var path = require('path'); // Fake a worker-like interface so we can test it in-process // workers in node's webworker module don't seem to report errors very well. if (typeof module == "object") { module.exports = { postMessage: function(data) { var msg = {data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))}; setTimeout(function() { onmessage(msg); }, 0); }, onmessage: function(msg) {} }; if (typeof postMessage === 'undefined') { postMessage = function(data) { var msg = {data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))}; setTimeout(function() { module.exports.onmessage(msg) }, 0); } } } // The worker context for some reason doesn't let us adjust globals, // so farming the good stuff out to a module which can. var didInit = false; var myWorker = { postMessage: postMessage, onmessage: function(msg) { var data =; if (data.action == 'init') { if (didInit) { throw new Error('second init request'); } // Running as a worker in node.js we have to set the working directory // or we won't be able to find our local files. // // It's a bit annoying. ;) process.chdir(data.dir); require(path.join(data.dir, 'roundtrip-test.js')).init(myWorker); didInit = true; } else { throw new Error('Must init first!'); } } }; onmessage = function(msg) { return myWorker.onmessage(msg); }