Modified version of Easy-Deflate * Added semi-colons to easydeflate.js so it can be minified * Namespaced functions inside global EasyDeflate object * Base64 lib replaced with one with detailed license info Modifications by Ed Sanders, Public Domain. Easy-Deflate ============ Library for compressing and decompressing strings in JavaScript, feature full Unicode support and is compatible with most browsers. Use: ==== Copy the script inclusion from demo.html.
Call deflate(foo) in order to compress a string.
Call inflate(bar) in order to decompress a string compressed in this manner.
Both functions return a string, or null in case of illegal input. The compression works by first UTF-8 encoding the input, then compressing it to a raw deflate stream. The stream is then base64 encoded, and finally the identifier "rawdeflate," is prepended. Credits: ======== Gildas Lormeau made the JavaScript conversion of a Deflate utility:
Jacob Christian Munch-Andersen made this package in order to make simple use easier and compatible with older browsers. The following shims are included:
es5-shim by Kristopher Michael Kowal
JSON 3 by Kit Cambridge
Typed arrays light shim by Jacob Christian Munch-Andersen
base64 by Yaffle License: ======== Main packages come with a BSD licence, the shims, except for base64 that include no license text, each has a permissive license.