/*! * Object Oriented JavaScript Library v1.0.1 * https://github.com/trevorparscal/oojs * * Copyright 2011-2013 OOJS Team and other contributors. * Released under the MIT license * http://oojs.mit-license.org * * Date: Thu Jun 06 2013 17:25:38 GMT+0200 (CEST) */ ( function ( global ) { 'use strict'; var /** * Namespace for all classes, static methods and static properties. * @class OO * @singleton */ oo = {}, hasOwn = oo.hasOwnProperty, toString = oo.toString; /* Class Methods */ /** * Assert whether a value is a plain object or not. * * @method * @param {Mixed} obj * @return {boolean} */ oo.isPlainObject = function ( obj ) { // Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]" if ( toString.call( obj ) !== '[object Object]' ) { return false; } // The try/catch suppresses exceptions thrown when attempting to access // the "constructor" property of certain host objects suich as window.location // in Firefox < 20 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/814622) try { if ( obj.constructor && !hasOwn.call( obj.constructor.prototype, 'isPrototypeOf' ) ) { return false; } } catch ( e ) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Utility for common usage of Object#create for inheriting from one * prototype to another. * * Beware: This redefines the prototype, call before setting your prototypes. * Beware: This redefines the prototype, can only be called once on a function. * If called multiple times on the same function, the previous prototype is lost. * This is how prototypal inheritance works, it can only be one straight chain * (just like classical inheritance in PHP for example). If you need to work with * multiple constructors consider storing an instance of the other constructor in a * property instead, or perhaps use a mixin (see oo.mixinClass). * * function Foo() {} * Foo.prototype.jump = function () {}; * * function FooBar() {} * oo.inheritClass( FooBar, Foo ); * FooBar.prop.feet = 2; * FooBar.prototype.walk = function () {}; * * function FooBarQuux() {} * OO.inheritClass( FooBarQuux, FooBar ); * FooBarQuux.prototype.jump = function () {}; * * FooBarQuux.prop.feet === 2; * var fb = new FooBar(); * fb.jump(); * fb.walk(); * fb instanceof Foo && fb instanceof FooBar && fb instanceof FooBarQuux; * * @method * @param {Function} targetFn * @param {Function} originFn * @throws {Error} If target already inherits from origin */ oo.inheritClass = function ( targetFn, originFn ) { if ( targetFn.prototype instanceof originFn ) { throw new Error( 'Target already inherits from origin' ); } var targetConstructor = targetFn.prototype.constructor; targetFn.prototype = Object.create( originFn.prototype ); // Restore constructor property of targetFn targetFn.prototype.constructor = targetConstructor; // Extend static properties - always initialize both sides originFn.static = originFn.static || {}; targetFn.static = Object.create( originFn.static ); // Copy mixin tracking targetFn.mixins = originFn.mixins ? originFn.mixins.slice( 0 ) : []; }; /** * Utility to copy over *own* prototype properties of a mixin. * The 'constructor' (whether implicit or explicit) is not copied over. * * This does not create inheritance to the origin. If inheritance is needed * use oo.inheritClass instead. * * Beware: This can redefine a prototype property, call before setting your prototypes. * Beware: Don't call before oo.inheritClass. * * function Foo() {} * function Context() {} * * // Avoid repeating this code * function ContextLazyLoad() {} * ContextLazyLoad.prototype.getContext = function () { * if ( !this.context ) { * this.context = new Context(); * } * return this.context; * }; * * function FooBar() {} * OO.inheritClass( FooBar, Foo ); * OO.mixinClass( FooBar, ContextLazyLoad ); * * @method * @param {Function} targetFn * @param {Function} originFn */ oo.mixinClass = function ( targetFn, originFn ) { var key; // Copy prototype properties for ( key in originFn.prototype ) { if ( key !== 'constructor' && hasOwn.call( originFn.prototype, key ) ) { targetFn.prototype[key] = originFn.prototype[key]; } } // Copy static properties - always initialize both sides targetFn.static = targetFn.static || {}; if ( originFn.static ) { for ( key in originFn.static ) { if ( hasOwn.call( originFn.static, key ) ) { targetFn.static[key] = originFn.static[key]; } } } else { originFn.static = {}; } }; /* Object Methods */ /** * Create a new object that is an instance of the same * constructor as the input, inherits from the same object * and contains the same own properties. * * This makes a shallow non-recursive copy of own properties. * To create a recursive copy of plain objects, use #copy. * * var foo = new Person( mom, dad ); * foo.setAge( 21 ); * var foo2 = OO.cloneObject( foo ); * foo.setAge( 22 ); * * // Then * foo2 !