/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface MWSaveDialogAction class. * * @copyright 2011-2016 VisualEditor Team and others; see http://ve.mit-license.org */ // TODO: Can perhaps extract a lot of the dialog lifecycle management code // from ArticleTarget and put it here. /** * Save action. * * @class * @extends ve.ui.Action * * @constructor * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface to act on */ ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction = function VeUiMWSaveDialogAction() { // Parent constructor ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.super.apply( this, arguments ); }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction, ve.ui.Action ); /* Static Properties */ ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.static.name = 'mwSaveDialog'; /** * List of allowed methods for the action. * * @static * @property */ ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.static.methods = [ 'save', 'review' ]; /* Methods */ /** * Open the save dialog * * @method * @return {boolean} Action was executed */ ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.prototype.save = function () { ve.init.target.showSaveDialog(); return true; }; /** * Open the save dialog, and set it to the review panel * * @method * @return {boolean} Action was executed */ ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.prototype.review = function () { ve.init.target.showSaveDialog( 'review', 'review' ); return true; }; /* Registration */ ve.ui.actionFactory.register( ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction ); ve.ui.commandRegistry.register( new ve.ui.Command( 'showChanges', 'mwSaveDialog', 'review', { supportedSelections: [ 'linear', 'table' ] } ) ); ve.ui.triggerRegistry.register( 'showChanges', new ve.ui.Trigger( 'alt+shift+v' ) ); ve.ui.commandHelpRegistry.register( 'other', 'showChanges', { trigger: 'showChanges', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-savedialog-label-review' ) } ); ve.ui.MWCommandHelpDialog.static.commandGroups.other.demote.push( 'showChanges' ); ve.ui.commandRegistry.register( new ve.ui.Command( 'showSave', 'mwSaveDialog', 'save', { supportedSelections: [ 'linear', 'table' ] } ) ); ( function () { var accessKeyPrefix = $.fn.updateTooltipAccessKeys.getAccessKeyPrefix().toUpperCase().replace( /-/g, ' + ' ), saveShortcut = ve.msg( 'accesskey-save' ); if ( saveShortcut !== '-' && saveShortcut !== '' ) { ve.ui.triggerRegistry.register( 'showSave', new ve.ui.Trigger( accessKeyPrefix + saveShortcut ) ); ve.ui.commandHelpRegistry.register( 'other', 'save', { trigger: 'showSave', label: function () { return ve.init.target.getSaveButtonLabel(); } } ); ve.ui.MWCommandHelpDialog.static.commandGroups.other.demote.push( 'save' ); } }() );