/*! * VisualEditor MediaWiki Initialization DesktopCollabTarget class. * * @copyright 2011-2016 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /* eslint-disable no-jquery/no-global-selector */ /** * MediaWiki mobile article target. * * @class * @extends ve.init.mw.Target * * @constructor * @param {mw.Title} title Page sub-title * @param {string} rebaserUrl Rebaser server URL * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options * @cfg {mw.Title} [importTitle] Title to import */ ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget = function VeInitMwDesktopCollabTarget( title, rebaserUrl, config ) { // Parent constructor ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.super.call( this, title, rebaserUrl, config ); this.$originalContent = $( '
' ).addClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-originalContent' ); this.$editableContent = $( '#mw-content-text' ); // Initialization this.$element.addClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget' ).append( this.$originalContent ); }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget, ve.init.mw.CollabTarget ); /* Methods */ /** * Page modifications after editor load. */ ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.prototype.transformPage = function () { this.$originalContent.append( this.$element.siblings() ); var title; if ( ( title = this.getImportTitle() ) ) { // ve.htmlMsg returns `Node[]` // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-html $( '#contentSub' ).html( ve.htmlMsg( 'collabpad-import-subtitle', $( '' ).attr( 'href', title.getUrl() ).text( title.getMainText() ) ) ); ve.targetLinksToNewWindow( $( '#contentSub' )[ 0 ] ); } else { $( '#contentSub' ).empty(); } }; /** * Page modifications after editor teardown. */ ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.prototype.restorePage = function () { this.$element.parent().append( this.$originalContent.children() ); $( '#contentSub' ).empty(); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.prototype.attachToolbar = function () { var toolbar = this.getToolbar(); // Parent method ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.super.prototype.attachToolbar.apply( this, arguments ); toolbar.$element.addClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar-open ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar-opened' ); this.$element.prepend( toolbar.$element ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.prototype.setSurface = function ( surface ) { if ( surface !== this.surface ) { this.$editableContent.after( surface.$element ); } // Parent method ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget.super.prototype.setSurface.apply( this, arguments ); }; /* Registration */ ve.init.mw.targetFactory.register( ve.init.mw.DesktopCollabTarget );