module( 've/dm' ); test( '', 79, function() { var documentModel = veTest.obj ); // FIXME: These tests shouldn't use prepareFoo() because those functions // normalize the transactions they create and are tested separately. // We should be creating transactions directly and feeding those into // commit()/rollback() --Roan var elementAttributeChange = documentModel.prepareElementAttributeChange( 0, 'test', 1 ); // Test 1 documentModel, elementAttributeChange ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph', 'attributes': { 'test': 1 } }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies an element attribute change transaction to the content' ); // Test 2 documentModel, elementAttributeChange ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of an element attribute change transaction on the content' ); var contentAnnotation = documentModel.prepareContentAnnotation( new ve.Range( 1, 4 ), 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } ); // Test 3 documentModel, contentAnnotation ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, ['a', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], [ 'c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }, { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies a content annotation transaction to the content' ); // Test 4 documentModel, contentAnnotation ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of a content annotation transaction on the content' ); var insertion = documentModel.prepareInsertion( 3, ['d'] ); // Test 5 documentModel, insertion ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 6 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], 'd', ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies an insertion transaction to the content' ); // Test 6 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], 'd', ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with insertions' ); // Test 7 documentModel, insertion ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of an insertion transaction on the content' ); // Test 8 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with insertions' ); var removal = documentModel.prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( 2, 4 ) ); // Test 9 documentModel, removal ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 3 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies a removal transaction to the content' ); // Test 10 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), ['a'], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with removals' ); // Test 11 documentModel, removal ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of a removal transaction on the content' ); // Test 12 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with removals' ); var paragraphBreak = documentModel.prepareInsertion( 2, [{ 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }] ); // Test 13 documentModel, paragraphBreak ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 7 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'commit applies an insertion transaction that splits the paragraph' ); // Test 14 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), ['a'], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with paragraph split (paragraph 1)' ); // Test 15 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[1].getContentData(), [ ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with paragraph split (paragraph 2)' ); // Test 16 documentModel, paragraphBreak ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses the effect of a paragraph split on the content' ); // Test 17 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with paragraph split (paragraphs are merged back)' ); // Test 18 deepEqual( documentModel.getChildren()[1].getElementType(), 'table', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with paragraph split (table follows the paragraph)' ); var listItemMerge = documentModel.prepareRemoval( new ve.Range( 14, 19 ) ); // Test 19 documentModel, listItemMerge ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 12, 22 ) ), [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ], 'removal merges two list items with paragraphs' ); // Test 20 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children.length, 2, 'removal keeps model tree up to date with list item merge (number of children)' ); // Test 21 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0].children[0].getContentData(), [ 'f' ], 'removal keeps model tree up to date with list item merge (first list item)' ); // Test 22 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[1].children[0].getContentData(), [ 'g' ], 'removal keeps model tree up to date with list item merge (second list item)' ); // Test 23 deepEqual( documentModel.children[2].getContentData(), [ 'h' ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (final paragraph)' ); // Test 24 documentModel, listItemMerge ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 12, 27 ) ), [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ], 'rollback reverses list item merge (splits the list items)' ); // Test 25 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children.length, 3, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (number of children)' ); // Test 26 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0].children[0].getContentData(), [ 'e' ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (first list item)' ); // Test 27 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[1].children[0].getContentData(), [ 'f' ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (second list item)' ); // Test 28 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[2].children[0].getContentData(), [ 'g' ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (third list item)' ); // Test 29 deepEqual( documentModel.children[2].getContentData(), [ 'h' ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list item split (final paragraph)' ); var listSplit = documentModel.prepareInsertion( 17, [{ 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': 'list' }] ); // Test 30 documentModel, listSplit ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 15, 21 ) ), [ { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' } ], 'commit splits list into two lists' ); // Test 31 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.length, 3, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list split (number of children)' ); // Test 32 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getElementType(), 'list', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list split (first list type)' ); // Test 33 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[2].getElementType(), 'list', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list split (second list type)' ); // Test 34 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list split (first list content)' ); // Test 35 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[2].