== foo; // true * foo2 instanceof Person; // true * foo2.getAge(); // 21 * foo.getAge(); // 22 * * @method * @param {Object} origin * @return {Object} Clone of origin */ oo.cloneObject = function ( origin ) { var key, r; r = Object.create( origin.constructor.prototype ); for ( key in origin ) { if ( hasOwn.call( origin, key ) ) { r[key] = origin[key]; } } return r; }; /** * Gets an array of all property values in an object. * * @method * @param {Object} Object to get values from * @returns {Array} List of object values */ oo.getObjectValues = function ( obj ) { var key, values; if ( obj !== Object( obj ) ) { throw new TypeError( 'Called on non-object' ); } values = []; for ( key in obj ) { if ( hasOwn.call( obj, key ) ) { values[values.length] = obj[key]; } } return values; }; /** * Recursively compares properties between two objects. * * A false result may be caused by property inequality or by properties in one object missing from * the other. An asymmetrical test may also be performed, which checks only that properties in the * first object are present in the second object, but not the inverse. * * @method * @param {Object} a First object to compare * @param {Object} b Second object to compare * @param {boolean} [asymmetrical] Whether to check only that b contains values from a * @returns {boolean} If the objects contain the same values as each other */ oo.compare = function ( a, b, asymmetrical ) { var aValue, bValue, aType, bType, k; for ( k in a ) { aValue = a[k]; bValue = b[k]; aType = typeof aValue; bType = typeof bValue; if ( aType !== bType || ( ( aType === 'string' || aType === 'number' ) && aValue !== bValue ) || ( aValue === Object( aValue ) && !oo.compare( aValue, bValue, asymmetrical ) ) ) { return false; } } // If the check is not asymmetrical, recursing with the arguments swapped will verify our result return asymmetrical ? true : oo.compare( b, a, true ); }; /** * Create a plain deep copy of any kind of object. * * Copies are deep, and will either be an object or an array depending on `source`. * * @method * @param {Object} source Object to copy * @param {Function} [callback] Applied to leaf values before they added to the clone * @returns {Object} Copy of source object */ oo.copy = function ( source, callback ) { var key, sourceValue, sourceType, destination; if ( typeof source.clone === 'function' ) { return source.clone(); } destination = Array.isArray( source ) ? new Array( source.length ) : {}; for ( key in source ) { sourceValue = source[key]; sourceType = typeof sourceValue; if ( Array.isArray( sourceValue ) ) { // Array destination[key] = oo.copy( sourceValue, callback ); } else if ( sourceValue && typeof sourceValue.clone === 'function' ) { // Duck type object with custom clone method destination[key] = callback ? callback( sourceValue.clone() ) : sourceValue.clone(); } else if ( sourceValue && typeof sourceValue.cloneNode === 'function' ) { // DOM Node destination[key] = callback ? callback( sourceValue.cloneNode( true ) ) : sourceValue.cloneNode( true ); } else if ( oo.isPlainObject( sourceValue ) ) { // Plain objects destination[key] = oo.copy( sourceValue, callback ); } else { // Non-plain objects (incl. functions) and primitive values destination[key] = callback ? callback( sourceValue ) : sourceValue; } } return destination; }; /** * Event emitter. * * @class OO.EventEmitter * @constructor * @property {Object} bindings */ oo.EventEmitter = function OoEventEmitter() { // Properties this.bindings = {}; }; /* Methods */ /** * Add a listener to events of a specific event. * * @method * @param {string} event Type of event to listen to * @param {Function} callback Function to call when event occurs * @param {Array} [args] Arguments to pass to listener, will be prepended to emitted arguments * @param {Object} [context=null] Object to use as context for callback function or call method on * @throws {Error} Listener argument is not a function or method name * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.on = function ( event, callback, args, context ) { // Validate callback if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid callback. Function or method name expected.' ); } // Auto-initialize binding if ( !