/** * Creates an es.DocumentView object. * * @class * @constructor * @extends {es.DocumentViewBranchNode} * @param {es.DocumentModel} documentModel Document model to view * @param {es.SurfaceView} surfaceView Surface view this view is a child of */ es.DocumentView = function( model, surfaceView ) { // Inheritance es.DocumentViewBranchNode.call( this, model ); // Properties this.surfaceView = surfaceView; // DOM Changes this.$.addClass( 'es-documentView' ); }; /** * Get the document offset of a position created from passed DOM event * * @method * @param e {Event} Event to create es.Position from * @returns {Integer} Document offset */ es.DocumentView.prototype.getOffsetFromEvent = function( e ) { var position = es.Position.newFromEventPagePosition( e ); return this.getOffsetFromRenderedPosition( position ); }; /* Inheritance */ es.extendClass( es.DocumentView, es.DocumentViewBranchNode );