require('../core-upgrade'); var HTML5 = require('../html5'); var events = require('events'); var Buffer = require('./buffer').Buffer; var Models = HTML5.Models; function keys(h) { var r = []; for(var k in h) { r.push(k); } return r; } var t = HTML5.Tokenizer = function HTML5Tokenizer(input, document) { var state; var buffer = new Buffer(); var escapeFlag = false; var lastFourChars = ''; var current_token = null; var script_buffer = null; var content_model = Models.PCDATA; function data_state(buffer) { var c = buffer.char() if(c !== HTML5.EOF && (content_model == Models.CDATA || content_model == Models.RCDATA || content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA)) { lastFourChars += c; if(lastFourChars.length >= 4) { lastFourChars = lastFourChars.substr(-4) } } if (content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA) { if (script_buffer == null) { script_buffer = ''; } } if(c === HTML5.EOF) { emitToken(HTML5.EOF_TOK); buffer.commit(); return false; } else if(c === '\0' && (content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA || content_model == Models.PLAINTEXT || content_model == Models.RAWTEXT || content_model == Models.RCDATA)) { emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: "\ufffd"}); buffer.commit(); } else if(c == '&' && (content_model == Models.PCDATA || content_model == Models.RCDATA) && !escapeFlag) { newState(entity_data_state); } else if(c == '-' && (content_model == Models.CDATA || content_model == Models.RCDATA || content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA) && !escapeFlag && lastFourChars == '$/)) { escapeFlag = false; emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: c}); buffer.commit(); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(c)) { emitToken({type: 'SpaceCharacters', data: c + buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS)}); buffer.commit(); } else { var o = buffer.matchUntil("[&<>-]"); if(o !== HTML5.EOF) { c = c + o; } emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: c}); lastFourChars += c lastFourChars = lastFourChars.slice(-4) buffer.commit(); } return true; }; var entity_data_state = function entity_data_state(buffer) { var entity = consume_entity(buffer); if(entity) { emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: entity}); } else { emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: '&'}); } newState(data_state); return true; } this.tokenize = function() { if(this.pump) this.pump(); } var emitToken = function emitToken(tok) { tok = normalize_token(tok); if (content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA && (tok.type == 'Characters' || tok.type == 'SpaceCharacters') && !buffer.eof) { HTML5.debug('tokenizer.addScriptData', tok) script_buffer +=; } else { HTML5.debug('tokenizer.token', tok) this.emit('token', tok); } }.bind(this); function consume_entity(buffer, from_attr) { var char = null; var chars = buffer.char(); if(chars === HTML5.EOF) return false; if(chars.match(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS) || chars == '<' || chars == '&') { buffer.unget(chars); } else if(chars[0] == '#') { // Maybe a numeric entity var c = buffer.shift(2); if(c === HTML5.EOF) { buffer.unget(chars); return false; } chars += c; if(chars[1] && chars[1].toLowerCase() == 'x' && HTML5.HEX_DIGITS_R.test(chars[2])) { // Hex entity buffer.unget(chars[2]); char = consume_numeric_entity(buffer, true); } else if(chars[1] && HTML5.DIGITS_R.test(chars[1])) { // Decimal entity buffer.unget(chars.slice(1)); char = consume_numeric_entity(buffer, false); } else { // Not numeric buffer.unget(chars); parse_error("expected-numeric-entity"); } } else { var filteredEntityList = keys(HTML5.ENTITIES).filter(function(e) { return e[0] == chars[0]; }); var entityName = null; while(true) { if(filteredEntityList.some(function(e) { return e.indexOf(chars) == 0; })) { filteredEntityList = filteredEntityList.filter(function(e) { return e.indexOf(chars) == 0; }); var c = buffer.char(); if(c !== HTML5.EOF) { chars += c; } else { break; } } else { break; } if(HTML5.ENTITIES[chars]) { entityName = chars; if(entityName[entityName.length - 1] == ';') break; } } if(entityName) { char = HTML5.ENTITIES[entityName]; if(entityName[entityName.length - 1] != ';' && this.from_attribute && (HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(chars.substr(entityName.length, 1) || HTML5.DIGITS.test(chars.substr(entityName.length, 1))))) { buffer.unget(chars); char = '&'; } else { buffer.unget(chars.slice(entityName.length)); } } else { parse_error("expected-named-entity"); buffer.unget(chars); } } return char; } function replaceEntityNumbers(c) { switch(c) { case 0x00: return 0xFFFD; // REPLACEMENT CHARACTER case 0x13: return 0x0010; // Carriage return case 0x80: return 0x20AC; // EURO SIGN case 0x81: return 0x0081; // case 0x82: return 0x201A; // SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK