/** * Initial parser tests runner for experimental JS parser * * This pulls all the parserTests.txt items and runs them through the JS * parser and JS HTML renderer. Currently no comparison is done on output, * as a direct string comparison won't be very encouraging. :) * * Needs smarter compare, as well as search-y helpers. * * 2011-07-20 */ (function() { //"use strict"; console.log( "Starting up JS parser tests" ); var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), jsDiff = require('diff'), colors = require('colors'), HTML5 = require('html5').HTML5; // Handle options/arguments with optimist module var optimist = require('optimist'); var argv = optimist.usage( 'Usage: $0', { 'quick': { description: 'Suppress diff output of failed tests', boolean: true, default: false, }, 'quiet': { description: 'Suppress notification of passed tests (shows only failed tests)', boolean: true, default: false, }, 'color': { description: 'Enable color output Ex: --no-color', boolean: true, default: true, }, 'filter': { description: 'Only run tests whose descriptions which match given regex', alias: 'regex', }, 'whitelist': { description: 'Alternatively compare against manually verified parser output from whitelist (default true)', default: true, boolean: true, }, 'help': { description: 'Show this help message', alias: 'h', }, 'disabled': { description: 'Run disabled tests (option not implemented)', default: false, boolean: true, }, 'jsonout': { description: 'Print out a JSON serialization (default false) of parser output.', default: false, boolean: true, }, } ).check( function(argv) { if( argv.filter === true ) { throw "--filter need an argument"; } } ).argv // keep that ; if( argv.help ) { optimist.showHelp(); process.exit( 0 ); } var test_filter = null; if( argv.filter ) { // null is the default by definition test_filter = new RegExp( argv.filter ); console.log( "Filtering title test using Regexp " + test_filter ); } if( !argv.color ) { colors.mode = 'none'; } // @fixme wrap more or this setup in a common module // Fetch up some of our wacky parser bits... var basePath = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(process.cwd())), 'modules'); function _require(filename) { return require(path.join(basePath, filename)); } function _import(filename, symbols) { var module = _require(filename); symbols.forEach(function(symbol) { global[symbol] = module[symbol]; }); } // needed for html5 parser adapter //var events = require('events'); // For now most modules only need this for $.extend and $.each :) global.$ = require('jquery'); // hack for renderer global.document = $('
')[0].ownerDocument; var pj = path.join; // Local CommonJS-friendly libs global.PEG = _require(pj('parser', 'lib.pegjs.js')); // Our code... var testWhiteList = require('./parserTests-whitelist.js').testWhiteList; _import(pj('parser', 'mediawiki.parser.peg.js'), ['PegParser']); _import(pj('parser', 'mediawiki.parser.environment.js'), ['MWParserEnvironment']); _import(pj('parser', 'ext.cite.taghook.ref.js'), ['MWRefTagHook']); _import(pj('parser', 'mediawiki.html5TokenEmitter.js'), ['FauxHTML5']); _import(pj('parser', 'mediawiki.DOMPostProcessor.js'), ['DOMPostProcessor']); // WikiDom and serializers _require(pj('es', 'es.js')); _require(pj('es', 'es.Html.js')); _require(pj('es', 'serializers', 'es.AnnotationSerializer.js')); _require(pj('es', 'serializers', 'es.HtmlSerializer.js')); _require(pj('es', 'serializers', 'es.WikitextSerializer.js')); _require(pj('es', 'serializers', 'es.JsonSerializer.js')); // Preload the grammar file... PegParser.src = fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'parser', 'pegParser.pegjs.txt'), 'utf8'); var parser = new PegParser(); var testFileName = '../../../../phase3/tests/parser/parserTests.txt'; // default var testFileName2 = '../../../../tests/parser/parserTests.txt'; // Fallback. Not everyone fetch at phase3 level if (argv._[0]) { // hack :D testFileName = argv._[0] ; testFileName2 = null; } try { var testParser = PEG.buildParser(fs.readFileSync('parserTests.pegjs', 'utf8')); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } var testFile; try { testFile = fs.readFileSync(testFileName, 'utf8'); } catch (e) { // Try opening fallback file if( testFileName2 !