/*! * VisualEditor user interface DropdownTool class. * * @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Creates an ve.ui.DropdownTool object. * * @abstract * @class * @extends ve.ui.Tool * @constructor * @param {ve.ui.Toolbar} toolbar * @param {Object[]} items */ ve.ui.DropdownTool = function VeUiDropdownTool( toolbar, items ) { // Parent constructor ve.ui.Tool.call( this, toolbar ); // Properties this.menuView = new ve.ui.MenuWidget( items, ve.bind( this.onMenuItemSelect, this ), null, this.$ ); this.$icon = $( '
' ); this.$label = $( '
' ); this.$labelText = $( ' ' ); // Events $( document ) .add( this.toolbar.getSurface().getView().$ ) .mousedown( ve.bind( this.onBlur, this ) ); this.$.on( { 'mousedown': ve.bind( this.onMousedown, this ), 'mouseup': ve.bind( this.onMouseup, this ) } ); // Initialization this.$ .append( this.$icon, this.$label ) .addClass( 've-ui-dropdownTool ve-ui-dropdownTool-' + this.constructor.static.name ) .attr( 'title', ve.msg( this.constructor.static.titleMessage ) ); this.$label.append( this.$labelText ); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ui.DropdownTool, ve.ui.Tool ); /* Methods */ /** * Responds to the mouse button being pressed. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e Normalized event */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onMousedown = function ( e ) { if ( e.which === 1 ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }; /** * Responds to the mouse button being released. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e Normalized event */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onMouseup = function ( e ) { if ( e.which === 1 ) { // Don't respond to menu clicks var $item = $( e.target ).closest( '.ve-ui-menuWidget' ); if ( e.which === 1 && $item.length === 0 ) { this.menuView.open(); } else { this.menuView.close(); } } }; /** * Responds to focus being lost. * * The event is actually generated from a mousedown on an element outside the menu, so it is not * a normal blur event object. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e Normalized event */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onBlur = function ( e ) { if ( e.which === 1 ) { this.menuView.close(); } }; /** * Responds to one of the items in the menu being selected. * * This should not be overridden in subclasses, it simple connects events from the internal menu * to the onSelect method. * * @method * @param {Object} item Menu item */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onMenuItemSelect = function ( item ) { if ( this.toolbar.getSurface().isEnabled() ) { this.setLabel( item.label ); this.onSelect( item ); } }; /** * Responds to dropdown option being selected. * * This is an abstract method that must be overridden in a concrete subclass. * * @abstract * @method * @param {Object} item Menu item */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onSelect = function () { throw new Error( 've.ui.DropdownTool.onSelect not implemented in this subclass:' + this.constructor ); }; /** * Responds to toolbar state being cleared. * * @method */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.onClearState = function () { this.setLabel(); }; /** * Sets the label. * * If the label value is empty, undefined or only contains whitespace an empty label will be used. * * @method * @param {jQuery|string} [value] jQuery HTML node selection or string text value to use for label */ ve.ui.DropdownTool.prototype.setLabel = function ( value ) { if ( typeof value === 'string' && value.length && /[^\s]*/.test( value ) ) { this.$labelText.text( value ); } else if ( value instanceof jQuery ) { this.$labelText.empty().append( value ); } else { this.$labelText.html( ' ' ); } };