case 0x83: return 0x0192; // LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK case 0x84: return 0x201E; // DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK case 0x85: return 0x2026; // HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS case 0x86: return 0x2020; // DAGGER case 0x87: return 0x2021; // DOUBLE DAGGER case 0x88: return 0x02C6; // MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT case 0x89: return 0x2030; // PER MILLE SIGN case 0x8A: return 0x0160; // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON case 0x8B: return 0x2039; // SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x8C: return 0x0152; // LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE case 0x8D: return 0x008D; // case 0x8E: return 0x017D; // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON case 0x8F: return 0x008F; // case 0x90: return 0x0090; // case 0x91: return 0x2018; // LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x92: return 0x2019; // RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x93: return 0x201C; // LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x94: return 0x201D; // RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x95: return 0x2022; // BULLET case 0x96: return 0x2013; // EN DASH case 0x97: return 0x2014; // EM DASH case 0x98: return 0x02DC; // SMALL TILDE case 0x99: return 0x2122; // TRADE MARK SIGN case 0x9A: return 0x0161; // LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON case 0x9B: return 0x203A; // SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK case 0x9C: return 0x0153; // LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE case 0x9D: return 0x009D; // case 0x9E: return 0x017E; // LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON case 0x9F: return 0x0178; // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS default: if((c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF) || c >= 0x10FFFF) { /// @todo. The spec says > 0x10FFFF, not >=. Section return 0xFFFD; } else if((c >= 0x0001 && c <= 0x0008) || (c >= 0x000E && c <= 0x001F) || (c >= 0x007F && c <= 0x009F) || (c >= 0xFDD0 && c <= 0xFDEF) || c == 0x000B || c == 0xFFFE || c == 0x1FFFE || c == 0x2FFFFE || c == 0x2FFFF || c == 0x3FFFE || c == 0x3FFFF || c == 0x4FFFE || c == 0x4FFFF || c == 0x5FFFE || c == 0x5FFFF || c == 0x6FFFE || c == 0x6FFFF || c == 0x7FFFE || c == 0x7FFFF || c == 0x8FFFE || c == 0x8FFFF || c == 0x9FFFE || c == 0x9FFFF || c == 0xAFFFE || c == 0xAFFFF || c == 0xBFFFE || c == 0xBFFFF || c == 0xCFFFE || c == 0xCFFFF || c == 0xDFFFE || c == 0xDFFFF || c == 0xEFFFE || c == 0xEFFFF || c == 0xFFFFE || c == 0xFFFFF || c == 0x10FFFE || c == 0x10FFFF) { return c; } } }; function consume_numeric_entity(buffer, hex) { if(hex) { var allowed = HTML5.HEX_DIGITS_R; var radix = 16; } else { var allowed = HTML5.DIGITS_R; var radix = 10; } var chars = ''; var c = buffer.char(); while(c !== HTML5.EOF && allowed.test(c)) { chars = chars + c; c = buffer.char(); } var charAsInt = parseInt(chars, radix); var replacement; if(replacement = replaceEntityNumbers(charAsInt)) { parse_error("invalid-numeric-entity-replaced", {old: charAsInt, new: replacement}); charAsInt = replacement; } var char = String.fromCharCode(charAsInt); /*if(charAsInt <= 0x10FFFF && !(charAsInt >= 0xD800 && charAsInt <= 0xDFFF)) { } else { char = String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); parse_error("cant-convert-numeric-entity"); } */ if(c !== ';') { parse_error("numeric-entity-without-semicolon"); buffer.unget(c); } return char; } function process_entity_in_attribute(buffer) { var entity = consume_entity(buffer); if(entity) { += entity; } else { += '&'; } } function process_solidus_in_tag(buffer) { var data = buffer.peek(1); if(current_token.type == 'StartTag' && data == '>') { current_token.type = 'EmptyTag'; return true; } else { parse_error("incorrectly-placed-solidus"); return false; } } function tag_open_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.char(); if(content_model == Models.PCDATA) { if (data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("bare-less-than-sign-at-eof"); emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: '<'}); newState(data_state); } else if (data !