/*! * VisualEditor user interface PagedDialog class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Abstract implementation for a dialog having an outline in the left third, and a series of pages * in the right two-thirds. Pages can be added using the #addPage method, and later accessed using * `this.pages[name]` or through the #getPage method. * * @class * @abstract * * @constructor * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface * @param {Object} [config] Config options * @cfg {boolean} [editable] Show controls for adding, removing and reordering items in the outline * @cfg {Object[]} [adders] List of adders for controls, each an object with name, icon and title * properties */ ve.ui.PagedDialog = function VeUiPagedDialog( surface, config ) { // Configuration initialization config = config || {}; // Properties this.editable = !!config.editable; this.adders = config.adders || null; this.pages = {}; this.currentPageName = null; }; /* Methods */ /** * Initialization. * * If you mix this class in, you must call this from your initialize method. */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.initializePages = function () { // Properties this.outlinePanel = new ve.ui.PanelLayout( { '$$': this.frame.$$, 'scrollable': true } ); this.pagesPanel = new ve.ui.StackPanelLayout( { '$$': this.frame.$$ } ); this.layout = new ve.ui.GridLayout( [this.outlinePanel, this.pagesPanel], { '$$': this.frame.$$, 'widths': [1, 2] } ); this.outlineWidget = new ve.ui.OutlineWidget( { '$$': this.frame.$$ } ); if ( this.editable ) { this.outlineControlsWidget = new ve.ui.OutlineControlsWidget( this.outlineWidget, { '$$': this.frame.$$, 'adders': this.adders } ); } // Events this.outlineWidget.connect( this, { 'select': 'onPageOutlineSelect' } ); // Initialization this.outlinePanel.$ .addClass( 've-ui-pagedDialog-outlinePanel' ) .append( this.outlineWidget.$ ); if ( this.editable ) { this.outlinePanel.$ .addClass( 've-ui-pagedDialog-outlinePanel-editable' ) .append( this.outlineControlsWidget.$ ); } this.pagesPanel.$.addClass( 've-ui-pagedDialog-pagesPanel' ); this.$body.append( this.layout.$ ); }; /** * Handle outline select events. * * @method * @param {ve.ui.OptionWidget} item Selected item */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.onPageOutlineSelect = function ( item ) { if ( item ) { this.setPage( item.getData() ); } }; /** * Add a page to the dialog. * * @method * @param {string} name Symbolic name of page * @param {Object} [config] Condifugration options * @param {jQuery|string} [config.label] Page label * @param {string} [config.icon] Symbolic name of icon * @param {number} [config.level=0] Indentation level * @param {number} [config.index] Specific index to insert page at * @param {jQuery} [config.$content] Page content * @param {jQuery} [config.moveable] Allow page to be moved in the outline * @chainable */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.addPage = function ( name, config ) { // Create and add page panel and outline item this.pages[name] = new ve.ui.PanelLayout( { '$$': this.frame.$$, 'scrollable': true } ); if ( config.$content ) { this.pages[name].$.append( config.$content ); } this.pagesPanel.addItems( [this.pages[name]], config.index ); this.outlineWidget.addItems( [ new ve.ui.OutlineItemWidget( name, { '$$': this.frame.$$, 'label': config.label || name, 'level': config.level || 0, 'icon': config.icon, 'moveable': config.moveable } ) ], config.index ); // Auto-select first item when nothing is selected yet if ( !this.outlineWidget.getSelectedItem() ) { this.outlineWidget.selectItem( this.outlineWidget.getFirstSelectableItem() ); } return this; }; /** * Remove a page. * * @method * @chainable */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.removePage = function ( name ) { var page = this.pages[name]; if ( page ) { delete this.pages[name]; this.pagesPanel.removeItems( [ page ] ); this.outlineWidget.removeItems( [ this.outlineWidget.getItemFromData( name ) ] ); } // Auto-select first item when nothing is selected anymore if ( !this.outlineWidget.getSelectedItem() ) { this.outlineWidget.selectItem( this.outlineWidget.getFirstSelectableItem() ); } return this; }; /** * Clear all pages. * * @method * @chainable */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.clearPages = function () { this.pages = []; this.pagesPanel.clearItems(); this.outlineWidget.clearItems(); this.currentPageName = null; return this; }; /** * Get a page by name. * * @method * @param {string} name Symbolic name of page * @returns {ve.ui.PanelLayout|undefined} Page, if found */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.getPage = function ( name ) { return this.pages[name]; }; /** * Set the page by name. * * @method * @param {string} name Symbolic name of page */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.setPage = function ( name ) { if ( this.pages[name] ) { this.currentPageName = name; this.pagesPanel.showItem( this.pages[name] ); this.pages[name].$.find( ':input:first' ).focus(); } }; /** * Get current page name. * * @method * @returns {string|null} Current page name */ ve.ui.PagedDialog.prototype.getPageName = function () { return this.currentPageName; };