/*global mw,confirm,alert */ /** * VisualEditor initialization ViewPageTarget class. * * @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Edit page target. * * @class * @constructor * @extends {ve.init.Target} * @param {String} title Page title of target */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget = function() { // Inheritance ve.init.Target.call( this, mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ); // Properties this.$surface = $( '
' ); this.$document = null; this.$spinner = $( '
' ); this.$toolbarSaveButton = $( '
' ); this.$toolbarFeedbackButton = $( '
' ); this.$saveDialog = $( '
' ); this.$saveDialogSaveButton = null; this.onBeforeUnloadFallback = null; this.proxiedOnBeforeUnload = null; this.surface = null; this.active = false; this.edited = false; this.activating = false; this.deactivating = false; this.scrollTop = null; this.proxiedOnSurfaceModelTransact = ve.proxy( this.onSurfaceModelTransact, this ); this.surfaceOptions = { 'toolbars': { 'top': { 'float': !this.isMobileDevice } } }; this.currentUri = new mw.Uri( window.location.toString() ); this.section = this.currentUri.query.vesection || null; this.namespaceName = mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ); this.viewUri = new mw.Uri( mw.util.wikiGetlink( this.pageName ) ); this.editUri = new mw.Uri( this.viewUri.toString() ); this.editUri.extend( { 'action': 'edit' } ); this.veEditUri = new mw.Uri( this.viewUri.toString() ); this.veEditUri.extend( { 'veaction': 'edit' } ); this.isViewPage = ( this.namespaceName === 'VisualEditor' && mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'view' && this.currentUri.query.diff === undefined ); this.canBeActivated = ( this.namespaceName === 'VisualEditor' || this.pageName.substr( 0, 13 ) === 'VisualEditor:' ); // Events this.addListenerMethods( this, { 'load': 'onLoad', 'save': 'onSave', 'loadError': 'onLoadError', 'saveError': 'onSaveError' } ); // Initialization if ( this.canBeActivated ) { this.setupSkinTabs(); this.setupSectionEditLinks(); if ( this.isViewPage ) { this.setupToolbarSaveButton(); this.setupToolbarFeedbackButton(); this.setupSaveDialog(); if ( this.currentUri.query.veaction === 'edit' ) { this.activate(); } } } }; /* Static Members */ /*jshint multistr: true*/ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.saveDialogTemplate = '\
\ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \

'; /* Methods */ /** * Switches to edit mode. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.activate = function() { if ( !this.active && !this.activating ) { this.activating = true; // User interface changes this.transformSkinTabs(); this.hideSiteNotice(); this.showSpinner(); this.hideTableOfContents(); this.mutePageContent(); this.mutePageTitle(); this.saveScrollPosition(); this.load(); } }; /** * Switches to view mode. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.deactivate = function( override ) { if ( this.active && !this.deactivating ) { if ( override || !this.surface.getModel().getHistory().length || confirm( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-viewpage-savewarning' ) ) ) { this.deactivating = true; // User interface changes this.restoreSkinTabs(); this.restoreSiteNotice(); this.hideSpinner(); this.detachToolbarSaveButton(); this.detachToolbarFeedbackButton(); this.detachSaveDialog(); this.tearDownSurface(); this.showTableOfContents(); this.deactivating = false; } } }; /** * Handles successful DOM load event. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} dom Parsed DOM from server */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onLoad = function( dom ) { this.edited = false; this.setUpSurface( dom ); this.attachToolbarSaveButton(); this.attachToolbarFeedbackButton(); this.attachSaveDialog(); this.restoreScrollPosition(); this.restoreEditSection(); this.setupBeforeUnloadHandler(); this.$document.focus(); this.activating = false; }; /** * Handles failed DOM load event. * * @method * @param {Object} data HTTP Response object * @param {String} status Text status message * @param {Mixed} error Thrown exception or HTTP error string */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onLoadError = function( response, status, error ) { if ( confirm( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-loadwarning', status ) ) ) { this.load(); } else { this.activating = false; this.restoreSkinTabs(); this.hideSpinner(); this.showTableOfContents(); this.showPageContent(); this.restorePageTitle(); } }; /** * Handles successful DOM save event. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} html Rendered HTML from server */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onSave = function( html ) { if ( Number( mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId', 0 ) ) === 0 ) { // This is a page creation, refresh the page this.teardownBeforeUnloadHandler(); window.location.href = this.viewUri; } else { // Update watch link to match 'watch checkbox' in save dialog. // User logged in if module loaded. if ( mw.page.hasOwnProperty( 'watch' ) ) { var watchPage = this.