C. Scott Ananian 5095e27925 Collapse metadata on any removal.
In, we used to only merge metadata
if the amount removed is larger than the amount inserted.  But this
could end up putting metadata in odd positions, for example if you
have Foo[[Category:Bar]]Baz and you delete 'ooBa' and replace it with
{image}xxx{/image}, then the category ends up inside the image.

We should always merge metadata when a segment is deleted, so that it
appears outside any new structure added.

There's a weird corner case here when a segment is removed but no
insertion is made: the removed metadata then needs to get glommed onto
the next element.  We extend the insert/replace metadata array
when this happens.

Bug: 53444
Bug: 53445
Change-Id: I51d55fb370b473273f9cf152fdd0f356377d4109
2013-09-01 11:00:51 -04:00

334 lines
11 KiB

* VisualEditor DataModel MetaList class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* DataModel meta item.
* @class
* @mixins ve.EventEmitter
* @constructor
* @param {} surface Surface model
*/ = function VeDmMetaList( surface ) {
var i, j, jlen, metadata, item, group;
// Mixin constructors this );
// Properties
this.surface = surface;
this.document = surface.getDocument();
this.groups = {};
this.items = [];
// Event handlers
this.document.connect( this, { 'transact': 'onTransact' } );
// Populate from document
metadata = this.document.getMetadata();
for ( i in metadata ) {
if ( metadata.hasOwnProperty( i ) && ve.isArray( metadata[i] ) ) {
for ( j = 0, jlen = metadata[i].length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
item = metadata[i][j] );
group = this.groups[item.getGroup()];
if ( !group ) {
group = this.groups[item.getGroup()] = [];
item.attach( this, Number( i ), j );
group.push( item );
this.items.push( item );
/* Inheritance */
ve.mixinClass(, ve.EventEmitter );
/* Events */
* @event insert
* @param {} item Item that was inserted
* @event remove
* @param {} item Item that was removed
* @param {Number} offset Linear model offset that the item was at
* @param {Number} index Index within that offset the item was at
/* Methods */
* Event handler for transactions on the document.
* When a transaction occurs, update this list to account for it:
* - insert items for new metadata that was inserted
* - remove items for metadata that was removed
* - translate offsets and recompute indices for metadata that has shifted
* @param {} tx Transaction that was applied to the document
* @param {boolean} reversed Whether the transaction was applied in reverse
* @emits insert
* @emits remove
*/ = function ( tx, reversed ) {
var i, j, k, ilen, jlen, klen, ins, rm, itemIndex, item,
offset = 0, newOffset = 0, index = 0, ops = tx.getOperations(),
insertedItems = [], removedItems = [];
// Look for replaceMetadata operations in the transaction and insert/remove items as appropriate
// This requires we also inspect retain, replace and replaceMetadata operations in order to
// track the offset and index. We track the pre-transaction offset, we need to do that in
// order to remove items correctly. This also means inserted items are initially at the wrong
// offset, but we translate it later.
for ( i = 0, ilen = ops.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
switch ( ops[i].type ) {
case 'retain':
offset += ops[i].length;
newOffset += ops[i].length;
index = 0;
case 'replace':
// if we have metadata replace info we can calculate the new
// offset and index directly
ins = reversed ? ops[i].removeMetadata : ops[i].insertMetadata;
rm = reversed ? ops[i].insertMetadata : ops[i].removeMetadata;
if ( rm !== undefined ) {
// find the first itemIndex - the rest should be in order after it
for ( j = 0, jlen = rm.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
if ( rm[j] !== undefined ) {
itemIndex = this.findItem( offset + j, 0 );
// iterate through all the inserted metaItems
for ( j = 0, jlen = ins.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
item = ins[j];
if ( item !== undefined ) {
for ( k = 0, klen = item.length; k < klen; k++ ) {
// Queue up the move for later so we don't break the metaItem ordering
this.items[itemIndex].setMove( newOffset + j, k );
offset += reversed ? ops[i].insert.length : ops[i].remove.length;
newOffset += reversed ? ops[i].remove.length : ops[i].insert.length;
index = 0;
case 'retainMetadata':
index += ops[i].length;
case 'replaceMetadata':
ins = reversed ? ops[i].remove : ops[i].insert;
rm = reversed ? ops[i].insert : ops[i].remove;
for ( j = 0, jlen = rm.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
item = this.deleteRemovedItem( offset, index + j );
removedItems.push( { 'item': item, 'offset': offset, 'index': index } );
for ( j = 0, jlen = ins.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
item = ins[j] );
// offset and index are pre-transaction, but we'll fix them later
this.addInsertedItem( offset, index + j, item );
insertedItems.push( { 'item': item } );
index += rm.length;
// Translate the offsets of all items, and reindex them too
// Reindexing is simple because the above ensures the items are already in the right order
offset = -1;
index = 0;
