Ed Sanders c70d32c017 Use registered target, instead of ve.init.Target
Depends on I468d4eb4 in core.

Uses various hacks to trick the test runner into thinking
an MW target is in use, when in fact we still use SA targets.

Change-Id: If4611307d5d7aaee4af84f86ef82faf9078043b6
2014-06-17 20:41:01 +01:00

454 lines
15 KiB

* VisualEditor MediaWiki ViewPageTarget init.
* This file must remain as widely compatible as the base compatibility
* for MediaWiki itself (see mediawiki/core:/resources/startup.js).
* Avoid use of: ES5, SVG, HTML5 DOM, ContentEditable etc.
* @copyright 2011-2014 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/*global mw */
* Platform preparation for the MediaWiki view page. This loads (when user needs it) the
* actual MediaWiki integration and VisualEditor library.
* @class
* @singleton
( function () {
var conf, tabMessages, uri, pageExists, viewUri, veEditUri, isViewPage,
init, support, getTargetDeferred, enable, userPrefEnabled,
plugins = [];
* Use deferreds to avoid loading and instantiating Target multiple times.
* @returns {jQuery.Promise}
function getTarget() {
var loadTargetDeferred;
if ( !getTargetDeferred ) {
getTargetDeferred = $.Deferred();
loadTargetDeferred = $.Deferred()
.done( function () {
var target = new;
// Tee tracked events to MediaWiki firehose, if available (1.23+).
if ( mw.track ) {
ve.trackSubscribeAll( function ( topic, data ) { null, 've.' + topic, data );
} );
// Transfer methods = init.setupSectionLinks;
// Add plugins
target.addPlugins( plugins );
getTargetDeferred.resolve( target );
} )
.fail( getTargetDeferred.reject );
mw.loader.using( 'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget', loadTargetDeferred.resolve, loadTargetDeferred.reject );
return getTargetDeferred.promise();
conf = mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' );
tabMessages = conf.tabMessages;
uri = new mw.Uri();
// BUG 49000: For special pages, no information about page existence is
// exposed to mw.config (see BUG 53774), so we assume it exists.
pageExists = !!mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ) || mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) < 0;
viewUri = new mw.Uri( mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ) );
veEditUri = viewUri.clone().extend( { 'veaction': 'edit' } );
isViewPage = (
mw.config.get( 'wgIsArticle' ) &&
!( 'diff' in uri.query )
support = {
es5: !!(
// It would be much easier to do a quick inline function that asserts "use strict"
// works, but since IE9 doesn't support strict mode (and we don't use strict mode) we
// have to instead list all the ES5 features we do use.
Array.isArray &&
Array.prototype.filter &&
Array.prototype.indexOf && && &&
Date.prototype.toJSON &&
Object.create &&
Object.keys &&
String.prototype.trim &&
window.JSON &&
JSON.parse &&
contentEditable: 'contentEditable' in document.createElement( 'div' ),
svg: !!(
document.createElementNS &&
document.createElementNS( '', 'svg' ).createSVGRect
init = {
support: support,
blacklist: conf.blacklist,
* Add a plugin module or function.
* Plugins are run after VisualEditor is loaded, but before it is initialized. This allows
* plugins to add classes and register them with the factories and registries.
* The parameter to this function can be a ResourceLoader module name or a function.
* If it's a module name, it will be loaded together with the VisualEditor core modules when
* VE is loaded. No special care is taken to ensure that the module runs after the VE
* classes are loaded, so if this is desired, the module should depend on
* ext.visualEditor.core .
* If it's a function, it will be invoked once the VisualEditor core modules and any
* plugin modules registered through this function have been loaded, but before the editor
* is intialized. The function takes one parameter, which is the instance
* that's initializing, and can optionally return a jQuery.Promise . VisualEditor will
* only be initialized once all promises returned by plugin functions have been resolved.
* @example
* // Register ResourceLoader module
* 'ext.gadget.foobar' );
* // Register a callback
* function ( target ) {
* = .....
