/* * MediaWiki-compatible italic/bold handling as a token stream transformation. * * @author Gabriel Wicke */ function QuoteTransformer ( dispatcher ) { this.reset(); this.register( dispatcher ); } // constants QuoteTransformer.prototype.quoteAndNewlineRank = 2.1; QuoteTransformer.prototype.anyRank = 2.101; // Just after regular quote and newline QuoteTransformer.prototype.reset = function ( ) { // A chunk starts with a token context around a quote token and is // (optionally) followed by non-quote tokens. The quote token and its // context is later replaced with the actual tag token for italic or bold. this.currentChunk = []; // List of chunks, each starting with a (potentially) bold or italic token // and followed by plain tokens. this.chunks = []; // References to chunks in which the first token context / quote token // should be converted to italic or bold tokens. this.italics = []; this.bolds = []; this.isActive = false; }; // Register this transformer with the TokenTransformer QuoteTransformer.prototype.register = function ( dispatcher ) { this.dispatcher = dispatcher; // Register for NEWLINE and QUOTE tag tokens dispatcher.addTransform( this.onNewLine.bind(this), this.quoteAndNewlineRank, 'newline' ); dispatcher.addTransform( this.onQuote.bind(this), this.quoteAndNewlineRank, 'tag', 'mw-quote' ); // Treat end-of-input just the same as a newline dispatcher.addTransform( this.onNewLine.bind(this), this.quoteAndNewlineRank, 'end' ); }; // Make a copy of the token context QuoteTransformer.prototype._startNewChunk = function ( ) { this.chunks.push( this.currentChunk ); this.currentChunk = []; this.currentChunk.pos = this.chunks.length - 1; }; // Handle QUOTE tags. These are collected in italic/bold lists depending on // the length of quote string. Actual analysis and conversion to the // appropriate tag tokens is deferred until the next NEWLINE token triggers // onNewLine. QuoteTransformer.prototype.onQuote = function ( token, frame, prevToken ) { var qlen = token.value.length, tokens = [], // output tokens ctx = { token: token, frame: frame, prevToken: prevToken }, ctx2 = { frame: frame, prevToken: prevToken }; if ( ! this.isActive ) { // register for any token if not yet active this.dispatcher.addTransform( this.onAny.bind(this), this.anyRank, 'any' ); this.isActive = true; } this._startNewChunk(); switch (qlen) { case 2: this.currentChunk.push(ctx); this.italics.push(this.currentChunk); break; case 3: this.currentChunk.push(ctx); this.bolds.push(this.currentChunk); break; case 4: this.currentChunk.push( "'" ); this._startNewChunk(); this.currentChunk.push(ctx); this.bolds.push(this.currentChunk); break; case 5: // The order of italic vs. bold does not matter. Those are // processed in a fixed order, and any nesting issues are fixed up // by the HTML 5 tree builder. This does not always result in the // prettiest result, but at least it is always correct and very // convenient. this.currentChunk.push(ctx); this.italics.push(this.currentChunk); this._startNewChunk(); ctx2.token = { attribs: token.attribs }; this.currentChunk.push(ctx2); this.bolds.push(this.currentChunk); break; default: // longer than 5, only use the last 5 ticks var newvalue = token.value.substr(0, qlen - 5 ); this.currentChunk.push ( newvalue ); this._startNewChunk(); this.currentChunk.push(ctx); this.italics.push(this.currentChunk); this._startNewChunk(); ctx2.token = { attribs: ctx.token.attribs }; this.currentChunk.push(ctx2); this.bolds.push(this.currentChunk); break; } return {}; }; QuoteTransformer.prototype.onAny = function ( token, frame, prevToken ) { //console.warn('qt onAny: ' + JSON.stringify(token, null, 2)); this.currentChunk.push( token ); return {}; }; // Handle NEWLINE tokens, which trigger the actual quote analysis on the // collected quote tokens so far. QuoteTransformer.prototype.onNewLine = function ( token, frame, prevToken ) { var res; if( ! this.isActive ) { // Nothing to do, quick abort. return { token: token }; } token.rank = this.quoteAndNewlineRank; //console.warn('chunks: ' + JSON.stringify( this.chunks, null, 2 ) ); //console.warn("onNewLine: " + this.italics.length + 'i/b' + this.bolds.length); // balance out tokens, convert placeholders into tags if (this.italics.length % 2 && this.bolds.length % 2) { var firstsingleletterword = -1, firstmultiletterword = -1, firstspace = -1; for (var j = 0; j < this.bolds.length; j++) { var ctx = this.bolds[j][0]; //console.warn("balancing!" + JSON.stringify(ctx.prevToken, null, 2)); if (ctx.prevToken) { if (ctx.prevToken.constructor === String) { var lastchar = prevToken[ctx.prevToken.length - 1], secondtolastchar = ctx.prevToken[ctx.prevToken.length - 2]; if (lastchar === ' ' && firstspace === -1) { firstspace = j; } else if (lastchar !== ' ') { if ( secondtolastchar === ' ' && firstsingleletterword === -1) { firstsingleletterword = j; } else if ( firstmultiletterword == -1) { firstmultiletterword = j; } } } else if ( ( ctx.prevToken.constructor === NlTk || ctx.prevToken.constructor === TagTk ) && firstmultiletterword == -1 ) { // This is an approximation, as the original doQuotes // operates on the source and just looks at space vs. // non-space. At least some tags are thus recognized as // words in the original implementation. firstmultiletterword = j; } } } // now see if we can convert a bold to an italic and // an apostrophe if (firstsingleletterword > -1) { this.convertBold(firstsingleletterword); } else if (firstmultiletterword > -1) { this.convertBold(firstmultiletterword); } else if (firstspace > -1) { this.convertBold(firstspace); } } this.quotesToTags( this.italics, 'i' ); this.quotesToTags( this.bolds, 'b' ); this.currentChunk.push( token ); this._startNewChunk(); //console.warn('chunks: ' + JSON.stringify( this.chunks, null, 2 ) ); // return all collected tokens including the newline res = { tokens: [].concat.apply([], this.chunks) }; // prepare for next line this.reset(); // remove 'any' registration this.dispatcher.removeTransform( this.anyRank, 'any' ); return res; }; // Convert a bold token to italic to balance an uneven number of both bold and // italic tags. In the process, one quote needs to be converted back to text. QuoteTransformer.prototype.convertBold = function ( i ) { var chunk = this.bolds[i], textToken = "'"; //console.warn('convertbold!'); if ( chunk.pos ) { this.chunks[chunk.pos - 1].push( textToken ); } else { // prepend another chunk this.chunks.unshift( [ textToken ] ); } // delete from bolds this.bolds.splice(i, 1); this.italics.push(chunk); this.italics.sort(function(a,b) { return a.pos - b.pos; } ); }; // Convert italics/bolds into tags QuoteTransformer.prototype.quotesToTags = function ( chunks, name ) { var toggle = true, t, j, out = []; for (j = 0; j < chunks.length; j++) { //console.warn( 'quotesToTags ' + name + ': ' + JSON.stringify( chunks, null, 2 ) ); t = chunks[j][0].token; //console.warn( 'quotesToTags t: ' + JSON.stringify( t, null, 2)); if(toggle) { chunks[j][0] = new TagTk( name, t.attribs ); } else { chunks[j][0] = new EndTagTk( name, t.attribs ); } toggle = !toggle; } if (!toggle) { // Add end tag this.currentChunk.push( new EndTagTk( name ) ); } }; if (typeof module == "object") { module.exports.QuoteTransformer = QuoteTransformer; }