/*! * VisualEditor MediaWiki Initialization ViewportZoomHandler class. * * @copyright 2011-2020 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Prevent iOS browsers from wrongly zooming in the page when the surface is focussed. (T216446) * * When the user places a cursor for text input anywhere on the page, iOS browsers zoom in the page * to ensure the text size is legible and the cursor can be comfortably placed in the right place * with a finger. * * There's a browser bug that, on some devices (e.g. iPhone XS, but not iPhone SE), causes this * zoom to occur even though our text is already using the required minimum font size (16px). * Additionally, the zoom occurs when placing the cursor in image captions, which intentionally * use a smaller font size. * * In both cases the zoom is more problematic than helpful, because it causes parts of the toolbar * to disappear outside the viewport. * * To prevent it, temporarily add a tag like `<meta name="viewport" content="maximum-scale=1.0">` * to the page when the user is about to focus the editing surface. However, on iOS Chrome, this * also prevents intentional pinch-zoom. To avoid this, immediately remove the tag again after * focussing, or if it looks like the user is trying to zoom (used multi-touch or caused a scroll). * * @class * @constructor */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler = function VeInitMwViewportZoomHandler() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector this.$viewportMeta = $( 'meta[name="viewport"]' ); if ( !this.$viewportMeta.length ) { this.$viewportMeta = $( '<meta>' ).attr( 'name', 'viewport' ).appendTo( document.head ); } this.origViewportMetaContent = this.$viewportMeta.attr( 'content' ); this.onTouchStartHandler = this.onTouchStart.bind( this ); this.onTouchMoveHandler = this.onTouchMove.bind( this ); this.onTouchEndHandler = this.onTouchEnd.bind( this ); }; /* Methods */ /** * Change the `<meta name="viewport">` tag to prevent automatic zooming. */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.preventZoom = function () { this.$viewportMeta.attr( 'content', function ( i, val ) { // Remove existing maximum-scale, if any, and add 'maximum-scale=1.0'. Don't change other values. if ( val ) { val = val.replace( /maximum-scale=[\d.]+(,\s*|$)/, '' ); val += ', '; } else { val = ''; } return val + 'maximum-scale=1.0'; } ); }; /** * Change the `<meta name="viewport">` tag to allow automatic zooming once again. */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.allowZoom = function () { this.$viewportMeta.attr( 'content', this.origViewportMetaContent ); }; /** * Start listening to events and preventing zooming. * * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.attach = function ( surface ) { this.surface = surface; this.surface.getView().$element.on( { touchstart: this.onTouchStartHandler, touchmove: this.onTouchMoveHandler, touchend: this.onTouchEndHandler } ); this.surface.getModel().connect( this, { focus: 'onFocus' } ); }; /** * Stop listening to events. */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.detach = function () { this.surface.getView().$element.off( { touchstart: this.onTouchStartHandler, touchmove: this.onTouchMoveHandler, touchend: this.onTouchEndHandler } ); this.surface.getModel().disconnect( this, { focus: 'onFocus' } ); this.surface = null; }; /** * Handle touch start events. * * @param {jQuery.Event} e Touch start event */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.onTouchStart = function ( e ) { if ( e.touches.length === 1 ) { this.wasMoved = false; } this.allowZoom(); }; /** * Handle touch move events. * * @param {jQuery.Event} e Touch move event */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.onTouchMove = function () { this.wasMoved = true; }; /** * Handle touch end events. * * @param {jQuery.Event} e Touch end event */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.onTouchEnd = function ( e ) { if ( e.touches.length === 0 && !this.wasMoved ) { // There was a single touch point, that hasn't moved, and now it's gone. // Looks like we're going to focus the surface, so prevent automatic zoom. this.preventZoom(); } else { // Otherwise, allow zoom, so that the user can pinch-zoom this.allowZoom(); } }; /** * Handle surface model focus events. */ ve.init.mw.ViewportZoomHandler.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.allowZoom(); };