* } );
* // Register a callback that loads another script
* function () {
* return $.getScript( '' );
* } );
* @param {string|Function} plugin Module name or callback that optionally returns a promise
addPlugin: function ( plugin ) {
plugins.push( plugin );
setupSkin: function () {
setupTabs: function () {
// HACK: Remove this when the Education Program offers a proper way to detect and disable.
if (
// HACK: Work around jscs.requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers
mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' )[ true && 'education_program' ] === mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' )
) {
var caVeEdit,
action = pageExists ? 'edit' : 'create',
pTabsId = $( '#p-views' ).length ? 'p-views' : 'p-cactions',
$caSource = $( '#ca-viewsource' ),
$caEdit = $( '#ca-edit' ),
$caVeEdit = $( '#ca-ve-edit' ),
$caEditLink = $caEdit.find( 'a' ),
$caVeEditLink = $caVeEdit.find( 'a' ),
reverseTabOrder = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) && pTabsId === 'p-views',
/*jshint bitwise:false */
caVeEditNextnode = ( reverseTabOrder ^ conf.tabPosition === 'before' ) ? $caEdit.get( 0 ) : $ 0 );
if ( !$caVeEdit.length ) {
// The below duplicates the functionality of VisualEditorHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation()
// in case we're running on a cached page that doesn't have these tabs yet.
// If there is no edit tab or a view-source tab,
// the user doesn't have permission to edit.
if ( $caEdit.length && !$caSource.length ) {
// Add the VisualEditor tab (#ca-ve-edit)
caVeEdit = mw.util.addPortletLink(
// Use url instead of '#'.
// So that 1) one can always open it in a new tab, even when
// onEditTabClick is bound.
// 2) when onEditTabClick is not bound (!isViewPage) it will
// just work.
tabMessages[action] !== null ? mw.msg( tabMessages[action] ) : $caEditLink.text(),
mw.msg( 'tooltip-ca-ve-edit' ),
mw.msg( 'accesskey-ca-ve-edit' ),
$caVeEdit = $( caVeEdit );
$caVeEditLink = $caVeEdit.find( 'a' );
} else if ( $caEdit.length && $caVeEdit.length ) {
// Make the state of the page consistent with the config if needed
/*jshint bitwise:false */
if ( reverseTabOrder ^ conf.tabPosition === 'before' ) {
if ( $caEdit[0].nextSibling === $caVeEdit[0] ) {
$caVeEdit.after( $caEdit );
} else {
if ( $caVeEdit[0].nextSibling === $caEdit[0] ) {
$caEdit.after( $caVeEdit );
if ( tabMessages[action] !== null ) {
$caVeEditLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages[action] ) );
// If the edit tab is hidden, remove it.
if ( !( init.isAvailable && userPrefEnabled ) ) {
// Alter the edit tab (#ca-edit)
if ( $( '#ca-view-foreign' ).length ) {
if ( tabMessages[action + 'localdescriptionsource'] !== null ) {
$caEditLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages[action + 'localdescriptionsource'] ) );
} else {
if ( tabMessages[action + 'source'] !== null ) {
$caEditLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages[action + 'source'] ) );
if ( conf.tabPosition === 'before' ) {
$caEdit.addClass( 'collapsible' );
} else {
$caVeEdit.addClass( 'collapsible' );
// Process appendix messages
if ( tabMessages[action + 'appendix'] !== null ) {
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 've-tabmessage-appendix' )
.text( mw.msg( tabMessages[action + 'appendix'] ) )
if ( tabMessages[action + 'sourceappendix'] !== null ) {
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 've-tabmessage-appendix' )
.text( mw.msg( tabMessages[action + 'sourceappendix'] ) )
if ( isViewPage ) {
// Allow instant switching to edit mode, without refresh
$ init.onEditTabClick );
setupSectionLinks: function () {
var $editsections = $( '#mw-content-text .mw-editsection' ),
bodyDir = $( 'body' ).css( 'direction' );
// Match direction of the user interface
// TODO: Why is this needed? It seems to work fine without.
if ( $editsections.css( 'direction' ) !== bodyDir ) {
// Avoid creating inline style attributes if the inherited value is already correct
$editsections.css( 'direction', bodyDir );
// The "visibility" css construct ensures we always occupy the same space in the layout.
// This prevents the heading from changing its wrap when the user toggles editSourceLink.