$saveDialog .find( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList') .prop( 'checked' ); mw.page.watch.updateWatchLink( $('#ca-watch a, #ca-unwatch a'), watchPage === true ? 'unwatch': 'watch' ); } this.hideSaveDialog(); this.resetSaveDialog(); this.replacePageContent( html ); this.teardownBeforeUnloadHandler(); this.deactivate( true ); } }; /** * Handles failed DOM save event. * * @method * @param {Object} data HTTP Response object * @param {String} status Text status message * @param {Mixed} error Thrown exception or HTTP error string */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onSaveError = function( response, status, error ) { alert( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-saveerror', status ) ); }; /** * Handles clicks on the edit tab. * * @method * @param {Event} e DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onEditTabClick = function( event ) { this.activate(); // Prevent the edit tab's normal behavior event.preventDefault(); return false; }; /** * Handles clicks on a section edit link. * * @method * @param {Event} event DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onEditSectionLinkClick = function( event ) { this.saveEditSection( $( event.target ).closest( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' )[0] ); this.activate(); // Prevent the edit tab's normal behavior event.preventDefault(); return false; }; /** * Handles clicks on the view tab. * * @method * @param {Event} event DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onViewTabClick = function( event ) { if ( this.active ) { this.deactivate(); // Prevent the edit tab's normal behavior event.preventDefault(); return false; } }; /** * Handles clicks on the save button in the toolbar. * * @method * @param {Event} event DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onToolbarSaveButtonClick = function( event ) { if ( this.edited ) { this.showSaveDialog(); } }; /** * Handles the first transaction in the surface model. * * This handler is removed the first time it's used, but added each time the surface is setup. * * @method * @param {ve.Transaction} tx Processed transaction */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onSurfaceModelTransact = function( tx ) { this.edited = true; this.enableToolbarSaveButton(); this.surface.getModel().removeListener( 'transact', this.proxiedOnSurfaceModelTransact ); }; /** * Handles clicks on the save button in the save dialog. * * @method * @param {Event} event DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onSaveDialogSaveButtonClick = function( event ) { this.lockSaveDialogSaveButton(); this.save( ve.dm.converter.getDomFromData( this.surface.getDocumentModel().getData() ), { 'summary': $( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-editSummary' ).val(), 'minor': $( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-minorEdit' ).prop( 'checked' ), 'watch': $( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList' ).prop( 'checked' ) }, ve.proxy( this.onSave, this ) ); }; /** * Handles clicks on the close button in the save dialog. * * @method * @param {Event} event DOM event */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onSaveDialogCloseButtonClick = function( event ) { this.hideSaveDialog(); }; /** * Switches to editing mode. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} dom HTML DOM to edit */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setUpSurface = function( dom ) { // Initialize surface this.attachSurface(); this.surface = new ve.Surface( this.$surface, dom, this.surfaceOptions ); this.$document = this.$surface.find( '.ve-ce-documentNode' ); this.surface.getModel().on( 'transact', this.proxiedOnSurfaceModelTransact ); // Transplant the toolbar this.attachToolbar(); this.transformPageTitle(); // Update UI this.hidePageContent(); this.hideSpinner(); this.disableToolbarSaveButton(); this.active = true; }; /** * Switches to viewing mode. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.tearDownSurface = function() { // Reset tabs this.restoreSkinTabs(); // Update UI this.$document.blur(); this.$document = null; this.$surface.empty().detach(); $( '.es-contextView' ).remove(); this.detachToolbar(); this.hideSpinner(); this.showPageContent(); this.restorePageTitle(); this.showTableOfContents(); // Remove handler if it's still active this.surface.getModel().removeListener( 'transact', this.proxiedOnSurfaceModelTransact ); // Destroy editor this.surface = null; this.active = false; }; /** * Modifies tabs in the skin to support in-place editing. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupSkinTabs = function() { // Only sysop users will have an edit tab in this namespace, so we might need to add one if ( $( '#ca-edit' ).length === 0 ) { // Add edit tab var action = Number( mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId', 0 ) ) === 0 ? 