Trevor Parscal c9d6d35968 (bug 42219) Fix for document sync issue
When working with a document containing only a slug in an empty paragraph, tree synchronization would break because it was trying to rebuild a non-existent text node.

This change makes the rebuild always occur on the outer range, rather than the inner range, which prevents absent text nodes from being asked to be rebuilt.

Thank you to Roan for debugging this for like 20 min.

Change-Id: I8c3dad921ace395f0694f77cec44305a680657fe
2012-11-21 14:59:09 -08:00

569 lines
19 KiB

* VisualEditor data model TransactionProcessor class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* DataModel transaction processor.
* This class reads operations from a transaction and applies them one by one. It's not intended
* to be used directly; use the static functions and .rollback()
* instead.
* NOTE: Instances of this class are not recyclable: you can only call .process() on them once.
* @class
* @constructor
*/ = function VeDmTransactionProcessor( doc, transaction, reversed ) {
// Properties
this.document = doc;
this.transaction = transaction;
this.operations = transaction.getOperations();
this.synchronizer = new doc );
this.reversed = reversed;
// Linear model offset that we're currently at. Operations in the transaction are ordered, so
// the cursor only ever moves forward.
this.cursor = 0;
// Adjustment used to convert between linear model offsets in the original linear model and
// in the half-updated linear model.
this.adjustment = 0;
// Set and clear are sets of annotations which should be added or removed to content being
// inserted or retained.
this.set = new ve.AnnotationSet();
this.clear = new ve.AnnotationSet();
/* Static Members */
* Processing methods.
* Each method is specific to a type of action. Methods are called in the context of a transaction
* processor, so they work similar to normal methods on the object.
* @static
* @member
*/ = {};
/* Static methods */
* Commit a transaction to a document.
* @static
* @method
* @param {} doc Document object to apply the transaction to
* @param {} transaction Transaction to apply
*/ = function ( doc, transaction ) {
if ( transaction.hasBeenApplied() ) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot commit a transaction that has already been committed' );
new doc, transaction, false ).process();
* Roll back a transaction; this applies the transaction to the document in reverse.
* @static
* @method
* @param {} doc Document object to apply the transaction to
* @param {} transaction Transaction to apply
*/ = function ( doc, transaction ) {
if ( !transaction.hasBeenApplied() ) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot roll back a transaction that has not been committed' );
new doc, transaction, true ).process();
* Execute a retain operation.
* This method is called within the context of a document synchronizer instance.
* This moves the cursor by op.length and applies annotations to the characters that the cursor
* moved over.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} op Operation object:
* @param {Number} op.length Number of elements to retain
*/ = function ( op ) {
this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + op.length );
this.cursor += op.length;
* Execute an annotate operation.
* This method is called within the context of a document synchronizer instance.
* This will add an annotation to or remove an annotation from {this.set} or {this.clear}.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} op Operation object
* @param {String} op.method Annotation method, either 'set' to add or 'clear' to remove
* @param {String} op.bias End point of marker, either 'start' to begin or 'stop' to end
* @param {String} op.annotation Annotation object to set or clear from content
* @throws 'Invalid annotation method'
*/ = function ( op ) {
var target;
if ( op.method === 'set' ) {
target = this.reversed ? this.clear : this.set;
} else if ( op.method === 'clear' ) {
target = this.reversed ? this.set : this.clear;
} else {
throw new Error( 'Invalid annotation method ' + op.method );
if ( op.bias === 'start' ) {
target.push( op.annotation );
} else {
target.remove( op.annotation );
// Tree sync is done by applyAnnotations()
* Execute an attribute operation.
* This method is called within the context of a document synchronizer instance.
* This sets the attribute named op.key on the element at this.cursor to , or unsets it if
* === undefined . op.from is not checked against the old value, but is used instead of
* in reverse mode. So if op.from is incorrect, the transaction will commit fine, but won't roll
* back correctly.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} op Operation object
* @param {String} op.key: Attribute name
* @param {Mixed} op.from: Old attribute value, or undefined if not previously set
* @param {Mixed} New attribute value, or undefined to unset
*/ = function ( op ) {
var element =[this.cursor],
to = this.reversed ? op.from :,
from = this.reversed ? : op.from;
if ( element.type === undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid element error, can not set attributes on non-element data' );
if ( to === undefined ) {
// Clear
if ( element.attributes ) {
delete element.attributes[op.key];
} else {
// Automatically initialize attributes object
if ( !element.attributes ) {
element.attributes = {};
// Set
element.attributes[op.key] = to;
this.document.getNodeFromOffset( this.cursor + 1 ),
from, to
this.setChangeMarker( this.cursor, 'attributes' );
* Execute a replace operation.
* This method is called within the context of a document synchronizer instance.
