emit( 'choose', item.getData() );
* Handle results scroll events.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Scroll event
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onResultsScroll = function () {
var position = this.$results.scrollTop() + this.$results.outerHeight(),
threshold = this.results.$element.outerHeight() - this.size;
if ( !this.query.isPending() && position > threshold ) {
* Query all sources for media.
* @method
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.queryMediaSources = function () {
var i, len, source, request,
lang = this.getLang(),
ajaxOptions = {},
value = this.query.getValue();
if ( value === '' ) {
// Reset message
// Abort previous promises if they are pending
for ( i = 0, len = this.sources.length; i < len; i++ ) {
source = this.sources[i];
// If we don't have either 'apiurl' or 'scriptDirUrl'
// the source is invalid, and we will skip it
if ( source.apiurl || source.scriptDirUrl !== undefined ) {
if ( !source.gsroffset ) {
source.gsroffset = 0;
if ( source.local ) {
ajaxOptions = {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
// If the url is local use json
dataType: 'json'
} else {
ajaxOptions = {
// If 'apiurl' is set, use that. Otherwise, build the url
// from scriptDirUrl and /api.php suffix
url: source.apiurl || ( source.scriptDirUrl + '/api.php' ),
// If the url is not the same origin use jsonp
dataType: 'jsonp',
// JSON-P requests are not cached by default and get a &_=random trail.
// While setting cache=true will still bypass cache in most case due to the
// callback parameter, at least drop the &_=random trail which triggers
// an API warning (invalid parameter).
cache: true
request = {
action: 'query',
generator: 'search',
gsrsearch: value,
gsrnamespace: 6,
gsrlimit: 20,
gsroffset: source.gsroffset,
prop: 'imageinfo',
// Language of the extmetadata details
iiextmetadatalanguage: lang,
iiprop: 'dimensions|url|mediatype|extmetadata|timestamp',
// Height of the dialog minus margins
iiurlheight: this.fullSize,
// Width of the dialog
iiurlwidth: 600 - 30 // Take off 30px for the margins
}, ajaxOptions )
.done( this.onMediaQueryDone.bind( this, source ) );
source.value = value;
this.promises.push( request );
// When all sources are done, check to see if there are results
$.when.apply( $, this.promises ).done( this.onAllMediaQueriesDone.bind( this ) );
* Reset all the rows; destroy the jQuery elements and reset
* the rows array.
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.resetRows = function () {
var i, len;
for ( i = 0, len = this.rows.length; i < len; i++ ) {
this.rows = [];
* Abort all api search query promises
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.resetPromises = function () {
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < this.promises.length; i++ ) {
this.rowIndex = 0;
// Empty the promise array
this.promises = [];
* Handle media query response events.
* @method
* @param {Object} source Media query source
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onAllMediaQueriesDone = function () {
if ( this.results.getItems().length === 0 ) {
} else {
* Find an available row at the end. Either we will need to create a new
* row or use the last available row if it isn't full.
* @return {number} Row index
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.getAvailableRow = function () {
var row,
maxLineWidth = this.results.$element.innerWidth() - 10;
if ( this.rows.length === 0 ) {
row = 0;
} else {
row = this.rows.length - 1;
if ( !this.rows[row] ) {
// Create new row
this.rows[row] = {
isFull: false,
width: 0,
items: [],
$element: this.$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 've-ui-mwMediaResultWidget-row' )
.css( {
width: maxLineWidth,
overflow: 'hidden'
} )
.data( 'row', row )
.attr( 'data-full', false )
// Append to results
this.results.$element.append( this.rows[row].$element );
} else if ( this.rows[row].isFull ) {
// Create new row
this.rows[row] = {
isFull: false,
width: 0,
items: [],
$element: this.$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 've-ui-mwMediaResultWidget-row' )
.css( {
width: maxLineWidth,
overflow: 'hidden'
} )
.data( 'row', row )
.attr( 'data-full', false )
// Append to results
this.results.$element.append( this.rows[row].$element );
return row;
* Respond to add results event in the results widget.
* Override the way SelectWidget and GroupElement append the items
* into the group so we can append them in groups of rows.
* @param {ve.ui.MWMediaResultWidget[]} items An array of item elements
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onResultsAdd = function ( items ) {
var i, j, ilen, jlen, itemWidth, row, effectiveWidth, resizeFactor,
maxLineWidth = this.results.$element.innerWidth() - 10;
// Go over the added items
row = this.getAvailableRow();
for ( i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
// TODO: Figure out a better way to calculate the margins
// between images (for now, hard-coded as 6)
itemWidth = items[i].$element.outerWidth() + 6;
// Add items to row until it is full
if ( this.rows[row].width + itemWidth >= maxLineWidth ) {
// Mark this row as full
this.rows[row].isFull = true;
this.rows[row].$element.attr( 'data-full', true );
// Resize all images in the row to fit the width
effectiveWidth = this.rows[row].width;
resizeFactor = maxLineWidth / effectiveWidth;
for ( j = 0, jlen = this.rows[row].items.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
this.rows[row].items[j].resizeThumb( resizeFactor );
// find another row
row = this.getAvailableRow();
// Append to row
this.rows[row].width += itemWidth;
// Store reference to the item
this.rows[row].items.push( items[i] );
items[i].setRow( row );
// Append the item
this.rows[row].$element.append( items[i].$element );
// If we have less than 4 rows, call for more images
if ( this.rows.length < 4 ) {
* Respond to removing results event in the results widget.
* Clear the relevant rows.
* @param {OO.ui.OptionWidget[]} items Removed items
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onResultsRemove = function ( items ) {
if ( items.length > 0 ) {
// In the case of the media search widget, if any items are removed
// all are removed (new search)
* Handle media query load events.
* @method
* @param {Object} source Media query source
* @param {Object} data Media query response
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.onMediaQueryDone = function ( source, data ) {
if ( !data.query || !data.query.pages ) {
var page, title,
items = [],
pages = data.query.pages,
value = this.query.getValue();
if ( value === '' || value !== source.value ) {
if ( data['query-continue'] && data['query-continue'].search ) {
source.gsroffset = data['query-continue'].search.gsroffset;
for ( page in pages ) {
// Verify that imageinfo exists
// In case it does not, skip the image to avoid errors in
// ve.ui.MWMediaResultWidget
if ( pages[page].imageinfo && pages[page].imageinfo.length > 0 ) {
title = new mw.Title( pages[page].title ).getMainText();
if ( ! this.titles, title ) ) {
this.titles[title] = true;
new ve.ui.MWMediaResultWidget( {
$: this.$,
data: pages[page],
size: this.size,
maxSize: this.results.$element.width() / 3
} )
this.results.addItems( items );
* Set language for the search results.
* @param {string} lang Language
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.setLang = function ( lang ) {
this.lang = lang;
* Get language for the search results.
* @returns {string} lang Language
ve.ui.MWMediaSearchWidget.prototype.getLang = function () {
return this.lang;