/*! * VisualEditor ContentEditable BranchNode class. * * @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * ContentEditable branch node. * * Branch nodes can have branch or leaf nodes as children. * * @class * @abstract * @extends ve.ce.Node * @mixins ve.BranchNode * @constructor * @param {string} type Symbolic name of node type * @param {ve.dm.BranchNode} model Model to observe * @param {jQuery} [$element] Element to use as a container */ ve.ce.BranchNode = function VeCeBranchNode( type, model, $element ) { // Mixin constructor ve.BranchNode.call( this ); // Parent constructor ve.ce.Node.call( this, type, model, $element ); // Properties this.domWrapperElementType = this.$.get( 0 ).nodeName.toLowerCase(); this.slugs = { }; this.emitChildUpdate = ve.bind( function () { this.emit( 'childUpdate' ); }, this ); // Events this.model.addListenerMethod( this, 'splice', 'onSplice' ); // DOM Changes this.$.addClass( 've-ce-branchNode' ); // Initialization this.onSplice.apply( this, [0, 0].concat( model.getChildren() ) ); }; /** * @event rewrap * @param {jQuery} $old * @param {jQuery} $new */ /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ce.BranchNode, ve.ce.Node ); ve.mixinClass( ve.ce.BranchNode, ve.BranchNode ); /* Static Properties */ /** * Inline slug template. * * @static * @property * @type {jQuery} */ ve.ce.BranchNode.$inlineSlugTemplate = $( '' ) .addClass( 've-ce-slug' ) .html( $.browser.msie ? ' ' : '' ); /** * Block slug template. * * @static * @property * @type {jQuery} */ ve.ce.BranchNode.$blockSlugTemplate = ve.ce.BranchNode.$inlineSlugTemplate.clone().addClass( 've-ce-slugBlock' ); /* Static Methods */ /** * Get the appropriate element type for the DOM wrapper of a node. * * This method reads the `key` attribute from a `model` and looks up a type in the node's statically * defined `domWrapperElementTypes` member, which is a mapping of possible values of that attribute * and DOM element types. * * @method * @param {ve.dm.BranchNode} model Model node is based on * @param {string} key Attribute name to read type value from * @returns {string} DOM element type for wrapper * @throws {Error} Attribute is not defined in the model * @throws {Error} Attribute value is not a key in `domWrapperElementTypes` */ ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType = function ( model, key ) { var types, value = model.getAttribute( key ); if ( value === undefined ) { throw new Error( 'Undefined attribute: ' + key ); } types = ve.ce.nodeFactory.lookup( model.getType() ).domWrapperElementTypes; if ( types[value] === undefined ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid attribute value: ' + value ); } return types[value]; }; /** * Get a new DOM wrapper. * * This method uses #getDomWrapperType to determine the proper element type to use. * * @method * @param {ve.dm.BranchNode} model Model node is based on * @param {string} key Attribute name to read type value from * @returns {jQuery} Selection of DOM wrapper */ ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapper = function ( model, key ) { var type = ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType( model, key ); return $( document.createElement( type ) ); }; /* Methods */ /** * Update the DOM wrapper. * * This method uses {getDomWrapperType} to determine the proper element type to use. * * WARNING: The contents, .data( 'node' ) and any classes the wrapper already has will be moved to * the new wrapper, but other attributes and any other information added using $.data() will be * lost upon updating the wrapper. To retain information added to the wrapper, subscribe to the * 'rewrap' event and copy information from the {$old} wrapper the {$new} wrapper. * * @method * @param {string} key Attribute name to read type value from * @emits rewrap */ ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.updateDomWrapper = function ( key ) { var $element, type = ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType( this.model, key ); if ( type !== this.domWrapperElementType ) { $element = $( document.createElement( type ) ); // Copy classes $element.attr( 'class', this.$.attr( 'class' ) ); // Copy .data( 'node' ) $element.data( 'node', this.$.data( 'node' ) ); // Move contents $element.append( this.$.contents() ); // Emit an event that can be handled to copy other things over if needed this.emit( 'rewrap', this.$, $element ); // Swap elements this.$.replaceWith( $element ); // Use new element from now on this.$ = $element; // Remember which type we are using now this.domWrapperElementType = type; } }; /** * Handle splice events. * * ve.ce.Node objects are generated from the inserted ve.dm.Node objects, producing a view that's a * mirror of its model. * * @method * @param {number} index Index to remove and or insert nodes at * @param {number} howmany Number of nodes to remove * @param {ve.dm.BranchNode...} [nodes] Variadic list of nodes to insert */ ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.onSplice = function ( index ) { var i, length, args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ), $anchor, removals; // Convert models to views and attach them to this node if ( args.length >= 3 ) { for ( i = 2, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) { args[i] = ve.ce.nodeFactory.create( args[i].getType(), args[i] ); args[i].model.addListener( 'update', this.emitChildUpdate ); } } removals = this.children.splice.apply( this.children, args ); for ( i = 0, length = removals.length; i < length; i++ ) { removals[i].model.removeListener( 'update', this.emitChildUpdate ); removals[i].detach(); // Update DOM removals[i].$.detach(); removals[i].setLive( false ); } if ( args.length >= 3 ) { if ( index ) { // Get the element before the insertion point $anchor = this.children[ index - 1 ].$.last(); } for ( i = args.length - 1; i >= 2; i-- ) { args[i].attach( this ); if ( index ) { $anchor.after( args[i].$ ); } else { this.$.prepend( args[i].$ ); } if ( this.live !== args[i].isLive() ) { args[i].setLive( this.live ); } } } this.setupSlugs(); }; /** * Setup slugs where needed. * * Existing slugs will be removed before new ones are added. * * @method */ ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.setupSlugs = function () { var key, $slug, i; // Remove all slugs in this branch for( key in this.slugs ) { this.slugs[key].remove(); delete this.slugs[key]; } if ( this.canHaveGrandchildren() ) { $slug = ve.ce.BranchNode.$blockSlugTemplate.clone(); } else { $slug = ve.ce.BranchNode.$inlineSlugTemplate.clone(); } if ( this.getLength() === 0 ) { this.slugs[0] = $slug.clone().appendTo( this.$ ); } else { // Iterate over all children of this branch and add slugs in appropriate places for ( i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { // First sluggable child (left side) if ( i === 0 && this.children[i].canHaveSlugBefore() ) { this.slugs[i] = $slug.clone().insertBefore( this.children[i].$.first() ); } if ( this.children[i].canHaveSlugAfter() ) { if ( // Last sluggable child (right side) i === this.children.length - 1 || // Sluggable child followed by another sluggable child (in between) ( this.children[i + 1] && this.children[i + 1].canHaveSlugBefore() ) ) { this.slugs[i + 1] = $slug.clone().insertAfter( this.children[i].$.last() ); } } } } }; /** * Get a slug at an offset. * * @method * @param {number} offset Offset to get slug at */ ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.getSlugAtOffset = function ( offset ) { var i, startOffset = this.model.getOffset() + ( this.isWrapped() ? 1 : 0 ); if ( offset === startOffset ) { return this.slugs[0] || null; } for ( i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { startOffset += this.children[i].model.getOuterLength(); if ( offset === startOffset ) { return this.slugs[i + 1] || null; } } }; /** * Set live state on child nodes. * * @method * @param {boolean} live New live state */ ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.setLive = function ( live ) { this.live = live; this.emit( 'live' ); for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { this.children[i].setLive( live ); } };