== HTML5.EOF && HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(data)) { current_token = {type: 'StartTag', name: data, data: []}; newState(tag_name_state); } else if(data == '!') { newState(markup_declaration_open_state); } else if (data == '/') { newState(close_tag_open_state); } else if (data == '>') { // XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But // do we really care? parse_error("expected-tag-name-but-got-right-bracket"); emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: "<>"}); newState(data_state); } else if (data == '?') { // XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But // do we really care? parse_error("expected-tag-name-but-got-question-mark"); buffer.unget(data); newState(bogus_comment_state); } else { // XXX parse_error("expected-tag-name"); emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: "<"}); buffer.unget(data); newState(data_state); } } else { // We know the content model flag is set to either RCDATA or CDATA or SCRIPT_CDATA // now because this state can never be entered with the PLAINTEXT // flag. if (data === '/') { newState(close_tag_open_state); } else { emitToken({type: 'Characters', data: "<"}); buffer.unget(data); newState(data_state); } } return true } function close_tag_open_state(buffer) { if(content_model == Models.RCDATA || content_model == Models.CDATA || content_model == Models.SCRIPT_CDATA) { var chars = ''; if(current_token) { for(var i = 0; i <=; i++) { var c = buffer.char(); if(c === HTML5.EOF) break; chars += c; } buffer.unget(chars); } if(current_token && == chars.slice(0, && (chars.length > ? new RegExp('[' + HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_IN + '>') { parse_error("expected-closing-tag-but-got-right-bracket"); newState(data_state); } else { parse_error("expected-closing-tag-but-got-char", {data: data}); // param 1 is datavars: buffer.unget(data); newState(bogus_comment_state); } return true; } function tag_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.char(); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error('eof-in-tag-name'); emit_current_token(); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(before_attribute_name_state); } else if(HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(data)) { var c = buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS) if(c !== HTML5.EOF) { += data + c } else { += data buffer.unget(c) newState(data_state); } } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); } else if(data == '/') { process_solidus_in_tag(buffer) newState(self_closing_tag_state); } else { += data; } buffer.commit(); return true; } function before_attribute_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if (data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("expected-attribute-name-but-got-eof"); emit_current_token(); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS); } else if (HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(data)) {{nodeName: data, nodeValue: ""}); newState(attribute_name_state); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); } else if(data == '/') { newState(self_closing_tag_state); } else if(data == "'" || data == '"' || data == '=') { parse_error("invalid-character-in-attribute-name");{nodeName: data, nodeValue: ""}); newState(attribute_name_state); } else {{nodeName: data, nodeValue: ""}); newState(attribute_name_state); } return true; } function attribute_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); var leavingThisState = true; var emitToken = false; if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-attribute-name"); newState(data_state); emitToken = true; } else if(data == '=') { newState(before_attribute_value_state); } else if(HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(data)) { += data + buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS); leavingThisState = false; } else if(data == '>') { // XXX If we emit here the attributes are converted to a dict // without being checked and when the code below runs we error // because data is a dict not a list emitToken = true; } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(after_attribute_name_state); } else if(data == '/') { if(!process_solidus_in_tag(buffer)) { newState(before_attribute_name_state); } } else if(data == "'" || data == '"') { parse_error("invalid-character-in-attribute-name"); += data; leavingThisState = false; } else { += data; leavingThisState = false; } if(leavingThisState) { // Attributes are not dropped at this stage. That happens when the // start tag token is emitted so values can still be safely appended // to attributes, but we do want to report the parse error in time. if(this.lowercase_attr_name) { =; } for (var k in, -1)) { // FIXME this is a fucking mess. if([0] ==, -1)[k].name) { parse_error("duplicate-attribute"); break; // Don't emit more than one of these errors } } if(emitToken) emit_current_token(); } else { buffer.commit() } return true; } function after_attribute_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("expected-end-of-tag-but-got-eof"); emit_current_token(); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS); } else if(data == '=') { newState(before_attribute_value_state); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); } else if(HTML5.ASCII_LETTERS_R.test(data)) {{nodeName: data, nodeValue: ""}); newState(attribute_name_state); } else if(data == '/') { newState(self_closing_tag_state); } else {{nodeName: data, nodeValue: ""}); newState(attribute_name_state); } return true; } function