/*global pluralRuleParser */ ( function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; var language = { // CLDR plural rules generated using // libs/CLDRPluralRuleParser/tools/PluralXML2JSON.html 'pluralRules': { 'ak': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'am': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'ar': { 'zero': 'n = 0', 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2', 'few': 'n % 100 = 3..10', 'many': 'n % 100 = 11..99' }, 'be': { 'one': 'n % 10 = 1 and n % 100 != 11', 'few': 'n % 10 = 2..4 and n % 100 != 12..14', 'many': 'n % 10 = 0 or n % 10 = 5..9 or n % 100 = 11..14' }, 'bh': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'bn': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'br': { 'one': 'n % 10 = 1 and n % 100 != 11,71,91', 'two': 'n % 10 = 2 and n % 100 != 12,72,92', 'few': 'n % 10 = 3..4,9 and n % 100 != 10..19,70..79,90..99', 'many': 'n != 0 and n % 1000000 = 0' }, 'bs': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11 or f % 10 = 1 and f % 100 != 11', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14 or f % 10 = 2..4 and f % 100 != 12..14' }, 'cs': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'few': 'i = 2..4 and v = 0', 'many': 'v != 0' }, 'cy': { 'zero': 'n = 0', 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2', 'few': 'n = 3', 'many': 'n = 6' }, 'da': { 'one': 'n = 1 or t != 0 and i = 0,1' }, 'fa': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'ff': { 'one': 'i = 0,1' }, 'fil': { 'one': 'i = 0..1 and v = 0' }, 'fr': { 'one': 'i = 0,1' }, 'ga': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2', 'few': 'n = 3..6', 'many': 'n = 7..10' }, 'gd': { 'one': 'n = 1,11', 'two': 'n = 2,12', 'few': 'n = 3..10,13..19' }, 'gu': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'guw': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'gv': { 'one': 'n % 10 = 1', 'two': 'n % 10 = 2', 'few': 'n % 100 = 0,20,40,60' }, 'he': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'two': 'i = 2 and v = 0', 'many': 'v = 0 and n != 0..10 and n % 10 = 0' }, 'hi': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'hr': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11 or f % 10 = 1 and f % 100 != 11', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14 or f % 10 = 2..4 and f % 100 != 12..14' }, 'hy': { 'one': 'i = 0,1' }, 'is': { 'one': 't = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11 or t != 0' }, 'iu': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'iw': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'two': 'i = 2 and v = 0', 'many': 'v = 0 and n != 0..10 and n % 10 = 0' }, 'kab': { 'one': 'i = 0,1' }, 'kn': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'kw': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'lag': { 'zero': 'n = 0', 'one': 'i = 0,1 and n != 0' }, 'ln': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'lt': { 'one': 'n % 10 = 1 and n % 100 != 11..19', 'few': 'n % 10 = 2..9 and n % 100 != 11..19', 'many': 'f != 0' }, 'lv': { 'zero': 'n % 10 = 0 or n % 100 = 11..19 or v = 2 and f % 100 = 11..19', 'one': 'n % 10 = 1 and n % 100 != 11 or v = 2 and f % 10 = 1 and f % 100 != 11 or v != 2 and f % 10 = 1' }, 'mg': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'mk': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 or f % 10 = 1' }, 'mo': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'few': 'v != 0 or n = 0 or n != 1 and n % 100 = 1..19' }, 'mr': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' }, 'mt': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'few': 'n = 0 or n % 100 = 2..10', 'many': 'n % 100 = 11..19' }, 'naq': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'nso': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'pa': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'pl': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14', 'many': 'v = 0 and i != 1 and i % 10 = 0..1 or v = 0 and i % 10 = 5..9 or v = 0 and i % 100 = 12..14' }, 'pt': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0 or i = 0 and t = 1' }, 'pt_PT': { 'one': 'n = 1 and v = 0' }, 'ro': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'few': 'v != 0 or n = 0 or n != 1 and n % 100 = 1..19' }, 'ru': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11', 'many': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 0 or v = 0 and i % 10 = 5..9 or v = 0 and i % 100 = 11..14' }, 'se': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'sh': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11 or f % 10 = 1 and f % 100 != 11', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14 or f % 10 = 2..4 and f % 100 != 12..14' }, 'shi': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1', 'few': 'n = 2..10' }, 'si': { 'one': 'n = 0,1 or i = 0 and f = 1' }, 'sk': { 'one': 'i = 1 and v = 0', 'few': 'i = 2..4 and v = 0', 'many': 'v != 0' }, 'sl': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 100 = 1', 'two': 'v = 0 and i % 100 = 2', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 100 = 3..4 or v != 0' }, 'sma': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'smi': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'smj': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'smn': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'sms': { 'one': 'n = 1', 'two': 'n = 2' }, 'sr': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11 or f % 10 = 1 and f % 100 != 11', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14 or f % 10 = 2..4 and f % 100 != 12..14' }, 'ti': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'tl': { 