# Contributing to VisualEditor Thank you for helping us develop VisualEditor! We inherit the contribution guidelines from VisualEditor core. Be sure to read the [Contribution guidelines](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/VisualEditor/VisualEditor/+/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) in the VisualEditor repository. ## Running tests The VisualEditor plugins for MediaWiki can be tested within your MediaWiki install. [Configure your wiki](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:JavaScript_unit_testing) to allow running of tests. In `LocalSettings.php`, set: ```php // https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:JavaScript_unit_testing $wgEnableJavaScriptTest = true; ``` Then open `http://URL_OF_MEDIAWIKI/index.php/Special:JavaScriptTest/qunit` (for example, ). Node-based code linting tests can be run locally using npm – run:
npm install && npm test
## Pre-commit hook A pre-commit git hook script exists which will help flag up any issues and avoid irritating code review steps for you and reviewers. Simply do:
ln -s bin/pre-commit.sh ../.git/hooks/pre-commit