before_attribute_value_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("expected-attribute-value-but-got-eof"); emit_current_token(); newState(attribute_value_unquoted_state); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { buffer.matchWhile(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS); } else if(data == '"') { newState(attribute_value_double_quoted_state); } else if(data == '&') { newState(attribute_value_unquoted_state); buffer.unget(data); } else if(data == "'") { newState(attribute_value_single_quoted_state); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); } else if(data == '=') { parse_error("equals-in-unquoted-attribute-value"); += data; newState(attribute_value_unquoted_state); } else { += data newState(attribute_value_unquoted_state); } return true; } function attribute_value_double_quoted_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-attribute-value-double-quote"); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '"') { newState(after_attribute_value_state); } else if(data == '&') { process_entity_in_attribute(buffer); } else { var s = buffer.matchUntil('["&]'); if(s !== HTML5.EOF) data = data + s; += data; } return true; } function attribute_value_single_quoted_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-attribute-value-single-quote"); emit_current_token(); } else if(data == "'") { newState(after_attribute_value_state); } else if(data == '&') { process_entity_in_attribute(buffer); } else { += data + buffer.matchUntil("['&]"); } return true; } function attribute_value_unquoted_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-attribute-value-no-quotes"); buffer.commit(); emit_current_token(); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(before_attribute_name_state); } else if(data == '&') { process_entity_in_attribute(buffer); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); } else if(data == '"' || data == "'" || data == '=') { parse_error("unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value"); += data; } else { var o = buffer.matchUntil("["+ HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_IN + '&<>' +"]") if(o === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-attribute-value-no-quotes"); emit_current_token(); } // Commit here since this state is re-enterable and its outcome won't change with more data. buffer.commit(); += data + o } return true; } function after_attribute_value_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error( "unexpected-EOF-after-attribute-value"); emit_current_token(); buffer.unget(data); newState(data_state); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(before_attribute_name_state); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '/') { newState(self_closing_tag_state); } else { emitToken({type: 'ParseError', data: "unexpected-character-after-attribute-value"}); buffer.unget(data); newState(before_attribute_name_state); } return true; } function self_closing_tag_state(buffer) { var c = buffer.shift(1); if(c === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-tag-name"); buffer.unget(c); newState(data_state); } else if(c == '>') { current_token.self_closing = true; emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else { parse_error("expected-self-closing-tag"); buffer.unget(c); newState(before_attribute_name_state); } return true; } function bogus_comment_state(buffer) { var s = buffer.matchUntil('>'); if(s === HTML5.EOF) { s = '' } var tok = {type: 'Comment', data: s}; buffer.char() emitToken(tok); newState(data_state); return true; } function markup_declaration_open_state(buffer) { var chars = buffer.shift(2); if(chars === '--') { current_token = {type: 'Comment', data: ''}; newState(comment_start_state); } else { var newchars = buffer.shift(5); if(newchars === HTML5.EOF || chars === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("expected-dashes-or-doctype"); newState(bogus_comment_state); buffer.unget(chars); return true; } chars += newchars; if(chars.toUpperCase() == 'DOCTYPE') { current_token = {type: 'Doctype', name: '', publicId: null, systemId: null, correct: true}; newState(doctype_state); } else { parse_error("expected-dashes-or-doctype"); buffer.unget(chars); newState(bogus_comment_state); } } return true; } function comment_start_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-comment"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '-') { newState(comment_start_dash_state); } else if(data == '>') { parse_error("incorrect comment"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else { += data + buffer.matchUntil('-'); newState(comment_state); } return true; } function comment_start_dash_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-comment"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '-') { newState(comment_end_state); } else if(data == '>') { parse_error("incorrect-comment"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else { var s = buffer.matchUntil('-'); if(s !