var fs = require('fs'), jsDiff = require('diff'), Worker = require('webworker').Worker, DumpReader = require('./dumpReader.js').DumpReader; function runTests() { function compareTest(a, b, msg) { if (a === b) { console.log('OK: ', msg); return true; } else { console.log('MISMATCH: ', msg); var patch = jsDiff.createPatch('wikitext.txt', a, b, 'before', 'after'); console.log(patch); return false; } } var state = { doneReading: false, revsIn: 0, revsOut: 0 }; function checkState() { var remaining = state.revsIn - state.revsOut; console.log(remaining + ' in queue... ' + (state.revsOut + '/' + state.revsIn)); if (remaining == 0) { console.log('are we done?', state.doneReading); } if (state.doneReading) { if (remaining <= 0) { console.log('done!'); process.exit(0); } } else { if (remaining < queueLength && process.stdin.readable) { process.stdin.resume(); } } } var nWorkers = 8; var queueLength = nWorkers * 2; var workerDir = __dirname; var workers = []; workerJs = require('path').join(workerDir, 'worker.js'); for (var i = 0; i < nWorkers; i++) { var worker = new Worker(workerJs); worker.onerror = function(err) { console.log('worker error', err); process.exit(1); }; worker.onclose = function() { console.log('worker closed'); }; worker.onmessage = function(msg) { var data =; compareTest(data.expected, data.received, data.msg); state.revsOut++; checkState(); }; workers[i] = worker; } //var worker = require(workerJs); function roundTripTest(text, msg) { var worker = workers[state.revsIn % nWorkers]; state.revsIn++; var remaining = state.revsIn - state.revsOut; if (remaining >= queueLength) { // Throttle the input until we catch up! process.stdin.pause(); } worker.postMessage({ action: 'roundTrip', text: text, msg: msg }); } // We need to tell the child process where its working directory is. workers.forEach(function(worker) { worker.postMessage({ action: 'init', dir: workerDir }); }); roundTripTest('A plain single line paragraph.', 'single-line paragraph'); //roundTripTest('A plain single line paragraph.\n\nA second paragraph after a blank.', 'two single-line paragraphs'); var reader = new DumpReader(); reader.on('end', function() { console.log('done reading!'); state.doneReading = true; checkState(); }); reader.on('error', function(err) { console.log('error!', err); process.exit(1); }); reader.on('revision', function(revision) { roundTripTest(revision.text, 'revision id ' + }); console.log('Reading!'); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); process.stdin.resume();; } runTests();