if ( $editsections.find( '.mw-editsection-visualeditor' ).length === 0 ) {
// If PHP didn't build the section edit links (because of caching), build them
$editsections.each( function () {
var $editsection = $( this ),
$editSourceLink = $editsection.find( 'a' ).eq( 0 ),
$editLink = $editSourceLink.clone(),
$divider = $( '<span>' ),
dividerText = mw.msg( 'pipe-separator' );
if ( tabMessages.editsectionsource !== null ) {
$editSourceLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages.editsectionsource ) );
if ( tabMessages.editsection !== null ) {
$editLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages.editsection ) );
.addClass( 'mw-editsection-divider' )
.text( dividerText );
// Don't mess with section edit links on foreign file description pages
// (bug 54259)
if ( !$( '#ca-view-foreign' ).length ) {
.attr( 'href', function ( i, val ) {
return new mw.Uri( veEditUri ).extend( {
'vesection': new mw.Uri( val ).query.section
} );
} )
.addClass( 'mw-editsection-visualeditor' );
if ( conf.tabPosition === 'before' ) {
$editSourceLink.before( $editLink, $divider );
} else {
$editSourceLink.after( $divider, $editLink );
} );
// Process appendix messages
if ( tabMessages.editsectionappendix ) {
$editsections.find( '.mw-editsection-visualeditor' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 've-tabmessage-appendix' )
.text( mw.msg( tabMessages.editsectionappendix ) )
if ( tabMessages.editsectionsourceappendix ) {
$editsections.find( 'a:not(.mw-editsection-visualeditor)' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 've-tabmessage-appendix' )
.text( mw.msg( tabMessages.editsectionsourceappendix ) )
if ( isViewPage ) {
// Only init without refresh if we're on a view page. Though section edit links
// are rarely shown on non-view pages, they appear in one other case, namely
// when on a diff against the latest version of a page. In that case we mustn't
// init without refresh as that'd initialise for the wrong rev id (bug 50925)
// and would preserve the wrong DOM with a diff on top.
.find( '.mw-editsection-visualeditor' )
.click( init.onEditSectionLinkClick )
onEditTabClick: function ( e ) {
// Default mouse button is normalised by jQuery to key code 1.
// Only do our handling if no keys are pressed, mouse button is 1
// (e.g. not middle click or right click) and no modifier keys
// (e.g. cmd-click to open in new tab).
if ( ( e.which && e.which !== 1 ) || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) {
getTarget().done( function ( target ) {
ve.track( 'Edit', { action: 'edit-link-click' } );
} );
onEditSectionLinkClick: function ( e ) {
if ( ( e.which && e.which !== 1 ) || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) {
getTarget().done( function ( target ) {
ve.track( 'Edit', { action: 'section-edit-link-click' } );
target.saveEditSection( $( ).closest( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' ).get( 0 ) );
} );
support.visualEditor = support.es5 &&
support.contentEditable &&
support.svg &&
( ( 'vewhitelist' in uri.query ) || !$.client.test( init.blacklist, null, true ) );
enable = mw.user.options.get( 'visualeditor-enable', conf.defaultUserOptions.enable );
userPrefEnabled = (
// Allow disabling for anonymous users separately from changing the
// default preference (bug 50000)
!( conf.disableForAnons && mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) === null ) &&
// User has 'visualeditor-enable' preference enabled (for alpha opt-in)
// User has 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' preference disabled
// Because user.options is embedded in the HTML and cached per-page for anons on wikis
// with static caching (e.g. wgUseFileCache or reverse-proxy) ignore user.options for
// anons as it is likely outdated.
mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) === null ?
( conf.defaultUserOptions.enable && !conf.defaultUserOptions.betatempdisable ) :
enable && enable !== '0' &&
// Whether VisualEditor should be available for the current user, page, wiki, mediawiki skin,
// browser etc.
init.isAvailable = (
support.visualEditor &&
// Only in supported skins
$.inArray( mw.config.get( 'skin' ), conf.skins ) !== -1 &&
// Only in enabled namespaces
new mw.Title( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ).getNamespaceId(),
) !== -1 &&
// Not on pages which are outputs of the Page Translation feature
mw.config.get( 'wgTranslatePageTranslation' ) !== 'translation' &&
// Only for pages with a wikitext content model
mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentModel' ) === 'wikitext'
// Note: Though VisualEditor itself only needs this exposure for a very small reason
// (namely to access init.blacklist from the unit tests...) this has become one of the nicest
// ways to easily detect whether the VisualEditor initialisation code is present.
// The VE global was once available always, but now that platform integration initialisation
// is properly separated, it doesn't exist until the platform loads VisualEditor core.
// Most of is considered subject to change and private. The exception is that
// is public, and indicates whether the VE editor itself can be loaded
// on this page. See above for why it may be false. = init;
if ( init.isAvailable && userPrefEnabled ) {
$( 'html' ).addClass( 've-available' );
} else {
$( 'html' ).addClass( 've-not-available' );
// Don't return here because we do want the skin setup to consistently happen
// for e.g. "Edit" > "Edit source" even when VE is not available.
$( function () {
if ( init.isAvailable ) {
if ( isViewPage && uri.query.veaction === 'edit' ) {
getTarget().done( function ( target ) {
} );
if ( userPrefEnabled ) {
} );
}() );