== '' ) { try { testFile = fs.readFileSync( testFileName2, 'utf8' ); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } } console.log( "Parsing tests case from file, this takes a few seconds ..." ); try { var cases = testParser.parse(testFile); console.log( "Done parsing." ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } var articles = {}; function normalizeTitle(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('nooooooooo not a string'); } name = name.replace(/[\s_]+/g, '_'); name = name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); if (name === '') { throw new Error('Invalid/empty title'); } return name; } function fetchArticle(name) { var norm = normalizeTitle(name); if (norm in articles) { return articles[norm]; } } function processArticle(item) { var norm = normalizeTitle(item.title); articles[norm] = item.text; } function nodeToHtml(node) { return $('
').append(node).html(); } var htmlparser = new HTML5.Parser(); /* Normalize the expected parser output by parsing it using a HTML5 parser and * re-serializing it to HTML. Ideally, the parser would normalize inter-tag * whitespace for us. For now, we fake that by simply stripping all newlines. */ function normalizeHTML(source) { // TODO: Do not strip newlines in pre and nowiki blocks! source = source.replace(/\n/g, ''); try { htmlparser.parse('' + source + ''); return htmlparser.document .getElementsByTagName('body')[0] .innerHTML // a few things we ignore for now.. .replace(/\/wiki\/Main_Page/g, 'Main Page') .replace(/(title|class|rel)="[^"]+"/g, '') // the expected html has some extra space in tags, strip it .replace(//g, '">'); } catch(e) { console.log("normalizeHTML failed on" + source + " with the following error: " + e); console.trace(); return source; } } // Specialized normalization of the wiki parser output, mostly to ignore a few // known-ok differences. function normalizeOut ( out ) { // TODO: Do not strip newlines in pre and nowiki blocks! return out.replace(/\n| data-[a-zA-Z]+="[^">]+"/g, '') .replace(/\n?/gm, ''); } function formatHTML ( source ) { // Quick hack to insert newlines before some block level start tags return source.replace(/(?!^)<((div|dd|dt|li|p|table|tr|td|tbody|dl|ol|ul)[^>]*)>/g, '\n<$1>'); } var passedTests = 0, passedTestsManual = 0, failParseTests = 0, failTreeTests = 0, failOutputTests = 0; function processTest(item) { var tokenizer = new FauxHTML5.Tokenizer(), postProcessor = new DOMPostProcessor(); if (!('title' in item)) { console.log(item); throw new Error('Missing title from test case.'); } if (!('input' in item)) { console.log(item); throw new Error('Missing input from test case ' + item.title); } if (!('result' in item)) { console.log(item); throw new Error('Missing input from test case ' + item.title); } function printTitle( failure_only ) { if( failure_only ) { console.log('FAILED'.red + ': ' + item.title.yellow); return; } console.log('====================================================='); console.log('FAILED'.red + ': ' + item.title.yellow); console.log(item.comments.join('\n')); console.log("INPUT".cyan + ":"); console.log(item.input + "\n"); } parser.parseToTree(item.input + "\n", function(tokens, err) { if (err) { printTitle(); failParseTests++; console.log('PARSE FAIL', err); } else { var environment = new MWParserEnvironment({ tagHooks: { 'ref': MWRefTagHook, 'references': MWReferencesTagHook } }); //var res = es.HtmlSerializer.stringify(tokens,environment); //console.log(JSON.stringify(tokens)); // Build a DOM tree from tokens using the HTML tree // builder/parser. processTokens(tokens, tokenizer); // Perform post-processing on DOM. postProcessor.doPostProcess(tokenizer.parser.document); // And serialize the result. var out = tokenizer.parser.document .getElementsByTagName('body')[0] .innerHTML; if ( err ) { printTitle(); failTreeTests++; console.log('RENDER FAIL', err); return; } var normalizedOut = normalizeOut(out); var normalizedExpected = normalizeHTML(item.result); if ( normalizedOut !