'one': 'i = 0..1 and v = 0' }, 'tzm': { 'one': 'n = 0..1 or n = 11..99' }, 'uk': { 'one': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 1 and i % 100 != 11', 'few': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 2..4 and i % 100 != 12..14', 'many': 'v = 0 and i % 10 = 0 or v = 0 and i % 10 = 5..9 or v = 0 and i % 100 = 11..14' }, 'wa': { 'one': 'n = 0..1' }, 'zu': { 'one': 'i = 0 or n = 1' } }, /** * Plural form transformations, needed for some languages. * * @param count * integer Non-localized quantifier * @param forms * array List of plural forms * @return string Correct form for quantifier in this language */ convertPlural: function ( count, forms ) { var pluralRules, pluralFormIndex, index, explicitPluralPattern = new RegExp('\\d+=', 'i'), formCount, form; if ( !forms || forms.length === 0 ) { return ''; } // Handle for Explicit 0= & 1= values for ( index = 0; index < forms.length; index++ ) { form = forms[index]; if ( explicitPluralPattern.test( form ) ) { formCount = parseInt( form.substring( 0, form.indexOf( '=' ) ), 10 ); if ( formCount === count ) { return ( form.substr( form.indexOf( '=' ) + 1 ) ); } forms[index] = undefined; } } forms = $.map( forms, function ( form ) { if ( form !== undefined ) { return form; } } ); pluralRules = this.pluralRules[$.i18n().locale]; if ( !pluralRules ) { // default fallback. return ( count === 1 ) ? forms[0] : forms[1]; } pluralFormIndex = this.getPluralForm( count, pluralRules ); pluralFormIndex = Math.min( pluralFormIndex, forms.length - 1 ); return forms[pluralFormIndex]; }, /** * For the number, get the plural for index * * @param number * @param pluralRules * @return plural form index */ getPluralForm: function ( number, pluralRules ) { var i, pluralForms = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other' ], pluralFormIndex = 0; for ( i = 0; i < pluralForms.length; i++ ) { if ( pluralRules[pluralForms[i]] ) { if ( pluralRuleParser( pluralRules[pluralForms[i]], number ) ) { return pluralFormIndex; } pluralFormIndex++; } } return pluralFormIndex; }, /** * Converts a number using digitTransformTable. * * @param {number} num Value to be converted * @param {boolean} integer Convert the return value to an integer */ 'convertNumber': function ( num, integer ) { var tmp, item, i, transformTable, numberString, convertedNumber; // Set the target Transform table: transformTable = this.digitTransformTable( $.i18n().locale ); numberString = '' + num; convertedNumber = ''; if ( !transformTable ) { return num; } // Check if the restore to Latin number flag is set: if ( integer ) { if ( parseFloat( num, 10 ) === num ) { return num; } tmp = []; for ( item in transformTable ) { tmp[transformTable[item]] = item; } transformTable = tmp; } for ( i = 0; i < numberString.length; i++ ) { if ( transformTable[numberString[i]] ) { convertedNumber += transformTable[numberString[i]]; } else { convertedNumber += numberString[i]; } } return integer ? parseFloat( convertedNumber, 10 ) : convertedNumber; }, /** * Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages. * Invoked by putting {{grammar:form|word}} in a message. * Override this method for languages that need special grammar rules * applied dynamically. * * @param word {String} * @param form {String} * @return {String} */ convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) { /*jshint unused: false */ return word; }, /** * Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender. Usage * {{gender:[gender|user object]|masculine|feminine|neutral}}. If second * or third parameter are not specified, masculine is used. * * These details may be overriden per language. * * @param gender * string male, female, or anything else for neutral. * @param forms * array List of gender forms * * @return string */ 'gender': function ( gender, forms ) { if ( !forms || forms.length === 0 ) { return ''; } while ( forms.length < 2 ) { forms.push( forms[forms.length - 1] ); } if ( gender === 'male' ) { return forms[0]; } if ( gender === 'female' ) { return forms[1]; } return ( forms.length === 3 ) ? forms[2] : forms[0]; }, /** * Get the digit transform table for the given language * See http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/numbering-systems * @param language * @returns {Array|boolean} List of digits in the passed language or false * representation, or boolean false if there is no information. */ digitTransformTable: function ( language ) { var tables = { ar: '٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩', fa: '۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹', ml: '൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯', kn: '೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯', lo: '໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙', or: '୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯', kh: '០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩', pa: '੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯', gu: '૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯', hi: '०१२३४५६७८९', my: '၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉', ta: '௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯', te: '౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౮౯', th: '๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙', //FIXME use iso 639 codes bo: '༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩' //FIXME use iso 639 codes }; if ( !tables[language] ) { return false; } return tables[language].split( '' ); } }; $.extend( $.i18n.languages, { 'default': language } ); }( jQuery ) );