* This replaces a range of linear model data with another at this.cursor, figures out how the model
* tree needs to be synchronized, and queues this in the DocumentSynchronizer.
* op.remove isn't checked against the actual data (instead op.remove.length things are removed
* starting at this.cursor), but it's used instead of op.insert in reverse mode. So if
* op.remove is incorrect but of the right length, the transaction will commit fine, but won't roll
* back correctly.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} op Operation object
* @param {Array} op.remove Linear model data to remove
* @param {Array} op.insert Linear model data to insert
*/ = function ( op ) {
var node, selection, range, parentOffset,
remove = this.reversed ? op.insert : op.remove,
insert = this.reversed ? op.remove : op.insert,
removeIsContent = remove ),
insertIsContent = insert ),
removeHasStructure = remove ),
insertHasStructure = insert ),
operation = op,
removeLevel = 0,
insertLevel = 0,
affectedRanges = [],
minInsertLevel = 0,
opAdjustment = 0,
if ( removeIsContent && insertIsContent ) {
// Content replacement
// Update the linear model
this.document.spliceData( this.cursor, remove.length, insert );
this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + insert.length );
// Get the node containing the replaced content
selection = this.document.selectNodes(
new ve.Range(
this.cursor - this.adjustment,
this.cursor - this.adjustment + remove.length
node = selection[0].node;
if (
!removeHasStructure && !insertHasStructure &&
selection.length === 1 &&
node && node.getType() === 'text'
) {
// Text-only replacement
// Queue a resize for the text node
this.synchronizer.pushResize( node, insert.length - remove.length );
} else {
// Replacement is not exclusively text
// Rebuild all covered nodes
range = new ve.Range(
selection[selection.length - 1].nodeOuterRange.end
this.synchronizer.pushRebuild( range,
new ve.Range( range.start + this.adjustment,
range.end + this.adjustment + insert.length - remove.length )
// Set change markers on the parents of the affected nodes
for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
parentOffset = ( selection[i].parentOuterRange || selection[i].nodeOuterRange ).start;
this.setChangeMarker( parentOffset + this.adjustment, 'content' );
// Advance the cursor
this.cursor += insert.length;
this.adjustment += insert.length - remove.length;
} else {
// Structural replacement
// It's possible that multiple replace operations are needed before the
// model is back in a consistent state. This loop applies the current
// replace operation to the linear model, then keeps applying subsequent
// operations until the model is consistent. We keep track of the changes
// and queue a single rebuild after the loop finishes.
while ( true ) {
if ( operation.type === 'replace' ) {
opRemove = this.reversed ? operation.insert : operation.remove;
opInsert = this.reversed ? operation.remove : operation.insert;
// Update the linear model for this insert
this.document.spliceData( this.cursor, opRemove.length, opInsert );
affectedRanges.push( new ve.Range(
this.cursor - this.adjustment,
this.cursor - this.adjustment + opRemove.length
) );
prevCursor = this.cursor;
this.cursor += opInsert.length;
// Paint the removed selection, figure out which nodes were
// covered, and add their ranges to the affected ranges list
if ( opRemove.length > 0 ) {
selection = this.document.selectNodes( new ve.Range(
prevCursor - this.adjustment,
prevCursor + opRemove.length - this.adjustment
), 'siblings' );
for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
affectedRanges.push( selection[i].nodeOuterRange );
if (
selection[i].nodeOuterRange.start < prevCursor - this.adjustment &&
) {
// The opening element survives, so this
// node will have some of its content
// removed and/or have another node merged
// into it. Mark the node.
// TODO detect special case where closing is replaced
parentOffset = selection[i].nodeOuterRange.start + this.adjustment;
this.setChangeMarker( parentOffset, 'content' );
// Walk through the remove and insert data
// and keep track of the element depth change (level)
// for each of these two separately. The model is
// only consistent if both levels are zero.
for ( i = 0; i < opRemove.length; i++ ) {
type = opRemove[i].type;
if ( type !== undefined ) {
if ( type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
// Closing element
} else {
// Opening element
// Keep track of the scope of the insertion
// Normally this is the node we're inserting into, except if the
// insertion closes elements it doesn't open (i.e. splits elements),
// in which case it's the affected ancestor
for ( i = 0; i < opInsert.length; i++ ) {
type = opInsert[i].type;
if ( type !== undefined ) {
if ( type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
// Closing element
if ( insertLevel < minInsertLevel ) {
// Closing an unopened element at a higher
// (more negative) level than before
// Lazy-initialize scope
scope = scope || this.document.getNodeFromOffset( prevCursor );
// Push the full range of the old scope as an affected range
scopeStart =
this.document.getDocumentNode().getOffsetFromNode( scope );
scopeEnd = scopeStart + scope.getOuterLength();
affectedRanges.push( new ve.Range( scopeStart, scopeEnd ) );
// Update scope
scope = scope.getParent() || scope;
// Set change marker
scopeStart + this.adjustment,
} else {
// Opening element
// Mark as 'created'
this.setChangeMarker( prevCursor + i, 'created' );
// Update adjustment
this.adjustment += opInsert.length - opRemove.length;
opAdjustment += opInsert.length - opRemove.length;
} else {
// We know that other operations won't cause adjustments, so we
