/** * Creates an ve.ui.ListButtonTool object. * * @class * @constructor * @extends {ve.ui.ButtonTool} * @param {ve.ui.Toolbar} toolbar * @param {String} name */ ve.ui.ListButtonTool = function( toolbar, name, title, data ) { // Inheritance ve.ui.ButtonTool.call( this, toolbar, name, title ); // Properties this.data = data; this.nodes = []; }; /* Methods */ ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.list = function( nodes, style ) { var surface = this.toolbar.surfaceView, selection = surface.currentSelection.clone(), stack = [], stacks = [], listItems = [], parent, styles, insertAt, removeLength, data, tx, i, j; for( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { parent = nodes[i].getParent(); if ( parent.getElementType() === 'listItem' ) { if ( stack.length > 0 ) { stacks.push( stack ); stack = []; } listItems.push( parent ); } else { if( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( parent === stack[stack.length - 1].getParent() ) { stack.push( nodes[i] ); } else { stacks.push( stack ); stack = [ nodes[i] ]; } } else { stack.push( nodes[i] ); } } } if( stack.length > 0 ) { stacks.push( stack ); } if ( stacks.length > 0 ) { if ( selection.from === selection.to ) { selection.from += 2; selection.to += 2; } else { if ( nodes[0].getParent().getElementType() != 'listItem' ) { if ( selection.from < selection.to ) { selection.from += 2; } else { selection.to += 2; } } if ( selection.from < selection.to ) { selection.to += (stacks.length * 2) + (nodes.length - listItems.length - 1) * 2; } else { selection.from += (stacks.length * 2) + (nodes.length - listItems.length - 1) * 2; } } } for( i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ ) { styles = listItems[i].getElementAttribute( 'styles' ); if ( styles[styles.length - 1] !== style ) { styles.splice( styles.length - 1, 1, style ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareElementAttributeChange( surface.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode( listItems[i], false ), 'set', 'styles', styles ); surface.model.transact( tx ); } } for( i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++ ) { removeLength = 0; insertAt = surface.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode( stacks[i][0], false ); data = [ { 'type': 'list' } ]; for( j = 0; j < stacks[i].length; j++ ) { removeLength += stacks[i][j].getElementLength(); data = data .concat( [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes' : { 'styles': [ this.name ] } } ] ) //.concat( stacks[i][j].getElementData() ) .concat( [ { 'type': 'paragraph' } ] ) .concat( stacks[i][j].getContentData() ) .concat( [ { 'type': '/paragraph' } ] ) .concat( [ { 'type': '/listItem' } ] ); } data = data.concat( [ { 'type': '/list' } ] ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( insertAt, data ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( insertAt + data.length, insertAt + removeLength + data.length ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); } surface.model.select( selection, true ); surface.emitCursor(); }; ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.unlist = function( nodes ) { var listItems = [], listItem, i; for( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { listItem = nodes[i].getParent(); if ( listItems.length > 0 ) { if (listItem != listItems[listItems.length - 1]) { listItems.push( listItem ); } } else { listItems.push( listItem ); } } var stacks = [], stack = { first: false, last: false, nodes: [], offset: 0, length: 0 }, surface = this.toolbar.surfaceView, selection = surface.currentSelection.clone(), from = 0, to = 0; for( i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ ) { if( stack.nodes.length > 0 ) { if ( stack.nodes[stack.nodes.length - 1].getParent() != listItems[i].getParent() ) { stacks.push( stack ); stack = { first: false, last: false, nodes: [], offset: 0, length: 0 }; } } if ( listItems[i].getParent().indexOf( listItems[i] ) === 0 ) { stack.first = true; } if ( listItems[i].getParent().indexOf( listItems[i] ) === listItems[i].getParent().children.length - 1 ) { stack.last = true; } if( stack.nodes.length === 0 ){ stack.offset = surface.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode(listItems[i], false); } stack.length += listItems[i].getElementLength(); stack.nodes.push( listItems[i] ); } if( stack.nodes.length > 0 ) { stacks.push(stack); } var tx, j, extra, data; for( i = stacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { stack = stacks[i]; data = []; for( j = 0; j < stack.nodes.length; j++ ) { data = data.concat( stack.nodes[j].getContentData() ); } if ( stack.first === true && stack.last === true ) { tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( stack.offset - 1 /* list */, stack.offset + stack.length + 1 /* /list */ ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( stack.offset - 1, data ); surface.model.transact( tx ); from = -2; to += -(stack.nodes.length * 2); } else if ( stack.first === true && stack.last === false ) { tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( stack.offset, stack.offset + stack.length ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( stack.offset - 1, data ); surface.model.transact( tx ); from = -2; to += -(stack.nodes.length * 2); } else if ( stack.first === false && stack.last === true ) { tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( stack.offset, stack.offset + stack.length ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( stack.offset + 1, data ); surface.model.transact( tx ); to += -(stack.nodes.length * 2); to += 2; } else if ( stack.first === false && stack.last === false ) { var parent = stack.nodes[0].getParent(); var parentOffset = surface.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode( parent, false ); var parentLength = parent.getElementLength(); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( stack.offset, stack.offset + stack.length ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); var remainingRange = new ve.Range( stack.offset, parentOffset + parentLength - stack.length - 1 ); var remainingData = surface.model.getDocument().getData( remainingRange ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( remainingRange ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( stack.offset + 1, [ { 'type': 'list' } ].concat( remainingData ).concat( [ { 'type': '/list' } ] ) ); surface.model.transact( tx ); tx = surface.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion( stack.offset + 1, data ); surface.model.transact( tx ); to += -(stack.nodes.length * 2); to += 2; } } if ( selection.from === selection.to ) { selection.from += from; selection.to += from; } else { if ( selection.to > selection.from ) { selection.from += from; selection.to += to; } else { selection.to += from; selection.from += to; } } surface.model.select( selection, true ); surface.emitCursor(); }; ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.onClick = function() { this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.breakpoint(); if ( !this.$.hasClass( 'es-toolbarButtonTool-down' ) ) { this.list( this.nodes, this.name ); } else { this.unlist( this.nodes ); } this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.breakpoint(); }; ve.ui.ListButtonTool.prototype.updateState = function( annotations, nodes ) { function areListItemsOfStyle( nodes, style ) { var parent, styles; for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { parent = nodes[i].getParent(); if ( parent.getElementType() !== 'listItem' ) { return false; } styles = parent.getElementAttribute( 'styles' ); if ( styles[ styles.length - 1] !== style ) { return false; } } return true; } this.nodes = nodes; if ( areListItemsOfStyle( this.nodes, this.name ) ) { this.$.addClass( 'es-toolbarButtonTool-down' ); } else { this.$.removeClass( 'es-toolbarButtonTool-down' ); } }; /* Registration */ ve.ui.Tool.tools.number = { 'constructor': ve.ui.ListButtonTool, 'name': 'number', 'title': 'Numbered list' }; ve.ui.Tool.tools.bullet = { 'constructor': ve.ui.ListButtonTool, 'name': 'bullet', 'title': 'Bulleted list' }; /* Inheritance */ ve.extendClass( ve.ui.ListButtonTool, ve.ui.ButtonTool );