var MWParserEnvironment = function(opts) { var options = { tagHooks: {}, parserFunctions: {}, pageCache: {}, // @fixme use something with managed space domCache: {} }; $.extend(options, opts); this.debug = false; this.tagHooks = options.tagHooks; this.parserFunctions = options.parserFunctions; this.pageCache = options.pageCache; this.domCache = options.domCache; }; $.extend(MWParserEnvironment.prototype, { // Does this need separate UI/content inputs? formatNum: function( num ) { return num + ''; }, getVariable: function( varname, options ) { // }, /** * @return MWParserFunction */ getParserFunction: function( name ) { if (name in this.parserFunctions) { return new this.parserFunctions[name]( this ); } else { return null; } }, /** * @return MWParserTagHook */ getTagHook: function( name ) { if (name in this.tagHooks) { return new this.tagHooks[name](this); } else { return null; } }, /** * @fixme do this for real eh */ resolveTitle: function( name, namespace ) { // hack! if (name.indexOf(':') == -1 && typeof namespace ) { // hack hack hack name = namespace + ':' + name; } return name; }, /** * Async. * * @todo make some optimizations for fetching multiple at once * * @param string name * @param function(text, err) callback */ fetchTemplate: function( title, callback ) { this.fetchTemplateAndTitle( title, function( text, title, err ) { callback(title, err); }); }, fetchTemplateAndTitle: function( title, callback ) { // @fixme normalize name? if (title in this.pageCache) { // @fixme should this be forced to run on next event? callback( this.pageCache[title], title ); } else { // whee fun hack! console.log(title); console.log(this.pageCache); $.ajax({ url: wgScriptPath + '/api' + wgScriptExtension, data: { format: 'json', action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', rvprop: 'content', titles: name }, success: function(data, xhr) { var src = null, title = null; $.each(data.query.pages, function(i, page) { if (page.revisions && page.revisions.length) { src = page.revisions[0]['*']; title = page.title; } }); if (typeof src !== 'string') { callback(null, null, 'Page not found'); } else { callback(src, title); } }, error: function(msg) { callback(null, null, 'Page/template fetch failure'); }, dataType: 'json', cache: false // @fixme caching, versions etc? }, 'json'); } }, getTemplateDom: function( title, callback ) { var self = this; if (title in this.domCache) { callback(this.domCache[title], null); return; } this.fetchTemplateAndTitle( title, function( text, title, err ) { if (err) { callback(null, err); return; } self.pageCache[title] = text; self.parser.parseToTree( text, function( templateTree, err ) { this.domCache[title] = templateTree; callback(templateTree, err); }); }); }, braceSubstitution: function( templateNode, frame, callback ) { // stuff in Parser.braceSubstitution // expand/flatten the 'title' piece (to get the template reference) var self = this; frame.flatten(self.resolveTitle(, 'Template'), function(templateName, err) { if (err) { callback(null, err); return; } var out = { type: 'placeholder', orig: templateNode, contents: [] }; // check for 'subst:' // check for variable magic names // check for msg, msgnw, raw magics // check for parser functions // resolve template name // load template w/ canonical name // load template w/ variant names // recursion depth check // fetch from DB or interwiki // infinte loop check self.getTemplateDom(templateName, function(dom, err) { // Expand in-place! var templateFrame = frame.newChild(templateNode.params || {}); templateFrame.expand(dom, 0, function(expandedTemplateNode) { out.contents = expandedTemplateNode.contents; callback(out); return; // done }); return; // wait for async }); }); }, argSubstitution: function( argNode, frame, callback ) { frame.flatten(, function(argName, err) { if (err) { callback(null, err); return; } var arg = frame.getArgument(argName); console.log(argName, arg, frame); if (arg === false && 'params' in argNode && argNode.params.length) { // No match in frame, use the supplied default arg = argNode.params[0].val; } var out = { type: 'placeholder', orig: argNode, contents: [arg] }; callback(out); }); } }); function PPFrame(env) { this.env = env; this.loopCheckHash = []; this.depth = 0; } // Flag constants $.extend(PPFrame, { NO_ARGS: 1, NO_TEMPLATES: 2, STRIP_COMMENTS: 4, NO_IGNORE: 8, RECOVER_COMMENTS: 16 }); PPFrame.RECOVER_ORIG = PPFrame.NO_ARGS | PPFrame.NO_TEMPLATES | PPFrame.STRIP_COMMENTS | PPFrame.NO_IGNORE | PPFrame.RECOVER_COMMENTS; $.extend(PPFrame.prototype, { newChild: function(args, title) { // var child = new PPFrame(this.env); child.args = args || {}; child.title = title; return child; }, /** * Using simple recursion for now -- PHP version is a little fancier. * * The iterator loop is set off in a closure so we can continue it after * waiting for an asynchronous template fetch. * * Note that this is inefficient, as we have to wait for the entire round * trip before continuing -- in browser-based work this may be particularly * slow. This can be mitigated by prefetching templates based on previous * knowledge or an initial tree-walk. * * @param {object} tree * @param {number} flags * @param {function(tree, error)} callback */ expand: function(root, flags, callback) { /** * Clone a node, but give the clone an empty contents */ var cloneNode = function(node) { var out = $.extend({}, node); out.contents = []; return out; } // stub node to write into var rootOut = cloneNode(root); var self = this, env = self.env, expansionDepth = 0, outStack = [{contents: []}, cloneNode(root)], iteratorStack = [false, root], indexStack = [0, 0], contextNode = false, newIterator = false, continuing = false, iters = 0, maxIters = 10; // for debugging if (env.debug) { var $chunk = $('
'); $chunk.append('