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list split (second list content)' ); // Test 36 documentModel, listSplit ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 15, 19 ) ), [ { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' } ], 'rollback reverses list split' ); // Test 37 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.length, 2, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list split (number of children)' ); // Test 38 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getElementType(), 'list', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list split (first list type)' ); // Test 39 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list split (first list content)' ); var contentReplacement = documentModel.prepareContentReplacement( new ve.Range( 32, 33 ), [ 'i', 'j', 'k' ] ); // Test 40 documentModel, contentReplacement ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 31, 36 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'i', 'j', 'k', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'replacement replaces content' ); // Test 41 documentModel, contentReplacement ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 31, 34 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'h', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback restores content' ); var paragraphToHeading = documentModel.prepareWrap( new ve.Range( 1, 4 ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' } ], [ { 'type': 'heading', 'level': 2 } ], [], [] ); // Test 42 documentModel, paragraphToHeading ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'heading', 'level': 2 }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/heading' } ], 'changing paragraph to heading' ); // Test 43 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getElementType(), 'heading', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (element type)' ); // Test 44 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getElement(), { 'type': 'heading', 'level': 2 }, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (element)' ); // Test 45 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (content data)' ); // Test 46 documentModel, paragraphToHeading ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }], { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], 'rollback puts paragraph back' ); // Test 47 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (element type)' ); // Test 48 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getElement(), { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (element)' ); // Test 49 deepEqual( documentModel.children[0].getContentData(), [ 'a', ['b', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' }], ['c', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/italic"}' }] ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with paragraph->heading change (content data)' ); var unwrapList = documentModel.prepareWrap( new ve.Range( 12, 27 ), [ { 'type': 'list' } ], [] , [ { 'type': 'listItem' } ], [] ); // Test 50 documentModel, unwrapList ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 7, 21 ) ), [ { 'type': 'tableCell' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/tableCell' } ], 'unwrapping the list produces a cell with four adjacent paragraphs' ); // Test 51 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.length, 4, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (number of children)' ); // Test 52 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (first child is a paragraph)' ); // Test 53 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (second child is a paragraph)' ); // Test 54 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[2].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (third child is a paragraph)' ); // Test 55 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[3].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (fourth child is a paragraph)' ); // Test 56 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (content data)' ); // Test 57 documentModel, unwrapList ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 7, 29 ) ), [ { 'type': 'tableCell' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': '/tableCell' } ], 'rollback puts the list back' ); // Test 58 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.length, 2, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (number of children)' ); // Test 59 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].getElementType(), 'paragraph', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (first child is a paragraph)' ); // Test 60 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].getElementType(), 'list', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (second child is a list)' ); // Test 61 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with list unwrap (content data)' ); var replaceTable = documentModel.prepareWrap( new ve.Range( 8, 28 ), [ { 'type': 'table' }, { 'type': 'tableRow' }, { 'type': 'tableCell' } ], [ { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem' } ], [], [] ); // Test 62 documentModel, replaceTable ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 5, 30 ) ), [ { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' } ], 'replacing a table with the list reverses the order of the closing tags correctly' ); // Test 63 deepEqual( documentModel.children.length, 3, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of root node)' ); // Test 64 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].getElementType(), 'list', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (second child of root node is a list)' ); // Test 65 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children.length, 1, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of list)' ); // Test 66 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].getElementType(), 'listItem', 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (child of list is a listItem)' ); // Test 67 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children.length, 2, 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of listItem)' ); // Test 68 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' } ], 'commit keeps model tree up to date with table replace (content data of listItem)' ); // Test 69 documentModel, replaceTable ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 5, 32 ) ), [ { 'type': 'table' }, { 'type': 'tableRow' }, { 'type': 'tableCell' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' }, { 'type': '/tableCell' }, { 'type': '/tableRow' }, { 'type': '/table' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' } ], 'rollback puts the table back' ); // Test 70 deepEqual( documentModel.children.length, 3, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of root node)' ); // Test 71 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].getElementType(), 'table', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (second child of root node is a table)' ); // Test 72 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children.length, 1, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of table)' ); // Test 73 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].getElementType(), 'tableRow', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (child of table is a tableRow)' ); // Test 74 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children.length, 1, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of tableRow)' ); // Test 75 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].getElementType(), 'tableCell', 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (child of tableRow is a tableCell)' ); // Test 76 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.length, 2, 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (number of children of tableCell)' ); // Test 77 deepEqual( documentModel.children[1].children[0].children[0].getContentData(), [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' } ], 'rollback keeps model tree up to date with table replace (content data of tableCell)' ); var replacementWithAnnotations = new; replacementWithAnnotations.pushRetain( 24 ); replacementWithAnnotations.pushStartAnnotating( 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ); replacementWithAnnotations.pushReplace( [ 'g' ], [ 'i', 'j', 'k' ] ); replacementWithAnnotations.pushStopAnnotating( 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ); replacementWithAnnotations.pushRetain( 10 ); // Test 78 documentModel, replacementWithAnnotations ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 24, 27 ) ), [ [ 'i', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ], [ 'j', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ], [ 'k', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold', 'hash': '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}' } ] ], 'replacement replaces content and applies annotations' ); // Test 79 documentModel, replacementWithAnnotations ); deepEqual( documentModel.getData( new ve.Range( 24, 25 ) ), [ 'g' ], 'rollback restores content and removes annotations' ); } );