module( 'es/models' ); /* * Sample plain object (WikiDom). * * There are two kinds of nodes in WikiDom: * * {Object} ElementNode * type: {String} Symbolic node type name * [attributes]: {Object} List of symbolic attribute name and literal value pairs * [content]: {Object} Content node (not defined if node has children) * [children]: {Object[]} Child nodes (not defined if node has content) * * {Object} ContentNode * text: {String} Plain text data of content * [annotations]: {Object[]} List of annotation objects that can be used to render text * type: {String} Symbolic name of annotation type * start: {Integer} Offset within text to begin annotation * end: {Integer} Offset within text to end annotation * [data]: {Object} Additional information, only used by more complex annotations */ var obj = { 'type': 'document', 'children': [ { 'type': 'paragraph', 'content': { 'text': 'abc', 'annotations': [ { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'range': { 'start': 1, 'end': 2 } }, { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'range': { 'start': 2, 'end': 3 } } ] } }, { 'type': 'table', 'children': [ { 'type': 'tableRow', 'children': [ { 'type': 'tableCell', 'children': [ { 'type': 'paragraph', 'content': { 'text': 'd' } }, { 'type': 'list', 'children': [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] }, 'content': { 'text': 'e' } }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] }, 'content': { 'text': 'f' } }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] }, 'content': { 'text': 'g' } } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { 'type': 'paragraph', 'content': { 'text': 'h' } } ] }; /* * Sample content data. * * There are three types of components in content data: * * {String} Plain text character * * {Array} Annotated character * {String} Character * {String} Hash * {Object}... List of annotation object references * * {Object} Opening or closing structural element * type: {String} Symbolic node type name, if closing element first character will be "/" * node: {Object} Reference to model tree node * [attributes]: {Object} List of symbolic attribute name and literal value pairs */ var data = [ // 0 - Beginning of paragraph { 'type': 'paragraph' }, // 1 - Plain content 'a', // 2 - Annotated content ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], // 3 - Annotated content ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], // 4 - End of paragraph { 'type': '/paragraph' }, // 5 - Beginning of table { 'type': 'table' }, // 6 - Beginning of row { 'type': 'tableRow' }, // 7 - Beginning of cell { 'type': 'tableCell' }, // 8 - Beginning of paragraph { 'type': 'paragraph' }, // 9 - Plain content 'd', // 10 - End of paragraph { 'type': '/paragraph' }, // 11 - Beginning of list { 'type': 'list' }, // 12 - Beginning of bullet list item { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, // 13 - Plain content 'e', // 14 - End of item { 'type': '/listItem' }, // 15 - Beginning of nested bullet list item { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, // 16 - Plain content 'f', // 17 - End of item { 'type': '/listItem' }, // 18 - Beginning of numbered list item { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, // 19 - Plain content 'g', // 20 - End of item { 'type': '/listItem' }, // 21 - End of list { 'type': '/list' }, // 22 - End of cell { 'type': '/tableCell' }, // 23 - End of row { 'type': '/tableRow' }, // 24 - End of table { 'type': '/table' }, // 25 - Beginning of paragraph { 'type': 'paragraph' }, // 26 - Plain content 'h', // 27 - End of paragraph { 'type': '/paragraph' } ]; /** * Sample content data index. * * This is a node tree that describes each partition within the document's content data. This is * what is automatically built by the es.DocumentModel constructor. */ var tree = [ new es.ParagraphModel( data[0], 3 ), new es.TableModel( data[5], [ new es.TableRowModel( data[6], [ new es.TableCellModel( data[7], [ new es.ParagraphModel( data[8], 1 ), new es.ListModel( data[11], [ new es.ListItemModel( data[12], 1 ), new es.ListItemModel( data[15], 1 ), new es.ListItemModel( data[18], 1 ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ), new es.ParagraphModel( data[25], 1 ) ]; test( 'es.DocumentModel.getData', 1, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 deepEqual( documentModel.getData(), data, 'Flattening plain objects results in correct data' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getChildren', 1, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); function equalLengths( a, b ) { if ( a.length !== b.length ) { return false; } for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) { if ( a[i].getContentLength() !== b[i].getContentLength() ) { console.log( 'mismatched content lengths', a[i], b[i] ); return false; } aIsBranch = typeof a[i].getChildren === 'function'; bIsBranch = typeof b[i].getChildren === 'function'; if ( aIsBranch !== bIsBranch ) { return false; } if ( aIsBranch && !equalLengths( a[i].getChildren(), b[i].getChildren() ) ) { return false; } } return true; } // Test 1 ok( equalLengths( documentModel.getChildren(), tree ), 'Nodes in the model tree contain correct lengths' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getRelativeContentOffset', 7, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 1, 1 ), 2, 'getRelativeContentOffset advances forwards through the inside of elements' ); // Test 2 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 2, -1 ), 1, 'getRelativeContentOffset advances backwards through the inside of elements' ); // Test 3 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 3, 1 ), 4, 'getRelativeContentOffset uses the offset after the last character in an element' ); // Test 3 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 1, -1 ), 1, 'getRelativeContentOffset treats the begining a document as a non-content offset' ); // Test 