'); $chunk.nodeTree(root); $chunk.appendTo('body'); var debug = function(label, node) { $('

').text(label).appendTo($chunk); if (typeof node == "string" || typeof node == "number") { $('

').text(node).appendTo($chunk); } else if (node) { $chunk.nodeTree(node); } }; } else { var debug = function() {}; } var iteration = function() { // This while loop is a tail call recursion optimization simulator :) while (iteratorStack.length > 1) { var level = outStack.length - 1, iteratorNode = iteratorStack[level], out = outStack[level], index = indexStack[level]; // ???? if (env.debug) { $chunk.append('

'); iters++; var $h = $('

').text('iter ' + iters).attr('id', 'iter' + iters); if (iters > 1) { $h.append(' '); $('').attr('href', '#iter' + (iters - 1)).text('prev').appendTo($h); } $h.append(' '); $('').attr('href', '#iter' + (iters + 1)).text('next').appendTo($h); $chunk.append($h); if (iters > maxIters) { debug('aborted'); return; } $chunk.append('

level ' + level + '

'); } debug('index', index); if (continuing) { // If we're re-entering from an asynchronous data fetch, // skip over this part, we've done it before. continuing = false; } else { newIterator = false; if (index >= iteratorNode.contents.length) { // All done with this iterator. iteratorStack[level] = false; contextNode = false; } else { // Increment for the next round... contextNode = iteratorNode.contents[index]; indexStack[level]++; index++; } debug('contextNode', contextNode); debug('indexStack (next)', indexStack); debug('outStack', outStack); if (contextNode === false) { // nothing to do } else if (typeof contextNode === 'string') { out.contents.push(contextNode); } else if (contextNode.type === 'template') { // Double-brace expansion continuing = true; self.env.braceSubstitution(contextNode, self, function(replacementNode, err) { //out.contents.push(replacementNode); newIterator = replacementNode; // ... and continue on the next node! iteration(); }); return; // pause for async work... } else if (contextNode.type == 'tplarg') { // Triple-brace expansion continuing = true; self.env.argSubstitution(contextNode, self, function(replacementNode, err) { //out.contents.push(replacementNode); newIterator = replacementNode; // ... and continue on the next node! iteration(); }); return; // pause for async work... } else { if ('contents' in contextNode && contextNode.contents.length) { // Generic recursive expansion newIterator = contextNode; debug('diving into child'); } else { // No children; push as-is. out.contents.push(contextNode); debug('no children'); } } } if (newIterator !== false) { outStack.push(cloneNode(newIterator)); iteratorStack.push(newIterator); indexStack.push(0); debug('iterator stack push!'); debug('outStack', outStack); debug('iteratorStack', iteratorStack); debug('indexStack', indexStack); } else if ( iteratorStack[level] === false) { // Return accumulated value to parent // With tail recursion debug('returning output up the stack'); while (iteratorStack[level] === false && level > 0) { outStack[level - 1].contents.push(out); outStack.pop(); iteratorStack.pop(); indexStack.pop(); level--; } } debug('end of iteration'); // hack! if (iteratorStack.length > 1) { // Run us after running the event loop setTimeout(iteration, 0); return; } } // We've reached the end of the loop! --expansionDepth; var finalOut = outStack.pop().contents[0]; debug('done', finalOut); callback(finalOut, null); }; iteration(); }, flatten: function(root, callback) { new MWTreeSerializer(this).treeToSource(root, callback); }, implodeWithFlags: function(sep, flags) { }, implode: function(sep) { }, virtualImport: function(sep) { }, virtualBracketedImplode: function(start, sep, end /*, ... */ ) { }, isEmpty: function() { }, getArguments: function() { }, getNumberedArguments: function() { }, getNamedArguments: function() { }, getArgument: function( name ) { if (name in this.args) { return this.args[name]; } else { return false; } }, loopCheck: function(title) { }, isTemplate: function() { } }); /** * @parm MWParserEnvironment env * @constructor */ MWParserTagHook = function( env ) { if (!env) { throw new Error( 'Tag hook requires a parser environment.' ); } this.env = env; }; /** * @param string text (or a parse tree?) * @param object params map of named parameters (strings or parse frames?) * @return either a string or a parse frame -- finalize this? */ MWParserTagHook.execute = function( text, params ) { return ''; }; MWParserFunction = function( env) { if (!env) { throw new Error( 'Parser function requires a parser environment.'); } this.env = env; }; /** * @param string text (or a parse tree?) * @param object params map of named parameters (strings or parse frames?) * @return either a string or a parse frame -- finalize this? */ MWParserFunction.execute = function( text, params ) { return ''; }; if (typeof module == "object") { module.exports.MWParserEnvironment = MWParserEnvironment; }