/*! * VisualEditor DataModel MWInternalLinkAnnotation tests. * * @copyright 2011-2017 VisualEditor Team and others; see http://ve.mit-license.org */ QUnit.module( 've.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation' ); QUnit.test( 'toDataElement', function ( assert ) { var i, l, doc = ve.dm.example.createExampleDocument(), internalLink = function ( pageTitle ) { var link = document.createElement( 'a' ); link.setAttribute( 'href', location.origin + mw.Title.newFromText( pageTitle ).getUrl() ); return link; }, cases = [ { msg: 'Simple', element: internalLink( 'Foo' ), expected: { type: 'link/mwInternal', attributes: { hrefPrefix: '', lookupTitle: 'Foo', normalizedTitle: 'Foo', origTitle: 'Foo', title: 'Foo' } } }, { // Because percent-encoded URLs aren't valid titles, but what they decode to might be msg: 'Percent encoded characters', element: internalLink( 'Foo?' ), expected: { type: 'link/mwInternal', attributes: { hrefPrefix: '', lookupTitle: 'Foo?', normalizedTitle: 'Foo?', origTitle: 'Foo%3F', title: 'Foo?' } } } ], converter = new ve.dm.Converter( ve.dm.modelRegistry, ve.dm.nodeFactory, ve.dm.annotationFactory, ve.dm.metaItemFactory ); // toDataElement is called during a converter run, so we need to fake up a bit of state to test it. // This would normally be done by ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom. converter.doc = doc.getHtmlDocument(); converter.targetDoc = doc.getHtmlDocument(); converter.store = doc.getStore(); converter.internalList = doc.getInternalList(); converter.contextStack = []; for ( i = 0, l = cases.length; i < l; i++ ) { assert.deepEqual( ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation.static.toDataElement( [ cases[ i ].element ], converter ), cases[ i ].expected, cases[ i ].msg ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'getFragment', function ( assert ) { var i, l, cases = [ { msg: 'No fragment returns null', original: 'Foo', expected: null }, { msg: 'Invalid title returns null', original: 'A%20B', expected: null }, { msg: 'Blank fragment returns empty string', original: 'Foo#', expected: '' }, { msg: 'Extant fragment returns same string', original: 'Foo#bar', expected: 'bar' }, { msg: 'Hash-bang works returns full string', original: 'Foo#!bar', expected: '!bar' }, { msg: 'Double-hash returns everything after the first hash', original: 'Foo##bar', expected: '#bar' }, { msg: 'Multi-fragment returns everything after the first hash', original: 'Foo#bar#baz#bat', expected: 'bar#baz#bat' } ]; for ( i = 0, l = cases.length; i < l; i++ ) { assert.deepEqual( ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation.static.getFragment( cases[ i ].original ), cases[ i ].expected, cases[ i ].msg ); } } );