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synced 2024-12-01 01:16:30 +00:00
Detecting page status in a similar way as WikiEditor inspector. Disabled accept button now behaves appropriately. Accept button status is now evaluated on enter or submit. Change-Id: Ibfef6ffd87cb9a71e37242d6214d0f8e3af2e2c0
328 lines
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328 lines
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* jQuery multiSuggeset Plugin v.01
* Copyright 2012, Rob Moen
* http://sane.ly
* This document is licensed as free software under the terms of the
* MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Example:
// Input element.
var $input = $( '#exampleInput' );
// Multi Suggest configuration.
var options = {
'parent': $input.parent(),
'prefix': 'example-multi',
// Build suggestion groups in order.
'suggestions': function ( params ) {
// Generic params object.
var example = params.example,
example2 = params.example2,
query = params.query;
groups = {
// Set 1
'query': {
'label': 'Query',
'items': [query],
'itemClass': 'query-class'
// Set 2
'exampleGroup': {
'label': 'Example 1',
'items': example,
'itemClass': 'example-class'
// Set 3
'exampleGroup2': {
'label': 'Example 2',
'items': example2,
'itemClass': 'example-class'
// Return the groups object.
return groups;
// Called on succesfull input.
'input': function ( callback ) {
var query = $input.val();
// Example params object.
var params = {
'query': query,
'example': ['example item 1', 'example item 2', 'example item 3', 'example item 4'],
'example2': ['example item 5', 'example item 6']
// Build with params.
callback( params );
// Setup
$input.multiSuggest( options );
( function ( $ ) {
$.fn.multiSuggest = function ( options ) {
return this.each( function () {
// Private members.
var inputTimer = null,
visible = false,
focused = false,
$input = $( this ),
currentInput = '',
// Merge options with default configuration.
$.extend( {
'doc': document,
'prefix': 'multi',
'cssEllipsis': true
}, options );
// DOM Setup.
$multiSuggest = $( '<div>', options.doc )
.addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-select' )
$( options.parent ).append( $multiSuggest );
/* Methods */
// Hides & Show MultiSuggest.
function toggle() {
if ( visible ) {
} else {
// Call configured input method and supply the private build method as callback.
function onInput() {
// Throttle
clearTimeout( inputTimer );
inputTimer = setTimeout( function () {
var txt = $input.val();
if ( txt !== '' ) {
// Be sure that input has changed.
if (
txt !== currentInput &&
typeof options.input === 'function'
) {
options.input.call( $input, function ( params, callback ) {
build( params );
} );
} else {
// No Text, close.
if ( visible ) {
// Set current input.
currentInput = txt;
}, 250 );
// Opens the MultiSuggest dropdown.
function open() {
if ( !visible ) {
// Call input method if cached value is stale
if (
$input.val() !== '' &&
$input.val() !== currentInput
) {
} else {
// Show if there are suggestions.
if ( $multiSuggest.children().length > 0 ) {
visible = true;
// Closes the dropdown.
function close() {
if ( visible ) {
setTimeout( function () {
visible = false;
}, 100 );
// When an item is selected in the dropdown.
function select( text ) {
// Cache input.
currentInput = text;
$input.val( text );
if ( typeof options.select === 'function' ) {
options.select.call( this );
// When an item is "clicked".
// Use of mousedown to prevent blur.
function onItemMousedown ( e ) {
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item' )
.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( this ).addClass( 'selected' );
select.call( this, $( this ).data( 'text' ) );
// Adds a group to the dropdown.
function addGroup( name, group ) {
var $groupWrap,
// Add a container with a label for this group.
$group = $( '<div>', options.doc )
.addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-container' )
$( '<div>', options.doc )
.addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-label' )
.text( group.label )
$( '<div>', options.doc ).addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-wrap' )
// Add a clear break.
.append( $( '<div style="clear: both;">', options.doc ) );
// Add group
$multiSuggest.append( $group );
// Find the group wrapper element.
$groupWrap = $group.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-wrap' );
// If no items, add a dummy element to take up space.
if ( group.items.length === 0 ) {
$( '<div> </div>', options.doc )
.addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-dummy-item' )
// Add each item.
for( i = 0; i < group.items.length; i++ ) {
$item = $( '<div>', options.doc )
.addClass( options.prefix + '-suggest-item' )
.data( 'text', group.items[i] )
.on( 'mousedown', onItemMousedown );
if ( 'itemClass' in group ) {
$item.addClass( group.itemClass );
$groupWrap.append( $item );
// Wrap in span
$item.append( $( '<span>' )
.css( 'whiteSpace', 'nowrap' )
.text( group.items[i] )
// Select this item by default
if ( group.items[i].toLowerCase() === $input.val().toLowerCase() ) {
$item.addClass( 'selected' );
// CSS Ellipsis
if ( options.cssEllipsis ) {
$item.css( {
'white-space': 'nowrap',
'overflow': 'hidden',
'-o-text-overflow': 'ellipsis',
'text-overflow': 'ellipsis'
} );
// Build the dropdown.
// Fired as callback in configured input event.
function build( params ) {
var suggestions = options.suggestions( params ),
// Setup groups
if ( suggestions !== undefined ) {
for ( group in suggestions ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( suggestions[group] ) ) {
addGroup( group, suggestions[group] );
// Open dropdown.
// Run update method supplied in configuration.
if ( typeof options.update === 'function' ) {
// Bind target input events
$input.on( {
// Handle any change to the input.
'keydown cut paste': function ( e ) {
var $item,
$items = $multiSuggest
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item' ),
selected = 0;
// Find the selected index.
$.each( $items, function ( i, e ) {
if( $( this ).hasClass( 'selected' ) ) {
selected = i;
// Down arrow
if ( e.which === 40 ) {
// If not visible, open and do nothing.
if ( !visible ) {
selected = ( selected + 1 ) % $items.length;
$items.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( $items[selected] ).addClass( 'selected' );
// Up Arrow
} else if ( e.which === 38 ) {
// If not visible, open and do nothing.
if ( !visible ) {
selected = ( selected + $items.length - 1 ) % $items.length;
$items.removeClass( 'selected' );
$( $items[selected] ).addClass( 'selected' );
// Enter key.
} else if ( e.which === 13 ) {
// Only if the dropdown is open.
if ( visible ) {
$item = $multiSuggest
.find( '.' + options.prefix + '-suggest-item.selected' );
if ( $item.length > 0 ) {
select.call( this, $item.data( 'text' ) );
} else {
// Handle normal input.
'focus': function () {
focused = true;
'blur': function () {
focused = false;
'mousedown': function () {
if ( focused ) {
} );
return this;
} );
}( jQuery ) );