/** * DataModel transaction processor. * * This class reads operations from a transaction and applies them one by one. It's not intended * to be used directly; use the static functions ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.commit() and .rollback() * instead. * * NOTE: Instances of this class are not recyclable: you can only call .process() on them once. * * @class * @constructor */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor = function( doc, transaction, reversed ) { this.document = doc; this.operations = transaction.getOperations(); // TODO add DocumentSynchronizer //this.synchronizer = new ve.dm.DocumentSynchronizer( this.model ); this.reversed = reversed; // Linear model offset that we're currently at // The operations in the transaction are ordered, so the cursor only ever moves forward this.cursor = 0; // Annotation stacks used by the annotate operation. Any data that passes through an // operation will have these annotation changes applied to them. // The format is { hash: annotationObjectReference } this.set = {}; // Annotations to add to data passing through this.clear = {}; // Annotations to remove from data passing through }; /* Static methods */ /** * Commit a transaction to a document. * * @param {ve.dm.Document} doc Document object to apply the transaction to * @param {ve.dm.Transaction} transaction Transaction to apply */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.commit = function( doc, transaction ) { new ve.dm.TransactionProcessor( doc, transaction, false ).process(); }; /** * Roll back a transaction; this applies the transaction to the document in reverse. * * @param {ve.dm.Document} doc Document object to apply the transaction to * @param {ve.dm.Transaction} transaction Transaction to apply */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.rollback = function( doc, transaction ) { new ve.dm.TransactionProcessor( doc, transaction, true ).process(); }; /* Methods */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.nextOperation = function() { return this.operations[this.operationIndex++] || false; }; ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.executeOperation = function( op ) { if ( op.type in this ) { this[op.type]( op ); } else { throw 'Invalid operation error. Operation type is not supported: ' + operation.type; } }; ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.process = function() { var op; // This loop is factored this way to allow operations to be skipped over or executed // from within other operations this.operationIndex = 0; while ( ( op = this.nextOperation() ) ) { this.executeOperation( op ); } // TODO add DocumentSynchronizer //this.synchronizer.synchronize(); }; /** * Apply the current annotation stacks. This will set all annotations in this.set and clear all * annotations in this.clear on the data between the offsets this.cursor and this.cursor + to * * @param {Number} to Offset to stop annotating at. Annotating starts at this.cursor */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.applyAnnotations = function( to ) { var i, hash, ann, character; for ( i = this.cursor; i < to; i++ ) { character = this.document.data[i]; if ( character.type !== undefined ) { // Not a character but an element, skip continue; } ann = ve.isArray( character ) ? character[1] : null; for ( hash in this.set ) { if ( ann === null ) { // Create annotations object ann = {}; this.document.data[i] = [ character, ann ]; } ann[hash] = this.set[hash]; } if ( ann !== null ) { for ( hash in this.clear ) { delete ann[hash]; } if ( $.isEmptyObject( ann ) ) { // Clean up empty annotations object this.document.data[i] = character[0]; } } } }; /** * Execute a retain operation. * * This moves the cursor by op.length and applies annotations to the characters that the cursor * moved over. * * @param {Object} op Operation object: * length: Number of elements to retain */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.retain = function( op ) { this.applyAnnotations( this.cursor + op.length ); this.cursor += op.length; }; /** * Execute an annotate operation. * * This adds or removes an annotation to this.set or this.clear * * @param {Object} op Operation object * method: 'set' to set an annotation, 'clear' to clear it * bias: 'start' to start setting or clearing, 'stop' to stop setting or clearing * annotation: annotation object */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.annotate = function( op ) { var target, hash; if ( op.method === 'set' ) { target = this.reversed ? this.clear : this.set; } else if ( op.method === 'clear' ) { target = this.reversed ? this.set : this.clear; } else { throw 'Invalid annotation method ' + op.method; } hash = $.toJSON( op.annotation ); if ( op.bias === 'start' ) { target[hash] = op.annotation; } else { delete target[hash]; } // TODO sync model tree }; /** * Execute an attribute operation. * * This sets the attribute named op.key on the element at this.cursor to op.to , or unsets it if * op.to === undefined . op.from is not checked against the old value, but is used instead of op.to * in reverse mode. So if op.from is incorrect, the transaction will commit fine, but won't roll * back correctly. * * @param {Object} op Operation object * key: attribute name * from: old attribute value, or undefined if not previously set * to: new attribute value, or undefined to unset */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.attribute = function( op ) { var element = this.model.data[this.cursor]; if ( element.type === undefined ) { throw 'Invalid element error. Can not set attributes on non-element data.'; } var to = this.reversed ? op.from : op.to; if ( to === undefined ) { // Clear if ( element.attributes ) { delete element.attributes[op.key]; } } else { // Automatically initialize attributes object if ( !element.attributes ) { element.attributes = {}; } // Set element.attributes[op.key] = to; } // TODO sync model tree }; /** * Execute a replace operation. * * This replaces one fragment of linear model data with another at this.cursor, figures out how the * model tree needs to be synchronized, and queues this in the DocumentSynchronizer. * * op.remove isn't checked against the actual data (instead op.remove.length things are removed * starting at this.cursor), but it's used instead of op.replacement in reverse mode. So if * op.remove is incorrect but of the right length, the transaction will commit fine, but won't roll * back correctly. * * * @param {Object} op Operation object * remove: Linear model data fragment to remove * replacement: Linear model data fragment to insert */ ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.prototype.replace = function( op ) { // TODO };