'create' : 'edit'; mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-views', '#', ve.msg( action ), // 'edit' or 'create' 'ca-edit', ve.msg( 'tooltip-ca-edit' ), ve.msg( 'accesskey-ca-edit' ), '#ca-history' ); // If there isn't an edit tab, there's a view source tab we need to replace with edit source var $viewSource = $( '#ca-viewsource' ); if ( $viewSource.length > 0 ) { // "Move" the view source link to p-actions mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', $viewSource.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ), $viewSource.find( 'a' ).text(), $viewSource.attr( 'id' ) ); // Remove the view original source link $viewSource.remove(); } } else { // Sysop users will need a new edit source tab since we are highjacking the edit tab mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', this.editUri, ve.msg( 'visualeditor-ca-editsource' ), 'ca-editsource' ); } if ( this.isViewPage ) { // Allow instant-editing $( '#ca-edit a' ).click( ve.proxy( this.onEditTabClick, this ) ); $( '#ca-view a, #ca-nstab-visualeditor a' ).click( ve.proxy( this.onViewTabClick, this ) ); } else { // Route edits through the view page $( '#ca-edit a' ).attr( 'href', this.veEditUri ); } // Source editing shouldn't highlight the edit tab if ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'edit' ) { $( '#p-views' ).find( 'li.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); } // Fix the URL if there was a veaction param in it if ( this.currentUri.query.veaction === 'edit' && window.history.replaceState ) { var title = $( 'head title' ).text(); window.history.replaceState( null, title, this.viewUri ); } }; /** * Modifies page content to make section edit links activate the editor. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupSectionEditLinks = function() { var $links = $( '#mw-content-text .editsection a' ); if ( this.isViewPage ) { $links.click( ve.proxy( this.onEditSectionLinkClick, this ) ); } else { var veEditUri = this.veEditUri; $links.each( function() { var veSectionEditUri = new mw.Uri( veEditUri.toString() ), sectionEditUri = new mw.Uri( $(this).attr( 'href' ) ); veSectionEditUri.extend( { 'vesection': sectionEditUri.query.section } ); $(this).attr( 'href', veSectionEditUri ); } ); } }; /** * Adds content and event bindings to the save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupToolbarSaveButton = function() { this.$toolbarSaveButton .append( $( '' ) .text( ve.msg( 'savearticle' ) ) ) .append( $( '' ) ) .bind( { 'mousedown': function( event ) { $(this).addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-toolbar-saveButton-down' ); event.preventDefault(); return false; }, 'mouseleave mouseup': function( event ) { $(this).removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-toolbar-saveButton-down' ); event.preventDefault(); return false; }, 'click': ve.proxy( this.onToolbarSaveButtonClick, this ) } ); }; /** * Adds the save button to the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.attachToolbarSaveButton = function() { $( '.es-toolbar .es-modes' ).append( this.$toolbarSaveButton ); this.disableToolbarSaveButton(); }; /** * Removes the save button from the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.detachToolbarSaveButton = function() { this.$toolbarSaveButton.detach(); }; /** * Adds content and event bindings to the save dialog. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupSaveDialog = function() { this.$saveDialog .html( ve.init.ViewPageTarget.saveDialogTemplate ) .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-title' ) .text( ve.msg( 'tooltip-save' ) ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-closeButton' ) .click( ve.proxy( this.onSaveDialogCloseButtonClick, this ) ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-editSummary-label' ) // This will be updated to use ve.specialMessages.summary later .text( ve.msg( 'summary' ) ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-minorEdit-label' ) .text( ve.msg( 'minoredit' ) ) .end() .find( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList' ) .prop( 'checked', mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditor' ).isPageWatched ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList-label' ) .text( ve.msg( 'watchthis' ) ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton' ) .bind( { 'mousedown': function() { $(this).addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton-down' ); }, 'mouseleave mouseup': function() { $(this).removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton-down' ); }, 'click': ve.proxy( this.onSaveDialogSaveButtonClick, this ) } ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton-label' ) .text( ve.msg( 'savearticle' ) ) .end() .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-license' ) // FIXME license text is hardcoded English .html( "By editing this page, you agree to irrevocably release your \ contributions under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License. If you don't want your \ writing to be edited mercilessly and redistrubuted at will, then \ don't submit it here.