4 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 27, 1 ), 27, 'getRelativeContentOffset treats the end a document as a non-content offset' ); // Test 5 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 4, 1 ), 9, 'getRelativeContentOffset advances forwards between elements' ); // Test 6 equal( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( 26, -1 ), 20, 'getRelativeContentOffset advances backwards between elements' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getContent', 6, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ), childNodes = documentModel.getChildren(); // Test 1 deepEqual( childNodes[0].getContent( new es.Range( 1, 3 ) ), [ ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }] ], 'getContent can return an ending portion of the content' ); // Test 2 deepEqual( childNodes[0].getContent( new es.Range( 0, 2 ) ), ['a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }]], 'getContent can return a beginning portion of the content' ); // Test 3 deepEqual( childNodes[0].getContent( new es.Range( 1, 2 ) ), [['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }]], 'getContent can return a middle portion of the content' ); // Test 4 try { childNodes[0].getContent( new es.Range( -1, 3 ) ); } catch ( negativeIndexError ) { ok( true, 'getContent throws exceptions when given a range with start < 0' ); } // Test 5 try { childNodes[0].getContent( new es.Range( 0, 4 ) ); } catch ( outOfRangeError ) { ok( true, 'getContent throws exceptions when given a range with end > length' ); } // Test 6 deepEqual( childNodes[2].getContent(), ['h'], 'Content can be extracted from nodes' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation', 3, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); var bold = { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }, italic = { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }, nothing = { 'type': 'nothing', 'hash': '#nothing' }, character = ['a', bold, italic]; // Test 1 equal( es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation( character, bold ), 1, 'getIndexOfAnnotation get the correct index' ); // Test 2 equal( es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation( character, italic ), 2, 'getIndexOfAnnotation get the correct index' ); // Test 3 equal( es.DocumentModel.getIndexOfAnnotation( character, nothing ), -1, 'getIndexOfAnnotation returns -1 if the annotation was not found' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getWordBoundaries', 2, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); deepEqual( documentModel.getWordBoundaries( 2 ), new es.Range( 1, 4 ), 'getWordBoundaries returns range around nearest whole word' ); strictEqual( documentModel.getWordBoundaries( 5 ), null, 'getWordBoundaries returns null when given non-content offset' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getAnnotationBoundaries', 2, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); deepEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationBoundaries( 2, { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } ), new es.Range( 2, 3 ), 'getWordBoundaries returns range around content covered by annotation' ); strictEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationBoundaries( 1, { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } ), null, 'getWordBoundaries returns null if offset is not covered by annotation' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset', 4, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); deepEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset( 1 ), [], 'getAnnotationsFromOffset returns empty array for non-annotated content' ); deepEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset( 2 ), [{ 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], 'getAnnotationsFromOffset returns annotations of annotated content correctly' ); deepEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset( 3 ), [{ 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], 'getAnnotationsFromOffset returns annotations of annotated content correctly' ); deepEqual( documentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset( 0 ), [], 'getAnnotationsFromOffset returns empty array when given a non-content offset' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange', 4, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 0, 'set', 'test', 1234 ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'attribute', 'method': 'set', 'key': 'test', 'value': 1234 }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 28 } ], 'prepareElementAttributeChange retains data after attribute change for first element' ); // Test 2 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 5, 'set', 'test', 1234 ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 5 }, { 'type': 'attribute', 'method': 'set', 'key': 'test', 'value': 1234 }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 23 } ], 'prepareElementAttributeChange retains data before and after attribute change' ); // Test 3 try { documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 1, 'set', 'test', 1234 ); } catch ( invalidOffsetError ) { ok( true, 'prepareElementAttributeChange throws an exception when offset is not an element' ); } // Test 4 try { documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 4, 'set', 'test', 1234 ); } catch ( closingElementError ) { ok( true, 'prepareElementAttributeChange throws an exception when offset is a closing element' ); } } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.prepareContentAnnotation', 1, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareContentAnnotation( new es.Range( 1, 4 ), 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'annotate', 'method': 'set', 'bias': 'start', 'annotation': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' } }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'annotate', 'method': 