for ( i = 0, ilen = this.items.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
if ( this.items[i].isMovePending() ) {
// move was calculated from metadata replace info, just apply it
} else {
// otherwise calculate the new offset from the transaction
this.items[i].setOffset( tx.translateOffset( this.items[i].getOffset(), reversed ) );
if ( this.items[i].getOffset() === offset ) {
} else {
index = 0;
this.items[i].setIndex( index );
offset = this.items[i].getOffset();
for ( i = 0, ilen = insertedItems.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
this.emit( 'insert', insertedItems[i].item );
for ( i = 0, ilen = removedItems.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
this.emit( 'remove', removedItems[i].item, removedItems[i].offset, removedItems[i].index );
* Find an item by its offset, index and group.
* This function is mostly for internal usage.
* @param {number} offset Offset in the linear model
* @param {number} index Index in the metadata array associated with that offset
* @param {string} [group] Group to search in. If not set, search in all groups
* @param {boolean} [forInsertion] If the item is not found, return the index where it should have
* been rather than null
* @returns {number|null} Index into this.items or this.groups[group] where the item was found, or
* null if not found
*/ = function ( offset, index, group, forInsertion ) {
// Binary search for the item
var mid, items = typeof group === 'string' ? ( this.groups[group] || [] ) : this.items,
left = 0, right = items.length;
while ( left < right ) {
// Equivalent to Math.floor( ( left + right ) / 2 ) but much faster in V8
/*jshint bitwise:false */
mid = ( left + right ) >> 1;
if ( items[mid].getOffset() === offset && items[mid].getIndex() === index ) {
return mid;
if ( items[mid].getOffset() < offset || (
items[mid].getOffset() === offset && items[mid].getIndex() < index
) ) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid;
return forInsertion ? left : null;
* Get the item at a given offset and index, if there is one.
* @param {number} offset Offset in the linear model
* @param {number} index Index in the metadata array
* @returns {|null} The item at (offset,index), or null if not found
*/ = function ( offset, index ) {
var at = this.findItem( offset, index );
return at === null ? null : this.items[at];
* Get all items in a group.
* This function returns a shallow copy, so the array isn't returned by reference but the items
* themselves are.
* @param {string} group Group
* @returns {[]} Array of items in the group (shallow copy)
*/ = function ( group ) {
return ( this.groups[group] || [] ).slice( 0 );
* Get all items in the list.
* This function returns a shallow copy, so the array isn't returned by reference but the items
* themselves are.
* @returns {[]} Array of items in the list
*/ = function () {
return this.items.slice( 0 );
* Insert new metadata into the document. This builds and processes a transaction that inserts
* metadata into the document.
* @param {Object|} meta Metadata element (or MetaItem) to insert
* @param {Number} [offset] Offset to insert the new metadata, or undefined to add to the end
* @param {Number} [index] Index to insert the new metadata, or undefined to add to the end
*/ = function ( meta, offset, index ) {
var tx;
if ( meta instanceof ) {
meta = meta.getElement();
if ( offset === undefined ) {
offset =;
if ( index === undefined ) {
index = ( this.document.metadata.getData( offset ) || [] ).length;
tx = this.document, offset, index, [ meta ] );
this.surface.change( tx );
* Remove a meta item from the document. This builds and processes a transaction that removes the
* associated metadata from the document.
* @param {} item Item to remove
*/ = function ( item ) {
var tx;
tx =
new ve.Range( item.getIndex(), item.getIndex() + 1 )
this.surface.change( tx );
* Insert an item at a given offset and index in response to a transaction.
* This function is for internal usage by onTransact(). To actually insert an item, use
* insertItem().
* @param {number} offset Offset in the linear model of the new item
* @param {number} index Index of the new item in the metadata array at offset
* @param {} item Item object
* @emits insert
*/ = function ( offset, index, item ) {
var group = item.getGroup(), at = this.findItem( offset, index, null, true );
this.items.splice( at, 0, item );
if ( this.groups[group] ) {
at = this.findItem( offset, index, group, true );
this.groups[group].splice( at, 0, item );
} else {
this.groups[group] = [ item ];
item.attach( this, offset, index );
* Remove an item in response to a transaction.
* This function is for internal usage by onTransact(). To actually remove an item, use
* removeItem().
* @param {number} offset Offset in the linear model of the item
* @param {number} index Index of the item in the metadata array at offset
* @emits remove
*/ = function ( offset, index ) {
var item, group, at = this.findItem( offset, index );
if ( at === null ) {
item = this.items[at];
group = item.getGroup();
this.items.splice( at, 1 );
at = this.findItem( offset, index, group );
if ( at !== null ) {
this.groups[group].splice( at, 1 );
item.detach( this );
return item;