== HTML5.EOF) data = data + s; += '-' + data; newState(comment_state); } return true; } function comment_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-comment"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '-') { newState(comment_end_dash_state); } else { += data + buffer.matchUntil('-'); } return true; } function comment_end_dash_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.char(); if (data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-comment-end-dash"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '-') { newState(comment_end_state); } else { += '-' + data + buffer.matchUntil('-'); // Consume the next character which is either a "-" or an :EOF as // well so if there's a "-" directly after the "-" we go nicely to // the "comment end state" without emitting a ParseError there. buffer.char(); } return true; } function comment_end_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if (data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("eof-in-comment-double-dash"); emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '>') { emitToken(current_token); newState(data_state); } else if(data == '-') { parse_error("unexpected-dash-after-double-dash-in-comment"); += data; } else { // XXX parse_error("unexpected-char-in-comment"); += '--' + data; newState(comment_state); } return true; } function doctype_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(before_doctype_name_state); } else { parse_error("need-space-after-doctype"); buffer.unget(data); newState(before_doctype_name_state); } return true; } function before_doctype_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { parse_error("expected-doctype-name-but-got-eof"); current_token.correct = false; emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { } else if(data == '>') { parse_error("expected-doctype-name-but-got-right-bracket"); current_token.correct = false; emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else { = data; newState(doctype_name_state); } return true } function doctype_name_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); if(data === HTML5.EOF) { current_token.correct = false; buffer.unget(data); parse_error("eof-in-doctype"); emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else if(HTML5.SPACE_CHARACTERS_R.test(data)) { newState(bogus_doctype_state); } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } else { += data; } return true; } function bogus_doctype_state(buffer) { var data = buffer.shift(1); current_token.correct = false; if(data === HTML5.EOF) { throw(new Error("Unimplemented!")) } else if(data == '>') { emit_current_token(); newState(data_state); } return true; } function parse_error(message, context) { emitToken({type: 'ParseError', data: message}); HTML5.debug('tokenizer.parseError', message, context); } function emit_current_token() { var tok = current_token; switch(tok.type) { case 'StartTag': case 'EndTag': case 'EmptyTag': if(tok.type == 'EndTag' && tok.self_closing) { parse_error('self-closing-end-tag'); } break; } if ( == "script" && tok.type == 'EndTag' && script_buffer) { emitToken({ type: 'Characters', data: script_buffer }); script_buffer = null; } emitToken(tok); newState(data_state); } function normalize_token(token) { if(token.type == 'EmptyTag') { if(HTML5.VOID_ELEMENTS.indexOf( == -1) { parse_error('incorrectly-placed-solidus'); } token.type = 'StartTag'; } if(token.type == 'StartTag') { =; if( != 0) { var data = {}; // reverse so that the first value for each key wins; { data[e.nodeName.toLowerCase()] = e.nodeValue; }); = []; for(var k in data) {{nodeName: k, nodeValue: data[k]}); } // now restore the original attribute order; } } else if(token.type == 'EndTag') { if( != 0) parse_error('attributes-in-end-tag'); =; } return token; } if(typeof input === 'undefined') throw(new Error("No input given")); var content_model; this.document = document; this.__defineSetter__('content_model', function(model) { HTML5.debug('tokenizer.content_model=', model) content_model = model }) this.__defineGetter__('content_model', function() { return content_model }) function newState(newstate) { HTML5.debug('tokenizer.state=', state = newstate; buffer.commit(); } newState(data_state); if(input instanceof events.EventEmitter) { source = input; this.pump = null; } else { var source = new events.EventEmitter(); this.pump = function() { source.emit('data', input); source.emit('end'); } } source.addListener('data', function(data) { if(typeof data !== 'string') data = data.toString(); buffer.append(data); try { while(state(buffer)); } catch(e) { if(e != HTML5.DRAIN) { throw(e); } else { HTML5.debug('tokenizer.drain', 'Drain') buffer.undo(); } } }); source.addListener('end', function() { buffer.eof = true; while(state(buffer)); this.emit('end'); }.bind(this)); } t.prototype = new events.EventEmitter;