'set', 'bias': 'stop', 'annotation': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' } }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'annotate', 'method': 'set', 'bias': 'start', 'annotation': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' } }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'annotate', 'method': 'set', 'bias': 'stop', 'annotation': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' } }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 24 } ], 'prepareContentAnnotation skips over content that is already set or cleared' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.prepareRemoval', 1, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareRemoval( new es.Range( 1, 4 ) ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'remove', 'data': [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }] ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 24 } ], 'prepareRemoval includes the content being removed' ); /* // Test 2 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareRemoval( new es.Range( 15, 18 ) ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 15 }, { 'type': 'remove', 'data': [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, 'b', { 'type': '/listItem' } ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 10 } ], 'prepareRemoval removes entire elements' ); // Test 3 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareRemoval( new es.Range( 17, 19 ) ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 17 }, { 'type': 'remove', 'data': [ { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } } ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 9 } ], 'prepareRemoval merges two list items' ); */ } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.prepareInsertion', 11, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); // Test 1 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 1, ['d', 'e', 'f'] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 1 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': ['d', 'e', 'f'] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 27 } ], 'prepareInsertion retains data up to the offset and includes the content being inserted' ); // Test 2 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 5, [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', 'e', 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 5 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', 'e', 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 23 } ], 'prepareInsertion inserts a paragraph between two structural elements' ); // Test 3 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 5, ['d', 'e', 'f'] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 5 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', 'e', 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 23 } ], 'prepareInsertion wraps unstructured content inserted between elements in a paragraph' ); // Test 4 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 5, [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', 'e', 'f'] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 5 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', 'e', 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 23 } ], 'prepareInsertion completes opening elements in inserted content' ); // Test 5 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 2, [ { 'type': 'table' }, { 'type': '/table' } ] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 2 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [ { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'table' }, { 'type': '/table' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' } ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 26 } ], 'prepareInsertion splits up paragraph when inserting a table in the middle' ); // Test 6 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 2, [ 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'b', 'a', 'r' ] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 2 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [ 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'b', 'a', 'r' ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 26 } ], 'prepareInsertion splits up paragraph when inserting a paragraph closing and opening into' + 'a paragraph' ); // Test 7 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 0, [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] }, { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 28 } ], 'prepareInsertion inserts at the beginning, then retains up to the end' ); // Test 8 deepEqual( documentModel.prepareInsertion( 28, [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] ).getOperations(), [ { 'type': 'retain', 'length': 28 }, { 'type': 'insert', 'data': [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] } ], 'prepareInsertion inserts at the end' ); // Test 9 raises( function() { documentModel.prepareInsertion( -1, [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] ); }, /^Offset -1 out of bounds/, 'prepareInsertion throws exception for negative offset' ); // Test 10 raises( function() { documentModel.prepareInsertion( 29, [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', 'o', 'o', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] ); }, /^Offset 29 out of bounds/, 'prepareInsertion throws exception for offset past the end' ); // Test 11 raises( function() { documentModel.prepareInsertion( 5, [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', { 'type': 'listItem' }, { 'type': '/paragraph' }] ); }, /^Input is malformed: expected \/listItem but got \/paragraph at index 3$/, 'prepareInsertion throws exception for malformed input' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentModel.commit, es.DocumentModel.rollback', 10, function() { var documentModel = es.DocumentModel.newFromPlainObject( obj ); var elementAttributeChange = documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 0, 'set', 'test', 1 ); // Test 1 documentModel.commit( elementAttributeChange ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph', 'attributes': { 'test': 1 } }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies an element attribute change transaction to the content' ); // Test 2 documentModel.rollback( elementAttributeChange ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of an element attribute change transaction on the content' ); var contentAnnotation = documentModel.prepareContentAnnotation( new es.Range( 1, 4 ), 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } ); // Test 3 documentModel.commit( contentAnnotation ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, ['a', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], [ 'c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }, { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' } ], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies a content annotation transaction to the content' ); // Test 4 documentModel.rollback( contentAnnotation ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of a content annotation transaction on the content' ); var insertion = documentModel.prepareInsertion( 3, ['d'] ); // Test 5 documentModel.commit( insertion ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 6 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], 'd', ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies an insertion transaction to the content' ); // Test 6 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContent(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], 'd', ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }] ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date' ); // Test 7 documentModel.rollback( insertion ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of an insertion transaction on the content' ); // Test 8 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContent(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }] ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date' ); var removal = documentModel.prepareRemoval( new es.Range( 2, 4 ) ); // Test 9 documentModel.commit( removal ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 3 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies a removal transaction to the content' ); // Test 10 documentModel.rollback( removal ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new es.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '#textStyle/bold' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '#textStyle/italic' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of a removal transaction on the content' ); } ); test( 'es.DocumentDocumentModelNode child operations', 20, function() { // Example data (integers) is used for simplicity of testing var node1 = new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '1' ), node2 = new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '2' ), node3 = new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '3', null, [new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '3a' )] ), node4 = new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '4', null, [new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '4a' ), new es.DocumentModelBranchNode( '4b' )] ); // Event triggering is detected using a callback that increments a counter var updates = 0; node1.on( 'update', function() { updates++; } ); var attaches = 0; node2.on( 'afterAttach', function() { attaches++; } ); node3.on( 'afterAttach', function() { attaches++; } ); node4.on( 'afterAttach', function() { attaches++; } ); var detaches = 0; node2.on( 'afterDetach', function() { detaches++; } ); node3.on( 'afterDetach', function() { detaches++; } ); node4.on( 'afterDetach', function() { detaches++; } ); function strictArrayValueEqual( a, b, msg ) { if ( a.length !== b.length ) { ok( false, msg ); return; } for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) { if ( a[i] !== b[i] ) { ok( false, msg ); return; } } ok( true, msg ); } // Test 1 node1.push( node2 ); equal( updates, 1, 'push emits update events' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node2], 'push appends a node' ); // Test 2 equal( attaches, 1, 'push attaches added node' ); // Test 3, 4 node1.unshift( node3 ); equal( updates, 2, 'unshift emits update events' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node3, node2], 'unshift prepends a node' ); // Test 5 equal( attaches, 2, 'unshift attaches added node' ); // Test 6, 7 node1.splice( 1, 0, node4 ); equal( updates, 3, 'splice emits update events' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node3, node4, node2], 'splice inserts nodes' ); // Test 8 equal( attaches, 3, 'splice attaches added nodes' ); // Test 9 node1.reverse(); equal( updates, 4, 'reverse emits update events' ); // Test 10, 11 node1.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.getChildren().length < b.getChildren().length ? -1 : 1; } ); equal( updates, 5, 'sort emits update events' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node2, node3, node4], 'sort reorderes nodes correctly' ); // Test 12, 13 node1.pop(); equal( updates, 6, 'pop emits update events' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node2, node3], 'pop removes the last child node' ); // Test 14 equal( detaches, 1, 'pop detaches a node' ); // Test 15, 16 node1.shift(); equal( updates, 7, 'es.ModelNode emits update events on shift' ); strictArrayValueEqual( node1.getChildren(), [node3], 'es.ModelNode removes first Node on shift' ); // Test 17 equal( detaches, 2, 'shift detaches a node' ); // Test 18 strictEqual( node3.getParent(), node1, 'getParent returns the correct reference' ); // Test 19 try { var view = node3.createView(); } catch ( err ){ ok( true, 'createView throws an exception when not overridden' ); } } );