( event in this.bindings ) ) { this.bindings[event] = []; } // Add binding this.bindings[event].push( { 'callback': callback, 'args': args, 'context': context || null } ); return this; }; /** * Adds a one-time listener to a specific event. * * @method * @param {string} event Type of event to listen to * @param {Function} listener Listener to call when event occurs * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.once = function ( event, listener ) { var eventEmitter = this; return this.on( event, function listenerWrapper() { eventEmitter.off( event, listenerWrapper ); listener.apply( eventEmitter, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 ) ); } ); }; /** * Remove a specific listener from a specific event. * * @method * @param {string} event Type of event to remove listener from * @param {Function} [callback] Listener to remove, omit to remove all * @chainable * @throws {Error} Listener argument is not a function */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.off = function ( event, callback ) { var i, bindings; if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { // Remove all bindings for event if ( event in this.bindings ) { delete this.bindings[event]; } } else { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid callback. Function expected.' ); } if ( !( event in this.bindings ) || !this.bindings[event].length ) { // No matching bindings return this; } // Remove matching handlers bindings = this.bindings[event]; i = bindings.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( bindings[i].callback === callback ) { bindings.splice( i, 1 ); } } // Cleanup if now empty if ( bindings.length === 0 ) { delete this.bindings[event]; } } return this; }; /** * Emit an event. * TODO: Should this be chainable? What is the usefulness of the boolean * return value here? * * @method * @param {string} event Type of event * @param {Mixed} args First in a list of variadic arguments passed to event handler (optional) * @returns {boolean} If event was handled by at least one listener */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function ( event ) { var i, len, binding, bindings, args; if ( event in this.bindings ) { // Slicing ensures that we don't get tripped up by event handlers that add/remove bindings bindings = this.bindings[event].slice(); args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); for ( i = 0, len = bindings.length; i < len; i++ ) { binding = bindings[i]; binding.callback.apply( binding.context, binding.args ? binding.args.concat( args ) : args ); } return true; } return false; }; /** * Connect event handlers to an object. * * @method * @param {Object} context Object to call methods on when events occur * @param {Object.|Object.|Object.} methods List of * event bindings keyed by event name containing either method names, functions or arrays containing * method name or function followed by a list of arguments to be passed to callback before emitted * arguments * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.connect = function ( context, methods ) { var method, callback, args, event; for ( event in methods ) { method = methods[event]; // Allow providing additional args if ( Array.isArray( method ) ) { args = method.slice( 1 ); method = method[0]; } else { args = []; } // Allow callback to be a method name if ( typeof method === 'string' ) { // Validate method if ( !context[method] || typeof context[method] !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Method not found: ' + method ); } // Resolve to function callback = context[method]; } else { callback = method; } // Add binding this.on.apply( this, [ event, callback, args, context ] ); } return this; }; /** * Disconnect event handlers from an object. * * @method * @param {Object} context Object to disconnect methods from * @param {Object.|Object.|Object.} [methods] List of * event bindings keyed by event name containing either method names or functions * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.disconnect = function ( context, methods ) { var i, method, callback, event, bindings; if ( methods ) { for ( event in methods ) { method = methods[event]; if ( typeof method === 'string' ) { // Validate method if ( !context[method] || typeof context[method] !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Method not found: ' + method ); } // Resolve to function callback = context[method]; } else { callback = method; } bindings = this.bindings[event]; i = bindings.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( bindings[i].context === context && bindings[i].callback === callback ) { bindings.splice( i, 1 ); } } if ( bindings.length === 0 ) { delete this.bindings[event]; } } } else { for ( event in this.bindings ) { bindings = this.bindings[event]; i = bindings.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( bindings[i].context === context ) { bindings.splice( i, 1 ); } } if ( bindings.length === 0 ) { delete this.bindings[event]; } } } return this; }; /*jshint node:true */ if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ) { module.exports = oo; } else { global.OO = oo; } }( this ) );