// don't have to update adjustment
this.executeOperation( operation );
if ( removeLevel === 0 && insertLevel === 0 ) {
// The model is back in a consistent state, so we're done
// Get the next operation
operation = this.nextOperation();
if ( !operation ) {
throw new Error( 'Unbalanced set of replace operations found' );
// From all the affected ranges we have gathered, compute a range that covers all
// of them, and rebuild that
coveringRange = ve.Range.newCoveringRange( affectedRanges );
new ve.Range(
coveringRange.start + this.adjustment - opAdjustment,
coveringRange.end + this.adjustment
/* Methods */
* Gets the next operation.
* @method
*/ = function () {
return this.operations[this.operationIndex++] || false;
* Executes an operation.
* @method
* @param {Object} op Operation object to execute
* @throws 'Invalid operation error. Operation type is not supported'
*/ = function ( op ) {
if ( op.type in ) {[op.type].call( this, op );
} else {
throw new Error( 'Invalid operation error. Operation type is not supported: ' + op.type );
* Processes all operations.
* When all operations are done being processed, the document will be synchronized.
* @method
*/ = function () {
var op;
if ( this.reversed ) {
// Undo change markers before rolling back the transaction, because the offsets
// are relevant to the post-commit state
// Unset the change markers we've just undone
// This loop is factored this way to allow operations to be skipped over or executed
// from within other operations
this.operationIndex = 0;
while ( ( op = this.nextOperation() ) ) {
this.executeOperation( op );
if ( !this.reversed ) {
// Apply the change markers we've accumulated while processing the transaction
// Mark the transaction as committed or rolled back, as appropriate
* Apply the current annotation stacks. This will set all annotations in this.set and clear all
* annotations in this.clear on the data between the offsets this.cursor and this.cursor + to
* @method
* @param {Number} to Offset to stop annotating at. Annotating starts at this.cursor
* @throws 'Invalid transaction, can not annotate a branch element'
* @throws 'Invalid transaction, annotation to be set is already set'
* @throws 'Invalid transaction, annotation to be cleared is not set'
*/ = function ( to ) {
var item, element, annotated, annotations, i, range, selection, offset;
if ( this.set.isEmpty() && this.clear.isEmpty() ) {
for ( i = this.cursor; i < to; i++ ) {
item =[i];
element = item.type !== undefined;
if ( element ) {
if ( item.type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid transaction, cannot annotate a branch closing element' );
} else if ( item.type ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid transaction, cannot annotate a branch opening element' );
annotated = element ? 'annotations' in item : ve.isArray( item );
annotations = annotated ? ( element ? item.annotations : item[1] ) :
new ve.AnnotationSet();
// Set and clear annotations
if ( annotations.containsAnyOf( this.set ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid transaction, annotation to be set is already set' );
} else {
annotations.addSet( this.set );
if ( !annotations.containsAllOf( this.clear ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid transaction, annotation to be cleared is not set' );
} else {
annotations.removeSet( this.clear );
// Auto initialize/cleanup
if ( !annotations.isEmpty() && !annotated ) {
if ( element ) {
// Initialize new element annotation
item.annotations = new ve.AnnotationSet( annotations );
} else {
// Initialize new character annotation[i] = [item, new ve.AnnotationSet( annotations )];
} else if ( annotations.isEmpty() && annotated ) {
if ( element ) {
// Cleanup empty element annotation
delete item.annotations;
} else {
// Cleanup empty character annotation[i] = item[0];
if ( this.cursor < to ) {
range = new ve.Range( this.cursor, to );
selection = this.document.selectNodes(
new ve.Range(
this.cursor - this.adjustment,
to - this.adjustment
for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
offset = !selection[i].node.isWrapped() && selection[i].parentOuterRange ?
selection[i].parentOuterRange.start :
this.setChangeMarker( offset + this.adjustment, 'annotations' );
this.synchronizer.pushAnnotation( new ve.Range( this.cursor, to ) );
* Set a change marker on our transaction, if we are in commit mode. This function is a no-op in
* rollback mode.
* @see {}
*/ = function ( offset, type, increment ) {
// Refuse to set any new change markers while reversing transactions
if ( !this.reversed ) {
this.transaction.setChangeMarker( offset, type, increment );
* Apply the change markers on this.transaction to this.document . Change markers are set
* (incremented) in commit mode, and unset (decremented) in rollback mode.
*/ = function () {
var offset, type, previousValue, newValue, element,
markers = this.transaction.getChangeMarkers(),
m = this.reversed ? -1 : 1;
for ( offset in markers ) {
for ( type in markers[offset] ) {
offset = Number( offset );
element =[offset];
previousValue = ve.getProp( element, 'internal', 'changed', type );
newValue = ( previousValue || 0 ) + m*markers[offset][type];
if ( newValue != 0 ) {
ve.setProp( element, 'internal', 'changed', type, newValue );
} else if ( previousValue !== undefined ) {
// Value was set but becomes zero, delete the key
delete element.internal.changed[type];
// If that made .changed empty, delete it
if ( ve.isEmptyObject( element.internal.changed ) ) {
delete element.internal.changed;
// If that made .internal empty, delete it
if ( ve.isEmptyObject( element.internal ) ) {
delete element.internal;