/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface MWExtensionWindow class. * * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Mixin for windows for editing generic MediaWiki extensions. * * @class * @abstract * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow = function VeUiMWExtensionWindow() { this.whitespace = null; this.input = null; }; /* Inheritance */ OO.initClass( ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow ); /* Static properties */ /** * Extension is allowed to have empty contents * * @static * @property {boolean} * @inheritable */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.static.allowedEmpty = false; /** * Inspector's directionality, 'ltr' or 'rtl' * * Leave as null to use the directionality of the current fragment. * * @static * @property {string|null} * @inheritable */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.static.dir = null; /* Methods */ /** * @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.initialize = function () { this.input = new ve.ui.WhitespacePreservingTextInputWidget( { limit: 1, multiline: true } ); this.input.$element.addClass( 've-ui-mwExtensionWindow-input' ); }; /** * Get the placeholder text for the content input area. * * @return {string} Placeholder text */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getInputPlaceholder = function () { return ''; }; /** * @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data, process ) { data = data || {}; return process.next( function () { var dir; // Initialization this.whitespace = [ '', '' ]; if ( this.selectedNode ) { this.input.setValueAndWhitespace( this.selectedNode.getAttribute( 'mw' ).body.extsrc ); } else { if ( !this.constructor.static.modelClasses[ 0 ].static.isContent ) { // New nodes should use linebreaks for blocks this.input.setWhitespace( [ '\n', '\n' ] ); } this.input.setValue( '' ); } this.input.$input.attr( 'placeholder', this.getInputPlaceholder() ); dir = this.constructor.static.dir || data.dir; this.input.setRTL( dir === 'rtl' ); }, this ); }; /** * @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data, process ) { return process; }; /** * @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data, process ) { return process; }; /** * @inheritdoc OO.ui.Dialog */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action, process ) { return process.first( function () { if ( action === 'done' ) { if ( this.constructor.static.allowedEmpty || this.input.getInnerValue() !== '' ) { this.insertOrUpdateNode(); } else if ( this.selectedNode && !this.constructor.static.allowedEmpty ) { // Content has been emptied on a node which isn't allowed to // be empty, so delete it. this.removeNode(); } } }, this ); }; /** * Create an new data element for the model class associated with this inspector * * @return {Object} Element data */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.getNewElement = function () { // Extension inspectors which create elements should either match // a single modelClass or override this method. var modelClass = this.constructor.static.modelClasses[ 0 ]; return { type: modelClass.static.name, attributes: { mw: { name: modelClass.static.extensionName, attrs: {}, body: { extsrc: '' } } } }; }; /** * Insert or update the node in the document model from the new values */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.insertOrUpdateNode = function () { var mwData, element, surfaceModel = this.getFragment().getSurface(); if ( this.selectedNode ) { mwData = ve.copy( this.selectedNode.getAttribute( 'mw' ) ); this.updateMwData( mwData ); surfaceModel.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromAttributeChanges( surfaceModel.getDocument(), this.selectedNode.getOuterRange().start, { mw: mwData } ) ); } else { element = this.getNewElement(); this.updateMwData( element.attributes.mw ); // Collapse returns a new fragment, so update this.fragment this.fragment = this.getFragment().collapseToEnd(); this.getFragment().insertContent( [ element, { type: '/' + element.type } ] ); } }; /** * Remove the node form the document model */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.removeNode = function () { this.getFragment().removeContent(); }; /** * Update mwData object with the new values from the inspector * * @param {Object} mwData MediaWiki data object */ ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.prototype.updateMwData = function ( mwData ) { var tagName = mwData.name, value = this.input.getValue(); // XML-like tags in wikitext are not actually XML and don't expect their contents to be escaped. // This means that it is not possible for a tag '' to contain the string ''. // Prevent that by escaping the first angle bracket '<' to '<'. (bug 57429) value = value.replace( new RegExp( '<(/' + tagName + '\\s*>)', 'gi' ), '<$1' ); mwData.body.extsrc = this.whitespace[ 0 ] + value + this.whitespace[ 1 ]; };