You are also confirming that you \ wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free \ resource. See Project:Copyright for full details of the licenses \ used on this site.\ DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!" ); this.$saveDialogSaveButton = this.$saveDialog .find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton' ); // Hook onto the 'watch' event on by mediawiki.page.watch.ajax.js // Triggered when mw.page.watch.updateWatchLink(link, action) is called $( '#ca-watch, #ca-unwatch' ) .on( 'watchpage.mw', ve.proxy( function( e, action ){ this.$saveDialog .find( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList') .prop( 'checked', ( action === 'watch') ); }, this ) ); }; /** * Adds the save dialog to the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.attachSaveDialog = function() { // Update the summary and minoredit messages from ve.specialMessages this.$saveDialog.find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-editSummary-label' ) .html( ve.specialMessages.summary ); this.$saveDialog.find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-minorEdit-label' ) .html( ve.specialMessages.minoredit ); this.$saveDialog.find( '.ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-watchList-label' ) .html( ve.specialMessages.watchthis ); this.$saveDialog.appendTo( this.$toolbarWrapper ); }; /** * Removes the save dialog from the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.detachSaveDialog = function() { this.$saveDialog.detach(); }; /** * Remembers the window's scroll position. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.saveScrollPosition = function() { this.scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(); }; /** * Restores the window's scroll position. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.restoreScrollPosition = function() { if ( this.scrollTop ) { $( window ).scrollTop( this.scrollTop ); this.scrollTop = null; } }; /** * Shows the loading spinner. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.showSpinner = function() { this.$spinner.prependTo( $( '#firstHeading' ) ); }; /** * Hides the loading spinner. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.hideSpinner = function() { this.$spinner.detach(); }; /** * Shows the page content. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.showPageContent = function() { $( '#bodyContent >.ve-init-viewPageTarget-content' ) .removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-content' ) .show() .fadeTo( 0, 1 ); }; /** * Mutes the page content. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.mutePageContent = function() { $( '#bodyContent >:visible:not(#siteSub)' ) .addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-content' ) .fadeTo( 'fast', 0.6 ); }; /** * Hides the page content. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.hidePageContent = function() { $( '#bodyContent >:visible:not(#siteSub)' ) .addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-content' ) .hide(); }; /** * Shows the table of contents in the view mode. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.showTableOfContents = function() { $( '#toc' ).slideDown( 'fast', function() { $(this).removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-pageToc' ); } ); }; /** * Hides the table of contents in the view mode. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.hideTableOfContents = function() { $( '#toc' ).addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-pageToc' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); }; /** * Shows the save dialog. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.showSaveDialog = function() { this.unlockSaveDialogSaveButton(); this.$saveDialog.fadeIn( 'fast' ).find( 'input:first' ).focus(); }; /** * Hides the save dialog * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.hideSaveDialog = function() { this.$saveDialog.fadeOut( 'fast' ); this.$document.focus(); }; /** * Resets the fields of the save dialog * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.resetSaveDialog = function() { this.$saveDialog .find( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-editSummary' ) .val( '' ) .end() .find( '#ve-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-minorEdit' ) .prop( 'checked', false ); }; /** * Enables the toolbar save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.enableToolbarSaveButton = function() { this.$toolbarSaveButton.removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-toolbar-saveButton-disabled' ); }; /** * Disables the toolbar save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.disableToolbarSaveButton = function() { this.$toolbarSaveButton.addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-toolbar-saveButton-disabled' ); }; /** * Enables the save dialog save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.unlockSaveDialogSaveButton = function() { this.$saveDialogSaveButton.removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton-saving' ); }; /** * Disables the save dialog save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.lockSaveDialogSaveButton = function() { this.$saveDialogSaveButton.addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-saveDialog-saveButton-saving' ); }; /** * Shows the toolbar. * * This also transplants the toolbar to a new location. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.attachToolbar = function() { this.$toolbarWrapper = this.$surface.find( '.es-toolbar-wrapper' ); this.$toolbarWrapper .insertBefore( $( '#firstHeading' ) ) .find( '.es-toolbar' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); }; /** * Hides the toolbar. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.detachToolbar = function() { $( '.es-toolbar' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() { $(this).parent().remove(); } ); }; /** * Enables the toolbar save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.transformPageTitle = function() { $( '#firstHeading' ).addClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-pageTitle' ); }; /** * Enables the toolbar save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.mutePageTitle = function() { $( '#firstHeading, #siteSub:visible' ).fadeTo( 'fast', 0.6 ); }; /** * Disables the toolbar save button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.restorePageTitle = function() { $( '#firstHeading, #siteSub:visible' ).fadeTo( 'fast', 1 ); setTimeout( function() { $( '#firstHeading' ).removeClass( 've-init-viewPageTarget-pageTitle' ); }, 1000 ); }; /** * Modifies page tabs to show that editing is taking place. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.transformSkinTabs = function() { $( '#p-views' ).find( 'li.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $( '#ca-edit' ).addClass( 'selected' ); }; /** * Modifies page tabs to show that viewing is taking place. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.restoreSkinTabs = function() { $( '#p-views' ).find( 'li.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $( '#ca-view' ).addClass( 'selected' ); }; /** * Hides site notice on page if present. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.hideSiteNotice = function(){ $( '#siteNotice:visible' ) .addClass( 've-hide' ) .slideUp( 'fast' ); }; /** * Show site notice on page if present. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.restoreSiteNotice = function(){ $(' #siteNotice.ve-hide' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); }; /** * Replaces the page content with new HTML. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} html Rendered HTML from server */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.replacePageContent = function( html ) { $( '#mw-content-text' ).html( html ); }; /** * Attaches the surface to the page. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.attachSurface = function() { $( '#content' ).append( this.$surface ); }; /** * Attaches the surface to the page. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.detachSurface = function() { this.$surface.detach(); $( '.es-contextView' ).remove(); }; /** * Gets the numeric index of a section in the page. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} heading Heading element of section */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.getEditSection = function( heading ) { var $page = $( '#mw-content-text' ), section = 0; $page.find( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' ).not( '#toc h2' ).each( function() { section++; if ( this === heading ) { return false; } } ); return section; }; /** * Gets the numeric index of a section in the page. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} heading Heading element of section */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.saveEditSection = function( heading ) { this.section = this.getEditSection( heading ); }; /** * Moves the cursor in the editor to a given section. * * @method * @param {Number} section Section to move cursor to */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.restoreEditSection = function() { if ( this.section !== null ) { var surfaceView = this.surface.getView(), surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(); this.$document.find( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' ).eq( this.section - 1 ).each( function() { var headingNode = $(this).data( 'node' ); if ( headingNode ) { var offset = surfaceModel.getDocument().getNearestContentOffset( headingNode.getModel().getOffset() ); surfaceModel.change( null, new ve.Range( offset, offset ) ); surfaceView.showSelection( surfaceModel.getSelection() ); } } ); this.section = null; } }; /** * Adds onbeforunload handler. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupBeforeUnloadHandler = function() { // Remember any already set on before unload handler this.onBeforeUnloadFallback = window.onbeforeunload; // Attach before unload handler window.onbeforeunload = this.proxiedOnBeforeUnload = ve.proxy( this.onBeforeUnload, this ); // Attach page show handlers if ( window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'pageshow', ve.proxy( this.onPageShow, this ), false ); } else if ( window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'pageshow', ve.proxy( this.onPageShow, this ) ); } }; /** * Removes onbeforunload handler. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.teardownBeforeUnloadHandler = function() { // Restore whatever previous onbeforeload hook existed window.onbeforeunload = this.onBeforeUnloadFallback; }; /** * Responds to page show event. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onPageShow = function() { // Re-add onbeforeunload handler window.onbeforeunload = this.proxiedOnBeforeUnload; }; /** * Responds to before unload event. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.onBeforeUnload = function() { var fallbackResult, message, proxiedOnBeforeUnload = this.proxiedOnBeforeUnload; // Check if someone already set on onbeforeunload hook if ( this.onBeforeUnloadFallback ) { // Get the result of their onbeforeunload hook fallbackResult = this.onBeforeUnloadFallback(); } // Check if their onbeforeunload hook returned something if ( fallbackResult !== undefined ) { // Exit here, returning their message message = fallbackResult; } else { // Check if there's been an edit if ( this.surface.getModel().getHistory().length ) { // Return our message message = ve.msg( 'visualeditor-viewpage-savewarning' ); } } // Unset the onbeforeunload handler so we don't break page caching in Firefox window.onbeforeunload = null; if ( message !== undefined ) { // ...but if the user chooses not to leave the page, we need to rebind it setTimeout( function() { window.onbeforeunload = proxiedOnBeforeUnload; } ); return message; } }; /** * Sets up the feedback button. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.setupToolbarFeedbackButton = function() { var feedback = new mw.Feedback( { 'title': new mw.Title( 'Visual editor/Feedback' ), 'dialogTitleMessageKey': 'visualeditor-feedback-dialog-title', 'bugsLink': new mw.Uri( 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=VisualEditor' ), 'bugsListLink': new mw.Uri( 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&resolution=---&' + 'resolution=LATER&resolution=DUPLICATE&product=VisualEditor' ) } ); this.$toolbarFeedbackButton.find( 'a' ) .text( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-feedback-prompt' ) ) .click( function() { feedback.launch(); } ); }; /** * Adds the feedback button to the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.attachToolbarFeedbackButton = function() { $( '.es-toolbar .es-modes' ).prepend( this.$toolbarFeedbackButton ); }; /** * Removes the feedback button from the user interface. * * @method */ ve.init.ViewPageTarget.prototype.detachToolbarFeedbackButton = function() { this.$toolbarFeedbackButton.detach(); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.extendClass( ve.init.ViewPageTarget, ve.init.Target ); /* Initialization */ ve.init.viewPageTarget = new ve.init.ViewPageTarget();