== normalizedExpected ) { if (argv.whiteList && item.title in testWhiteList && normalizeOut(testWhiteList[item.title]) === normalizedOut) { if( !argv.quiet ) { console.log( 'PASSED (whiteList)'.green + ': ' + item.title.yellow ); } passedTestsManual++; return; } printTitle( argv.quick ); failOutputTests++; if( !argv.quick ) { console.log('RAW EXPECTED'.cyan + ':'); console.log(item.result + "\n"); console.log('RAW RENDERED'.cyan + ':'); console.log(formatHTML(out) + "\n"); var a = formatHTML(normalizedExpected); console.log('NORMALIZED EXPECTED'.magenta + ':'); console.log(a + "\n"); var b = formatHTML(normalizedOut); console.log('NORMALIZED RENDERED'.magenta + ':') console.log(formatHTML(normalizeOut(out)) + "\n"); var patch = jsDiff.createPatch('wikitext.txt', a, b, 'before', 'after'); console.log('DIFF'.cyan +': '); // Strip the header from the patch, we know how diffs work.. patch = patch.replace(/^[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n/, ''); var colored_diff = patch.split( '\n' ).map( function(line) { // Add some colors to diff output switch( line.charAt(0) ) { case '-': return line.red; case '+': return line.blue; default: return line; } }).join( "\n" ); console.log( colored_diff ); if(argv.jsonout) { console.log("JSON of parser output:"); console.log(JSON.stringify(out)); } } } else { passedTests++; if( !argv.quiet ) { console.log( 'PASSED'.green + ': ' + item.title.yellow ); } } } }); } function processTokens ( tokens, tokenizer ) { // push a body element, just to be sure to have one tokenizer.processToken({type: 'TAG', name: 'body'}); // Process all tokens for (var i = 0, length = tokens.length; i < length; i++) { tokenizer.processToken(tokens[i]); } // And signal the end tokenizer.processToken({type: 'END'}); } var comments = []; console.log( "Initialisation complete. Now launching tests." ); cases.forEach(function(item) { if (typeof item == 'object') { switch(item.type) { case 'article': //processArticle(item); break; case 'test': if( test_filter && -1 === item.title.search( test_filter ) ) { // Skip test whose title does not match --filter break; } // Add comments to following test. item.comments = comments; comments = []; processTest(item); break; case 'comment': comments.push(item.comment); break; default: break; } } }); /** * Colorize given number if <> 0 * * @param count Integer: a number to colorize * @param color String: 'green' or 'red' */ function ColorizeCount( count, color ) { if( count === 0 ) { return count; } // We need a string to use colors methods count = count.toString(); // FIXME there must be a wait to call a method by its name switch( color ) { case 'green': return count.green; case 'red': return count.red; default: return count; } } var failTotalTests = (failParseTests + failTreeTests + failOutputTests); console.log( "=========================================================="); console.log( "SUMMARY: "); if( failTotalTests !== 0 ) { console.log( ColorizeCount( passedTests , 'green' ) + " passed"); console.log( ColorizeCount( passedTestsManual , 'green' ) + " passed from whitelist"); console.log( ColorizeCount( failParseTests , 'red' ) + " parse failures"); console.log( ColorizeCount( failTreeTests , 'red' ) + " tree build failures"); console.log( ColorizeCount( failOutputTests, 'red' ) + " output differences"); console.log( "\n" ); console.log( ColorizeCount( passedTests + passedTestsManual , 'green' ) + ' total passed tests, ' + ColorizeCount( failTotalTests , 'red' ) + " total failures"); } else { if( test_filter !== null ) { console.log( "Passed " + passedTests + passedTestsManual + " of " + passedTests + " tests matching " + test_filter + "... " + "ALL TESTS PASSED!".green ); } else { // Should not happen if it does: Champagne! console.log( "Passed " + passedTests + " of " + passedTests + " tests... " + "ALL TESTS PASSED!".green ); } } console.log( "=========================================================="); })();