#!/usr/bin/env bash cd $(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) ( while IFS='' read -r l do if [[ "$l" == "{{VE-LOAD-HEAD}}" ]] then php ../maintenance/makeStaticLoader.php --section=head --ve-path=../modules/ elif [[ "$l" == "{{VE-LOAD-BODY}}" ]] then php ../maintenance/makeStaticLoader.php --section=body --ve-path=../modules/ else echo "$l" fi done ) < eg-iframe.tpl | php > eg-iframe.html warnings=`jsduck --config=config.json 2>&1` ec=$? rm eg-iframe.html cd - > /dev/null echo -e "$warnings" # JSDuck doesn't exit with an error code if there are warnings # (only when there are fatal errors). We fixed all warnings # in master so lets consider all warnings errors to ensure # we don't introduce any new invalid jsduck syntax. if [[ "$ec" == "0" && "$warnings" != "" ]] then exit 1 fi # Exit with exit code of jsduck command exit $ec